British Columbia

British Columbia
British Columbian.
a province in W Canada on the Pacific coast. 2,406,212; 366,255 sq. mi. (948,600 sq. km). Cap.: Victoria.

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Province (pop., 2001: 3,907,738), western Canada.

It is bounded by Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories, Alberta, the Pacific Ocean, and the U.S. (including Alaska). The province has an area of 365,948 sq mi (947,800 sq km), and its capital is Victoria. The area was inhabited by indigenous peoples, including Coast Salish, Nootka, Kwakiutl, and Haida. It was visited in 1578 by Sir Francis Drake and in 1778 by Capt. James Cook, who was searching for the Northwest Passage. Capt. George Vancouver surveyed the coast (179294), and overland expeditions were made by several explorers, including Alexander Mackenzie, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, and Simon Fraser. The British and Americans contended over Vancouver Island for years, until it was recognized as British and made a crown colony in 1849. The mainland became the Colony of British Columbia in 1858; with the colony of Vancouver, it joined Canada in 1871 as the province of British Columbia. The province now has a prosperous economy based on diverse sources, including logging, mining, agriculture, and shipping.

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British Columbia, flag of   westernmost of Canada's 10 provinces. It is bounded to the north by the Yukon and Northwest (Northwest Territories) territories, to the east by the province of Alberta, to the south by the U.S. states of Montana, Idaho, and Washington, and to the west by the Pacific Ocean and the southern panhandle region of the U.S. state of Alaska. It stretches some 730 miles (1,180 km) from north to south and 640 miles (1,030 km) from east to west at its widest point. The land has a diversity of climate and scenery unparalleled in Canada, from the island-studded and fjord-indented coast to the great peaks of the western continental cordilleras, with their large interior plateaus.

 One of the last regions of the North American continent to be explored and settled, British Columbia emerged in the second half of the 20th century as one of the leading provinces of Canada in population, economic wealth, and overall growth. Its main cities include Vancouver, one of the largest ports of Canada and of western North America, and Victoria, the provincial capital, located on the southeastern tip of Vancouver Island. Area 364,764 square miles (944,735 square km). Pop. (2001) 3,907,738; (2006) 4,113,487.


  The vast territory of British Columbia lies almost entirely within the great mountain system, or cordillera, that stretches along the western edge of the Americas from north of the Arctic Circle to Cape Horn (Horn, Cape), at the southernmost extremity of South America. These mountains divide the province in ranges aligned in a northwest-southeast direction, creating a series of valleys and a broad central interior plateau where human settlement has concentrated. The two major ranges are the Coast Mountains, which lie in the western part of the province, and the Canadian portion of the Rocky Mountains in the eastern part. The province reaches its highest elevation in the far northwest at Mount Fairweather (Fairweather, Mount) (15,300 feet [4,663 metres]), located in the St. Elias Mountains (Saint Elias Mountains) (a range of the Coast Mountains) on the Alaskan border. Hundreds of coast-hugging islandsthe largest of which are Vancouver Island and the Queen Charlotte Islandsoffer a protected waterway along the coastline, which is indented by narrow fjords that twist inland about the bases of towering mountains. The broad Fraser delta, behind Vancouver to the south, is the largest of the limited coastal lowlands. In the interior many of the wide plateaus are cut by deep canyons and entirely surrounded by mountain ranges, including the Cassiar, Omineca, Skeena, and Hazelton mountains in the north and the Columbia Mountains in the southeast.

 The province contains three main river systems: the Peace (Peace River) in the north; the Fraser (Fraser River), which drains nearly all of the interior plateau; and the Columbia (Columbia River) in the southeastern and south-central regions. Lesser rivers, such as the Skeena (Skeena River), Nass, Iskut, and Stikine (Stikine River), drain the northwestern region into the Pacific, while the Liard (Liard River) system drains the northeastern section into the Arctic Ocean.

      The Fraser (Fraser River), the only major river that lies entirely within the province, rises in the Rockies near the Yellowhead Pass, flows north and then southwestward to Prince George, where it turns almost due south for 300 miles (480 km), flowing to Hope, and then westward through the lush farmlands to the sea south of Vancouver. The Columbia (Columbia River) follows the Rocky Mountain Trench northward, bends around the northern end of the Selkirk Mountains, and turns south to flow into the Arrow Lakes and then into the U.S. states of Washington and Oregon. The Peace (Peace River) also becomes a formidable stream within the Rocky Mountain Trench, but it cuts eastward through the Rockies and into the plains area of Alberta.

