- bridge table
a square card table with folding legs.[1900-05]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
bridge table — noun Etymology: bridge (IV) : card table * * * a square card table with folding legs. [1900 05] * * * bridge table, a light, folding table for playing bridge or other uses … Useful english dictionary
bridge table — bridge′ ta ble n. fur card table • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
Bridge Murder case — The Bridge Murder case, also known as the Bridge Table Murder case was the trial of Myrtle Adkins Bennett, born on March 20th, 1895, in Tillar, Arkansas, a Kansas City housewife, for the murder of her husband John G. Bennett over a game of… … Wikipedia
bridge — 1. bridge [ bridʒ ] n. m. • 1892; mot angl., p. ê. d o. russe ♦ Jeu de cartes, issu du whist, qui se joue à quatre (deux contre deux), et qui consiste, pour l équipe qui (après les annonces) a fait la plus forte enchère, à réussir le nombre de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bridge lamp — noun Etymology: bridge (IV) : a small floor lamp usually with an adjustable arm * * * a floor lamp, esp. one having the light source on an arm so hinged as to be horizontally adjustable. [1925 30, Amer.] * * * bridge lamp, a movable floor lamp,… … Useful english dictionary
bridge chair — a lightweight folding chair, often part of a set of matching chairs and bridge table. * * * … Universalium
bridge cloth — a tablecloth for a bridge table. [1905 10] * * * … Universalium
bridge chair — a lightweight folding chair, often part of a set of matching chairs and bridge table … Useful english dictionary
bridge cloth — a tablecloth for a bridge table. [1905 10] … Useful english dictionary
table — [ tabl ] n. f. • 1050; var. taule XIIIe (→ tôle); lat. tabula « planche, tablette » I ♦ Objet formé essentiellement d une surface plane horizontale, généralement supportée par un pied, des pieds, sur lequel on peut poser des objets. 1 ♦ Surface… … Encyclopédie Universelle