
/brayk"owt'/, n.
1. an escape, often with the use of force, as from a prison or mental institution.
2. an appearance or manifestation, as of a disease, that is sudden and often widespread; outbreak.
3. an itemization; breakdown: a hotel bill with a breakout of each service offered.
4. an instance of surpassing any previous achievement: a breakout in gold prices.
5. the act or process of removing and disassembling equipment that has been used in drilling a well.
6. of or constituting a sudden increase, advance, or unexpected success: The director has finally scored with a breakout movie.
[1810-20; n. use of v. phrase break out]

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • breakout — (n.) 1820, from BREAK (Cf. break) (v.) + OUT (Cf. out) (adv.). The verbal phrase goes back to O.E. ut brecan, utabrecan. Transitive sense is attested from 1610s …   Etymology dictionary

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