      Most of the thousands of lakes are small, but they are important for the water they store in an age when hydroelectric power has become a prized resource. The larger lakes are made long and narrow by the north-south mountain ranges that confine them in the deep and narrow valleys in all parts of the province. Atlin and Teslin in the northwest extend into the Yukon Territory. Babine, Stuart, Shuswap, Quesnel, and François, which range from 90 to 200 square miles (230 to 520 square km) in area, are important salmon-spawning lakes. The Arrow and Kootenay lakes are important as storage reservoirs for hydroelectric plants.

      About two-thirds of the land area is forested, while only a small portion has soil suitable for agriculture. The most valuable soils of British Columbia are the alluvial soils that developed on sand and silt deposited by streams and rivers. These extremely fertile soils, located mainly in the lower Fraser valley, are of limited extent. Distinctive areas of unforested open grassland along the Fraser River, south of Williams Lake, and in the Kamloops-Meritt region south of the North Thompson River have rich pedocal soils upon which British Columbia's ranching sector flourishes. Similar prairie grassland soils lie in the Peace River country, the only part of the province suitable for large-scale grain farming. The more extensive but much shallower podzol soils cover the wet areas, especially along the coast, where they sustain a dense forest cover.

      Because of the Kuroshio, or Japan Current, which warms the coast, and the adjoining mountain ranges, British Columbia experiences a variety of climates. Some climatologists have claimed that, in its temperature, humidity, and variability, the southwestern corner of the province, tempered by the current, has one of the most favourable climates for people, plants, and animals. The prevailing winds from the Pacific, flowing over succeeding mountain ranges, cause a wide variety of precipitation and temperature ranges across the province, but along the coast such variation is negligible. Summers are comfortably cool, while winters are not severe; temperatures seldom drop to 0 °F (−18 °C). In the Okanagan and Cariboo (Cariboo Mountains) regions to the east, wider variations are recorded; summers are hot and winters are colder. Still farther east, up against the Rockies, similar temperature ranges prevail but with considerably heavier snowfalls. In the northern interior and Peace River country, severely cold winters and hot summers are normal.

      British Columbia receives considerable precipitation, but its distribution is far from ideal. Some coastal towns have average annual rainfalls of 160 inches (4,100 mm) or more (among the wettest regions on the continent), while Merritt, only 125 miles (200 km) from the coast, registers only 12.5 inches (320 mm). Victoria, sheltered by the Vancouver Island mountains, receives less than 35 inches (885 mm), but Vancouver, 72 miles (116 km) across the Strait of Georgia (Georgia, Strait of), receives 47 inches (1,200 mm), delivered by the winds crossing that body of water.

Plant and animal life
      The mild, wet climate of the coastal region produces large trees, some of the old growth specimens exceeding 200 feet (60 metres) in height. Western hemlock, red cedar, balsam fir, and Sitka spruce predominate, but the Douglas fir, which makes excellent sawn lumber, also grows in slightly drier coastal locations. The trees in the forests of the interior are smaller. They include Douglas fir and lodgepole and ponderosa pine in the south, balsam fir, spruce, and lodgepole pine in the central region, and white spruce in the far north. One-third of the province consists of barren Alpine tundra, snowfields, and glaciers.

      Black bears, moose, and mule deer are the province's most widely distributed large wild mammals. Black bears, in particular, have thrived in areas where forests have been restored following the cutting of old-growth timber. The much smaller grizzly bear population has also been increasing since the 1980s. Beavers, porcupines, mink, marmots, red squirrels, and wolverines can be found throughout the province. Skunks and raccoon are in the south. Bighorn sheep inhabit most mountain ranges in the province, though, along with elk, they are most abundant on the western slopes of the Rockies and in the Kootenay region. Caribou, whose numbers have been falling since the start of European settlement, are found in the north. Coyotes have lived in the province for some time, occupying the niche once largely held by wolves; small numbers of wolves still range throughout the province. British Columbia's small puma (cougar) population is still the largest in any North American jurisdiction. Lynx are found throughout the interior.

      The coastal waters of British Columbia are home to dolphins, humpback whales, and several species of seals and sea lions, most in healthy numbers. Trout, salmon, and halibut are the province's principal game fish. There is a great diversity of waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and game birds. Early European settlers found the province deficient in songbirds and introduced skylarks, sparrows, and starlings; today, songbirds, native as well as introduced, abound in urban and settled areas. Endangered animal species include the killer whale (orca), harbour seal, mountain beaver (Aplodontia rufa), and northern spotted owl.


