break and entry.
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break and entry — variant of breaking and entering … Useful english dictionary
break and entry. — See breaking and entering … Useful english dictionary
break — / brāk/ vb broke / brōk/, bro·ken, / brō kən/, break·ing, / brā kiŋ/ vt 1 a: violate transgress break the law … Law dictionary
break — There is no general term; the main usages follow. 1. As a stick or bones broken in two. Ha i, haha i, uha i, haki, hahaki, hakihaki, uhaki; manunu; break easily, ha i wale. 2. As a flat surface split or broken into pieces. Wāhi; wāwahi (for … English-Hawaiian dictionary
break-in — noun the break in occurred just before midnight Syn: burglary, robbery, theft, raid, breaking and entering, forced entry, break and enter … Thesaurus of popular words
break the bank — In gambling, to win from the management the sum fixed as the limit it is willing to lose on any one day • • • Main Entry: ↑bank * * * break the bank phrase to win more at gambling than the casino can pay you Thesaurus: to gamble moneysynonym … Useful english dictionary
break a leg — (theatre) A phrase used to wish someone good luck • • • Main Entry: ↑break * * * break a leg spoken phrase used for wishing someone good luck Thesaurus: ways of wishing someone lucksynonym luck and luckiness … Useful english dictionary
break someone's serve — break service or break someone s serve (tennis, etc) To win a game in which one s opponent is serving • • • Main Entry: ↑break * * * break someone’s serve/service/ phrase in tennis, to win a game in which your opponent is serving … Useful english dictionary
break stride — break (one s) stride slow or interrupt the pace at which one walks or moves * * * break (your) stride chiefly US : to stop walking or running in a regular and steady way He caught the ball and passed it to a teammate without breaking stride.… … Useful english dictionary
break your journey — british phrase to stop somewhere for a short time during a journey Thesaurus: booking on and travelling by transporthyponym to get on and off of tranportsynonym Main entry: break … Useful english dictionary