
1. fellow members.
2. Archaic. brothers.
Syn. 1, 2. See brother.

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▪ religious organization
      group of Protestant (Protestantism) churches that trace their origin to Schwarzenau, Hesse, where in 1708 a group of seven persons under the leadership of Alexander Mack (1679–1735) formed a brotherhood dedicated to following the commandments of Jesus Christ. The brotherhood was shaped by three influences—the Protestant faith in which its organizers had been raised, the Pietist (Pietism) reform movement, and Anabaptist teachings from the 16th century.

      The first Brethren were known in Europe as New Baptists (to distinguish them from the Mennonites, the direct descendants of the Anabaptists, whom they resembled in many ways) or as Schwarzenau Baptists (because of their place of origin). The largest congregation after Schwarzenau was organized in the Marienborn area near Büdingen, Germany. In 1715 the Marienborn congregation was forced to leave because of changes in local religious policy. Members moved to Krefeld on the lower Rhine, where their proselytizing brought them into conflict with the authorities and where several were sentenced to long prison terms. They also struggled with internal disagreements, which caused a group of 20 families to move from Krefeld to Pennsylvania in 1719.

      In the meantime, a new and intolerant count, August David (1663–1735), and low agricultural productivity forced the original congregation out of Schwarzenau. In 1720 Mack led a group to West Friesland. In 1729 they joined their coreligionists in America, and others followed in the 1730s. Consequently, by 1750 there were no organized congregations of Brethren in Europe, except for a Danish group that traces its origin to the Schwarzenau Brethren. From the initial stronghold in Germantown, north of Philadelphia, the Brethren settled in the surrounding areas of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Some moved into Maryland and the southern colonies. By 1770 the Brethren had 1,500 adult members and a total following of about 5,000 in 28 congregations along the Atlantic seaboard. An interesting offshoot of the colonial Brethren was the monastic Ephrata Community in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania.

      The most influential family connected with the 18th-century Brethren was that of Christopher Sower (Sower, Christopher) (Sauer; 1695–1758), the noted Germantown printer. Although the first Sower was a Separatist in his religious views, he shared many convictions with the Brethren. His namesake, Christopher Sower II (1721–84), continued his father's business and became a Brethren elder. The Sower Press was famed for its three editions of the German Bible (1743, 1763, 1776), which were the first Bibles printed in the colonies after the Eliot Indian Bible of New England (1661, New Testament; and 1663, Old Testament).

      As pacifists (pacifism), the Brethren were put in a difficult position by the outbreak of the American Revolution. Some of them tended toward loyalism, because they were grateful to the British crown for the freedoms they enjoyed in America. There were scattered instances of mob violence and deprivation of Brethren property by the American Revolutionary government. The shock that the Brethren suffered at this time may well have been a cause of their isolation and withdrawal in the 19th century.

      The Brethren joined in the general migration westward following the Revolution and often settled in groups in areas with good soil where they could establish their farms. They were the first settlers in some sections of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois and other prairie states. The first Brethren reached the Pacific coast by 1850. When the transcontinental railroads were completed, more Brethren moved west, settling in the Dakotas, the Pacific Northwest, and California.

      Although the Brethren avoided schism during the Civil War (unlike most American denominations), the cultural changes of the latter half of the 19th century shattered their unity. A progressive element pressed for the adoption of new methods and practices used by other American churches, such as Sunday schools, revival services, institutions of higher learning, salaried pastors, foreign missions, and a free religious press. As the Brethren emerged from cultural isolation, which had been reinforced by their rural life and Germanic speech, these modern practices seemed essential to a vocal minority in the brotherhood. The periodicals of Henry Kurtz (1796–1874) and James Quinter (1816–88) were influential in creating these demands.

      The reform issue precipitated a three-way split among the Brethren in the early 1880s. The conservative wing called itself the Old German Baptist Brethren to emphasize its conviction that it was holding to earlier beliefs. The liberal party, led by Henry Holsinger (1833–1905), called itself the Brethren Church. The middle-of-the-road majority continued as the German Baptist Brethren until 1908, when it officially adopted the title Church of the Brethren. In 1939 the Brethren Church split into the Brethren Church (Ashland, Ohio) and the National Fellowship of Brethren Churches (Grace Brethren).

      The beliefs and practices of the Brethren churches are reflective of their early influences. They accept no creed but the teaching of the New Testament and stress obedience to Jesus Christ and a simple way of life. Like their Anabaptist forerunners, they reject infant baptism in favour of believer's baptism. Members old enough to confess their faith are baptized by being immersed in water three times. Although they adopted the priesthood of all believers, the Brethren have an ordained ministry of men and women who preach and administer church affairs. The Brethren worship service is a simple affair involving prayer, reading from Scripture, and singing hymns. The love feast (Holy Communion) is observed twice each year and includes foot washing, a fellowship meal, and anointing for physical and spiritual health.

      The Brethren are considered one of the three historic “peace churches,” along with the Religious Society of Friends ( Quakers) and Mennonites, because of a continuing (but not unanimous) adherence to the principle of conscientious objection to all wars. They usually affirm rather than swear oaths. All branches of the Brethren have been active in sponsoring missionaries, with the exception of the Old German Baptist group.

      During the 19th century the Brethren uniformly wore a plain style of dress similar to the Amish, with beards and broad-brimmed hats for men and aprons and bonnets for women. This garb now has almost entirely disappeared, except among the Old German Baptist Brethren and, in some parts of eastern Pennsylvania, among the Church of the Brethren. The Church of the Brethren sponsors a seminary located in Richmond, Indiana, and a number of colleges, including Juniata College in Pennsylvania and Manchester College in Indiana. At the turn of the 21st century there were approximately 2.8 million Brethren worldwide.

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Universalium. 2010.

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