Population composition
      British Columbian society is one of the more British of Canada's 10 provinces, but it is also one of its most ethnically diverse. The English, Scottish, and Northern Irish played the major role in founding the province, and they have continued to form the controlling elite. Scots dominated the fur-trade settlements, and, when more than 25,000 miners arrived from California in 1858, the British government dispatched officials and the Royal Engineers to administer the colony. With the return of most American miners to California, British Columbia became essentially British. Immigrants from the British Isles flooded the province in the early years of the 20th century, reinforcing its ethnic character. By contrast, French Canadians have never constituted more than a small minority scattered throughout the province. The arrival after 1945 of large numbers of Europeansespecially Dutch farmers attracted to Fraser delta lands, Germans to lower mainland cities, and Italians to various construction projectschallenged the province's Anglo-Saxon identity, but not nearly so forcefully as the presence of Asian minorities.

      Chinese labourers first arrived at the time of the gold rush and suffered official discrimination from the 1870s, when they were disenfranchised. The large number of Chinese men imported in the 1880s to build the Canadian Pacific railroad were joined later by additional Chinese, South Asian, and Japanese workers. As the Asian population increased to 9 percent of the provincial population in 1881 and 10 percent a decade later, anti-Asian feeling intensified. Discrimination peaked in 1923, when the Canadian government passed the Chinese Immigration Act, virtually ending Chinese immigration for a generation. In 1942, during World War II, all people of Japanese origin, whether Canadian citizens or not, were evacuated from the British Columbia coast. Because of more-liberal attitudes about race, the declining population of Chinese men, and the forced dispersal of Japanese families, prejudice in British Columbia lessened after the war. Canadian immigration policies changed only slowly, however, and until 1967 continued to discriminate against ethnic minorities. Thereafter, the proportion of the provincial population of Asian origin rose quickly, reaching roughly one-fifth by the early 21st century. Migration from Hong Kong predominated in the years leading up to that British colony's transfer to China in 1997. At the same time, migration from mainland China and Taiwan also increased. People from South Asia, particularly Sikhs from the Punjab region, have been immigrating to British Columbia in significant numbers since the 1970s. After English, which is spoken in the vast majority of the province's homes, Chinese and Punjabi are the next most-spoken languages.

      Among British Columbia's other minority groups, the most significant, for historical reasons, are the native Indians (Native American) (First Nations). It has been estimated that Indians numbered about 80,000 in the late 1700s, before tuberculosis, diphtheria, smallpox, and other diseases brought by colonists reduced their ranks to some 23,600 by 1934. Improved health measures inaugurated since then have permitted their numbers to increase to about the level attained two centuries earlier, although they continue to constitute only a small portion of the provincial population. Scores of reservations dot the province's landscape, chiefly in rural areas. The pressure of an increasing population combined with poverty has driven many aboriginal people into the cities. Lacking education or skills valued by white society, they often have been relegated largely to underemployment and unemployment. However, this relationship of dependence has been changing. Many Indian men and women now attend provincial colleges and universities and are fighting in the courts to reclaim traditional rights to land and resources taken from them without compensation. In the 1990s the government of Canada launched negotiations to redress the fact that treaties had never been signed with the vast majority of the province's indigenous groups. A majority of Indian bands, representing some two-thirds of the native peoples in the province, have been engaged in this treaty process through several dozen separate sets of negotiations.

      Although persons of U.S. origin constitute a small minority, they are influential in the economic life of the provincein manufacturing, mining, ranching, and forestry. Many have become part of the teaching, administration, and research staffs of the universities and colleges. Blacks make up only a tiny minority.

      Religious practice has reflected the province's social character. European immigrants created a predominantly Christian society, and most Indians converted to Christianity after the settlers arrived. In addition, the vast majority of practicing Christians in British Columbia belong to one of many Protestant denominations, in contrast to the predominance of Roman Catholicism found in other provinces. Religious conflict over whether schools should be denominational or nonsectarian never strongly influenced provincial politics in British Columbia, as it did elsewhere in Canada. The view held by mainstream Protestants that the church should remain separate from the state has been accepted as the norm in public affairs. British Columbia has also been among the most secular of Canadian provinces, having a high proportion of citizens who claim no religious affiliation. The province's Protestant identity is challenged as well by the ethnic diversification of its population, which includes adherents to Sikhism, Buddhism, Islam, and other non-Christian religions.

Settlement patterns
 Because of the mountains and waters that surround them, British Columbians have always been a society of valley dwellers. Valleys have assumed enormous importance for transportation, communications, and settlement, especially in the southern part of the province, where the bulk of the population lives.

