- Brahmanism
—Brahmanist, n./brah"meuh niz'euhm/, n.1. the religious and social system of the Brahmans and orthodox Hindus, characterized by the caste system and diversified pantheism.2. the Hinduism of the Vedas, Brahmanas, and Upanishads.Also, Brahminism.[1810-20; BRAHMAN + -ISM]
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▪ religionreligion of ancient India that evolved out of Vedism. It takes its name both from the predominant position of its priestly class, the Brahmans (brahma), and from the increasing speculation about, and importance given to, Brahman, the supreme power. Brahmanism is distinguished from the classical Hinduism that succeeded it by the enhanced significance given in classical Hinduism to individual deities, such as Śiva and Vishnu, and to devotional worship (bhakti).* * *
Universalium. 2010.