      The mountains of Vancouver Island are separated from the Coast Mountains on the mainland by the Strait of Georgiaessentially, a marine valley along whose rocky slopes, on either side, are located the province's two largest cities: Vancouver and Victoria. East of that valley is located the valley and canyon of the Fraser River, with such service centres as Hope, Lytton, and Lillooet, while still farther east lie the irrigated fruitlands of the Okanagan valley and the cities of Salmon Arm, Vernon, Kelowna, and Penticton. North of the Okanagan, the landscape opens out into broad, gently rolling lands that form a basin surrounded by higher mountain ranges. Rapid expansion of the forest industry after World War II in the central plateau fostered growth of two regional centres, Kamloops and Prince George. Beyond and pressing against the Rockies are the parallel mining and lumbering valleys of the West and East Kootenays, which include the communities of Rossland, Trail, Nelson, and Cranbrook.

      For the most part, trails, roads, railroads, oil and gas pipelines, and electric power lines follow the routes of the rivers and often lie in close proximity to each other.

Demographic trends
 British Columbian society has always been relatively fluid, and for most of the province's history the proportion of the population born outside it has exceeded the proportion born within. More recently, this pattern has been even more apparent, with international and interprovincial migration accounting for the vast majority of the population growth. British Columbia has attracted immigrants more consistently since confederation in 1867 than any other Canadian province, and since the early 20th century more than any province except Ontario. Interprovincial migration has been a significant factor in British Columbia's growth since the 1930s, especially from the neighbouring Prairie Provinces. The scenic landscape and desirable climate of the greater Vancouver area, Vancouver Island, and the Okanagan valley and the comparatively strong economy of the province have attracted both retired people and job seekers. British Columbia is one of the most urbanized of Canada's 10 provinces; more than four-fifths of its residents live in urban places, with greater than half in the Vancouver metropolitan area alone. However, that population is concentrated in a relatively small area, and the province is one of the least densely populated in the country.

      The economy of British Columbia is a mixture of public and private enterprise. Service activities have become the largest sector of the province, followed by manufacturing.

Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
 Agriculture plays an important part in the province's economy. However, it is not homogeneous and varies widely, from the highly capitalized dairy industry of the lower Fraser valley to the fruit orchards and vineyards of the Okanagan, the mixed farms of the Bulkley valley, and the highly specialized grain farms of the Peace River country. Geography severely limits agricultural production in British Columbia, where cultivated land constitutes only a tiny percentage of the province's total area.

      Forestry is the most significant of British Columbia's resource industries. Traditionally centred on the west coastwhere the dense temperate rainforest produced large trees easily accessible by waterlogging, sawmilling, and pulp and paper production spread to the central and eastern parts of the province in the postwar years. However, since the early 1970s the total volume of timber cut in the interior has exceeded that on the coast. British Columbia has nearly one-fifth of Canada's total forested land but two-fifths of its marketable timber, and it produces nearly half of the wood harvested in Canada annually for lumber production. The corporate structure of the industry also changed after World War II, with a few giant multinational corporations, often controlled by American capital, replacing the previously decentralized ownership. Corporate concentration of the forest industry also occurred as a result of provincial government policy. In the 1990s public concern over logging practices elevated conservation as a major government issue.

      Several species of Pacific salmon provide the traditional foundation for British Columbia's sportfishing and commercial fishing activity, although groundfish, such as cod, now make up the largest portion of the annual commercial catch. Halibut, herring, and various shellfish are also much sought after. Fish processing, which was once carried on in dozens of small canneries spread along the coast, has since the 1940s become concentrated into a few large plants near Vancouver and Prince Rupert. Aquaculture has also grown in significance.

Resources and power
      Mineral resources have formed a basis of British Columbia's economy since the arrival of Europeans. Coal and gold mining provided much of the impetus for the region's growth in the 18th century. An infusion of capital into mining, mineral processing, and mineral exploration led to renewed expansion of the sector in the early 21st century. Mines are located throughout the province and include open-pit coal mines in the southeastern and northeastern corners of the province and open-pit copper mines southwest of Kamloops. Petroleum and natural gas have been extracted from wells in northeastern British Columbia since the 1950s, and new reserves have continued to be found.

      The production of hydroelectric power has greatly facilitated British Columbia's economic expansion. Coal from Vancouver Island and, starting in 1898, from the Crowsnest Pass in the province's southeastern corner provided the major energy source for railroads and industry well into the 20th century. However, British Columbia's mountainous relief and, in certain areas, high precipitation create vast potential for the production of hydroelectricity. The quest for cheap electric power, which had been generated in relatively small quantities at several locations since the end of the 19th century, led to a privately funded project to produce electric energy for an aluminum smelter at Kitimat on the northwestern coast in the early 1950s and vast construction projects on the Columbia and Peace rivers in the 1960s. On the Peace River, the province's publicly owned electric utility erected the W.A.C. Bennett Dam, one of the world's largest earth-filled structures, and on the Columbia River are the Mica, Hugh Keenleyside, Revelstoke, and Duncan dams.

Manufacturing and services
      Most of British Columbia's urban areas mainly provide services for, or process the products of, nearby fishing, farming, mining, and logging operations. For instance, Nanaimo, once a grimy coal-mining town, now prospers as a market centre for fish, lumber, and pulp and paper and as a tourist destination. Trail specializes in mineral smelting, and Prince George and Kamloops are centres for the large forest-products industry in the province's interior. Kelowna, an agricultural service centre, also benefits from logging and mining as well as tourism.

      After 1900 the management of the coastal region's resource industries gravitated to Vancouver, as did sawmilling, fish processing, and secondary manufacturing. Yet Greater Vancouver is less tied to the resource economy than other urban places in British Columbia. The area's multifaceted urban economy increasingly depends on trade and finance connections to markets around the Pacific Rim. In addition, high-technology industry is growing in importance, especially in the Vancouver area. The provincial capital and second largest city, Victoria, is now largely a service community. Tourism is increasingly significant throughout the region.

Labour and taxation
      In general, employment has risen annually in British Columbia since the mid-1990s, with most new jobs related to the service sector. Unemployment has been falling, and British Columbia has one of the lowest unemployment rates among the Canadian provinces. Employment among women has grown more rapidly than among men since the mid-1970s, and women have come to represent nearly half of the provincial workforce, including both full- and part-time workers. However, about one-third of women hold part-time jobs. The unionized sector of the workforce has declined slightly since the early 1990s and more significantly since the early 1980s.

      Personal income taxes are the main source of federal and provincial revenue in British Columbia, followed by sales taxes and taxes on goods and services. Revenue from corporate taxes, though significant, amounts to only a portion of the value derived from personal income taxes. Fuel, tobacco, and property taxes are also important. The total tax burden approaches half of the provincial government budget, which is much higher than in the United States but about average for developed countries.

Transportation and telecommunications
 Although a rudimentary system of transportation was established in the gold-rush days (late 1850s), and most of its routes are still followed, no concerted effort was made to tie the isolated areas of the province together by roads, ferries, and railroads until after World War II. Highways are exceedingly important in a province fractured by towering mountains, long coastal inlets, and swift rivers. This crucial fact was recognized and exploited by the infant Social Credit Party, which, upon winning control of the government in 1952, adopted an ambitious and controversial program of road building, tunnel and bridge building, and ferry services as the chief plank of its highly successful political platform.

 Vancouver Island, with roughly one-sixth of the province's population, represents a special transportation problem. This has been met by the development of one of the world's largest ferry fleets. Sidney (Schwarz Bay) and Nanaimo are the main ports for lines to the mainland. The extensive port facilities at Vancouver city handle containers and a variety of bulk commodities.

      The province is served by three major railroads and several shorter lines. The Canadian Pacific (Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.) railroad connects Vancouver with eastern Canada and maintains a network of branches serving the mining, forest, and agricultural industries throughout southern British Columbia. The Canadian National (Canadian National Railway Company) railway serves the south and the north with terminals at Vancouver and Prince Rupert and provides lines connecting Vancouver with Prince George and Fort St. John. The Burlington Northern Santa Fe railway serves the province from the United States. The vastness of the province, combined with difficult terrain, has also encouraged the development of air travel; several small companies connect the far reaches of British Columbia with its urban centres. Vancouver International Airport is the main air-transport hub. The Greater Vancouver region is served by an automated light-rail system and a commuter rail line.

      Broadcast and telecommunications services in British Columbia are under federal jurisdiction and regulation. Virtually all provincial households have telephone service, and the vast majority have cable television. Both cellular telephone and Internet use are widespread.

Government and society

Constitutional framework
 Parliamentary government in British Columbia dates from the inauguration of the first legislature of the Colony of Vancouver Island, Aug. 12, 1856, but responsible governmentin which the government (executive branch) is drawn from and answerable to elected legislatorswas not achieved until confederation.

      The lieutenant governor, appointed by the government in Ottawa, ostensibly represents the British crown but in the real sense represents the federal government. The lieutenant governor calls on the recognized leader of the majority party in the unicameral Legislative Assembly to form a government, with that leader as premier. The premier and the cabinet, selected from the elected members of the legislature, constitute the Executive Council. The cabinet is responsible to the Legislative Assembly for the operation of the day-to-day business of the government.

      Two political parties dominated provincial politics during the second half of the 20th century. The socially conservative Social Credit Party held power for all but three years in the period 195291. The social-democratic New Democratic Party, after serving primarily as the opposition, was the governing party of the 1990s. In 2001 a reemergent provincial Liberal Party (Liberal Party of Canada) gained control of the government. In federal elections, the New Democrats have competed with the Conservative Party of Canada and the Liberals.

      The majority of the population resides in municipalities governed by elected mayors and councils. These local governments are created, supervised, and, to a considerable extent, funded by the provincial government. British Columbia's unorganized territory is divided into regional government districts that provide services to rural areas and often assume the responsibility for many municipal services.

      By agreement, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) act as the provincial police force under the control of the attorney general. Most cities and district municipalities are responsible for law enforcement within their own boundaries. Most elect to have this function contracted out to the RCMP, but Vancouver and several other cities maintain independent forces.

Health and welfare
      The British Columbia Medical Services Plan is available to all residents of the province on a voluntary subscription basis at low, uniform rates. It provides comprehensive medical care coverage, including specified services of physicians, surgeons, certain dental surgeons, the Red Cross, nurses, chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, and others. Hospital care is also available under the British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service (BCHIS). Medical care for the aged meets the standards of the Medical Care Act of Canada and receives contributions from the federal government.

      The provincial government allocates about one-third of its budget to education. Public school education is free and compulsory to age 15. Postsecondary education is provided by a number of institutions, including the degree-granting University of Victoria (established 1963; originally Victoria College, 1903) and Royal Roads University (1995) in Victoria, the University of British Columbia (1908) and the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design (1925) in Vancouver, Simon Fraser University (1963) in Burnaby, and the University of Northern British Columbia (1990) in Prince George.

Cultural life

The arts
      The majority of cultural activities in British Columbia tend to reflect the pioneer background of the province, the great distances between pockets of population, and the various economic backgrounds of areas still oriented to resource industries and to the outdoors. The Williams Lake Stampede is the great annual rodeo event of the ranching country of the interior. Even the annual Pacific National Exhibition in Vancouver is largely oriented to the agricultural communities of the lower Fraser valley rather than to the urban interest of Vancouver. Other centres hold annual logging festivals, salmon contests, and pioneer events related to outdoor industry and pursuits.

      The province has been home to many notable writers, including Constance Libby Skinner (Skinner, Constance Lindsay), Audrey Thomas (Thomas, Audrey), Carol Shields (Shields, Carol), Earle Birney (Birney, Earle), and George Woodcock (Woodcock, George). Vancouver boasts a lively music scene that is bolstered by the Vancouver Folk Music Festival, held annually in mid-July, and the Vancouver Opera, which mounts productions featuring visiting artists from the world's great opera houses.

      Because of its mild climate and scenic beauty, British Columbia has long attracted filmmakers. In the late 20th century, film (motion picture) and television production in the province grew rapidly with the introduction of tax incentives that attracted both national and international productions and the creation of top-rate studios in and around Vancouver (which is sometimes calledHollywood North”). The province has produced several notable filmmakers, including Edward Dmytryk (Dmytryk, Edward) and Atom Egoyan.

Cultural institutions
      Cultural events in Vancouver increasingly reflect its cosmopolitan status. Among the most noteworthy institutions are the Centennial Museum in Langley, the Maritime Museum of British Columbia in Victoria, and, in Vancouver, the H.R. MacMillan Planetarium, the Bloedel Conservatory, the Queen Elizabeth Theatre complex, the Vancouver Art Gallery, and the Orpheum Theatre. Prince George boasts a fine library that offers innovative programs to people of the interior plateau area, while in the southwest Nanaimo and White Rock present excellent summer theatre. In Victoria the Royal British Columbia Museum preserves artifacts and documents pertinent to the province's natural and cultural history.

      Also notable is the restored historic site of Barkerville, once the thriving centre of the Cariboo gold rush of the 1860s. There the provincial government has rebuilt scores of old buildings to re-create the old gold town as it appeared in the second half of the 19th century. The restoration of historic buildings of Victoria also reflects the province's cultural heritage. Scores of derelict buildings of historical interest have been restored and rented to merchants. Squares have been opened, and whole streets have been revitalized without recourse to bulldozers or slum clearance.

Sports and recreation
      There are four national parks and three national park reserves in British Columbia. Glacier (Glacier National Park), Kootenay (Kootenay National Park), Mount Revelstoke (Mount Revelstoke National Park), and Yoho (Yoho National Park) national parks preserve the rich diversity of the province's mountainous interior, while Gulf Islands, Gwaii Haanas, and Pacific Rim national park reserves protect the forested regions of the coast. In addition, numerous provincial parks and recreational areas throughout British Columbia provide residents and tourists with a wealth of opportunities for outdoor activities. Winter sports such as curling, ice skating, snowboarding, and skiing are extremely popular. Kootenay and Yoho parks, along with Jasper and Banff national parks in Alberta, collectively were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984; three of British Columbia's provincial parks were added in 1990. In 1994 another provincial park (Tatshenshini-Alsek), in the northwestern corner of the province, was incorporated into an existing multinational World Heritage site there. Vancouver was chosen to host the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, with many of the events at nearby Whistler to the north.

      Rodeo and logging sports hold a special place in the culture and history of the province. The province has also embraced traditional Canadian team sports such as ice hockey and gridiron football. Vancouver is home to several professional franchises, including the Canucks of the National Hockey League and the BC Lions of the Canadian Football League.

Media and publishing
      The Vancouver region is the third largest newspaper market in Canada and is by far the largest in British Columbia. It is served by two daily newspapers, and one national paper includes a section with local content. These dailies and others in the province are owned by large national chains. Scores of community newspapers are published, including those focused on multicultural and aboriginal interests. Nearly all daily and community papers are available online. Several dozen magazine publishers, some with multiple titles, operate in the province, producing literary, scholarly, news and opinion, lifestyle, leisure and recreation, sports, education, and other special-interest periodicals. There are a variety of publishing houses specializing in a wide array of subjects.

      At the time of their initial contact with white European explorers, the Indian (Native American) peoples in present-day British Columbia numbered about 80,000. The coast was dominated by Coast Salish, Nuu-chah-nulth (Nootka), Kwakiutl, Bella Coola, Tsimshian, and Haida peoples. These groups had developed an economy based on utilizing the products of the sea and the huge cedars growing in the coastal mountains. Expert fishermen, they used traps, nets, hooks, spears, and even an ingenious toggling harpoon for hunting whales. Their clothing was made of skins and cedar bark covered by beautifully patterned blankets woven from the wool of mountain goats. Indian dwellings were large rectangular buildings of cedar beams and planks, divided into compartments for families. Houses were located in clusters along beaches suitable for canoe landings and just above the high-tide mark. These peoples were already enterprising traders of copper, blankets, elk hides, furs, shells, candlefish oil, and slaves along the intertribal routes that ran north-south into California and east-west into the interior. They also enjoyed a rich social life based on the potlatch ceremony, in which rival families competed with each other to give blankets, food, jewelry, and other favours to guests, often invited from hundreds of miles away, to mark the birth, adolescence, marriage, or death of an important member of the tribe.

Explorations and trading posts
      The area that was to become British Columbia first caught the attention of European countries in the late 18th century. Spanish ships visited the coast in 1774, followed by the British explorer James Cook (Cook, James), who was searching for the Northwest Passage. The latter's account of the fur wealth of the area stimulated the interest of British and American traders, who soon arrived to trade with Indians for the highly prized sea otter pelts. The growing interest of Great Britain in the area was indicated by the dispatch of the navigator George Vancouver (Vancouver, George), who circumnavigated Vancouver Island and charted the mainland's intricate coastline.

      Simultaneously, other British fur traders penetrated the region from the east. Alexander Mackenzie (Mackenzie, Alexander) of the North West Company of Montreal entered the region through its winding waterways; he completed the first overland journey across the entire continent when he arrived at the mouth of Dean Channel, on the central coast, in 1793. A fur trade based on fixed posts in the interior followed the establishment, by Simon Fraser (Fraser, Simon) in 1805, of the first trading post at McLeod Lake. Three years later he descended the Fraser River to its mouth, the site of present-day Vancouver.

      After years of near conflict between Britain and the United States, the southern boundary of Canada was fixed in 1846 at latitude 49° N, and Vancouver Island was recognized as solely British territory; Fort Victoria (later Victoria), at the island's southeastern tip, became the western headquarters of the Hudson's Bay Company. In 1849 the imperial government made Vancouver Island a crown colony, expecting that an orderly settlement in this distant outpost of empire would follow. However, the determination of Gov. James Douglas (Douglas, Sir James) to encourage the fur trade and the lure of the California goldfields impeded settlement so successfully that in 1855 the total population of European origin in the colony was only 774, most of them involved in the fur trade.

gold rush and permanent settlements
      The gold strike of 1858 in the Cariboo Mountains made Fort Victoria into a city, opened the mainland to settlement, and transformed the frontier into a prosperous and dynamic society that was proclaimed the Colony of British Columbia. Hordes of gold seekers from California, Australia, and other parts of the Pacific community joined with British and Canadian migrants to work the alluvial gold deposits of the lower Fraser River and by 1862 the Cariboo gold country on the upper Fraser.

      By 1865 the gold days were over, and most of the miners had departed with the larger part of nearly $25 million in gold dust. But the rush had attracted an army of ranchers, farmers, hotel operators, storekeepers, and civil servants who, although diminished in numbers, formed a nucleus for an ongoing, settled society. Also left behind was a fairly well-established transportation and communications network. Steamships linked Victoria and points on the Fraser River, and a 400-mile (650-km) coach road connected Yale, on the lower Fraser, with Barkerville, in the Cariboo gold country. The two colonies joined Canada in 1871 as the province of British Columbia.

      The arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway (Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd.) at Port Moody (just east of Vancouver) in 1885 opened a new era. Permanent railroad and lumbering settlements sprang up along the railroad route. The extension of the line into Vancouver was completed in 1887, the year after the city was incorporated. The establishment of a steamship line connecting it with East Asia, in 1891, ensured Vancouver's future as a port.

The early 20th century
      Once the construction of the Panama Canal was ensured, British Columbia experienced its first economic boom since the heady days of the gold rush. The boom was based on the assumption of investors that the province's raw resources would soon be able to compete in the markets of the Atlantic countries. Forest tracts were allotted to eager American, British, German, and Canadian investors by a poorly funded provincial government eager to make an impressive fiscal showing and ensure its perpetual reelection. A similar situation prevailed in the mining industry, with the initial prizes going to British investors. Simultaneous with the opening up of these resource industries, the treeless prairies were rapidly settled, and the demand for lumber was best filled from within British Columbia. As the economy was revitalized, the population increased from fewer than 180,000 to nearly 400,000 between 1901 and 1911, and Vancouver emerged as the leading city, with more than 111,000 inhabitants.

      After 1918 post-World War I dislocation, strikes, and sporadic unemployment fed the flames of anti-Asian feeling, which had always been strong in Vancouver. Politicians, union leaders, and the local press eagerly laid the blame for lack of prosperity on Asian workers. Exclusionist legislation was passed by an obliging provincial legislature in 1923 and remained in force until the late 1940s, when Asians were enfranchised.

      Scarcely recovered from the war years, the province found its newly acquired markets swept away by the economic depression of the 1930s. Recovery was delayed until the economy was stimulated once again, by war in 1939. This time, military demands were extensive enough to ensure the continued prosperity of the province's industry even beyond the end of World War II in 1945.

Postwar political consolidation and realignment
      With postwar economic prosperity came political change. During the war years, the Conservatives and Liberals had combined forces to form a coalition government in order to meet the political threat of the depression-born Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), a moderate socialist party. Growing disenchantment with the coalition in power made inevitable the appearance of a new party as an alternative. The Social Credit Party, which won the election of 1952, was formed by dissidents of both old-line parties but chiefly by conservatives. The Social Credit Party formed the government in 195272 and 197591. In 1991 its support collapsed, and through the 1990s the New Democratic Party formed the government, with the Liberal Party in opposition. The Liberals assumed control in 2001.

      The wartime growth of British Columbia continued throughout the second half of the 20th century and into the 21st. During that time, the province's population more than tripled in size, and Vancouver emerged as a world-class metropolis and major port on the Pacific Rim. Two notable events for Vancouver and the province were Expo 86 in 1986, a world's fair to commemorate the city's centennial, and the city's selection as host of the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Joseph Collins Lawrence Robert A.J. McDonald Hugh James Johnston

Additional Reading
A.L. Farley, Atlas of British Columbia: People, Environment, and Resource Use (1979); Colin J.B. Wood (ed.), British Columbia, the Pacific Province: Geographical Essays (2001); and Brett McGillivray, Geography of British Columbia: People and Landscapes in Transition, 2nd ed. (2005), provide comprehensive surveys of the province. Roderick Haig-Brown, The Living Land: An Account of the Natural Resources of British Columbia (1961); and Mary L. Barker, Natural Resources of British Columbia and the Yukon Territory (1977), are more-specialized studies. A historical look at population-development patterns in the area is presented in Robin Fisher, Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 17741890, 2nd ed. (1997); and H.B. Hawthorn (ed.), A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada (1966). The influence of politics on economic and social conditions is studied in Donald E. Blake, Two Political Worlds: Parties and Voting in British Columbia (1985); and R.K. Carty (ed.), Politics, Policy, and Government in British Columbia (1996). Margaret A. Ormsby, British Columbia, a History (1958, reissued 1971), offers a comprehensive, if somewhat dated, treatment. This history can be supplemented by Hugh J.M. Johnston (ed.), The Pacific Province: A History of British Columbia (1996); and Jean Barman, The West Beyond the West: A History of British Columbia, 3rd ed. (2007).Hugh James Johnston

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