- bradytelic
—bradytely /brad"i tel'ee/, n.of or pertaining to evolution at a rate slower than the standard for a given group of plants or animals. Cf. horotelic, tachytelic.[BRADY- + TELIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
bradytelic — adj. [Gr. bradys, slow; telos, completion] Pertaining to evolution, evolving slowly; slower than the standard rate; see horotelic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
bradytelic — bra·dy·tel·ic … English syllables
bradytelic — |brādə̇ˈtelik adjective : of or relating to bradytely * * * bradytely /brad i tel ee/, n. /brad i tel ik/, adj. Biol. of or pertaining to evolution at a rate slower than the standard for a given group of plants or animals. Cf. horotelic,… … Useful english dictionary
Quantum evolution — For the alternative non standard theory see: Quantum evolution (alternative). Quantum evolution is a component of George Gaylord Simpson s multi tempoed theory of evolutionary change, responsible for the rapid emergence of higher taxonomic groups … Wikipedia
Velvet worm — Taxobox name = Onychophora fossil range = Cambrian – Recent image width = 250px image caption = Velvet worm regnum = Animalia phylum = Onychophora phylum authority = Grube, 1853 subdivision ranks = Extant families subdivision = Peripatidae… … Wikipedia
Tempo and Mode in Evolution — (1944) was George Gaylord Simpson s seminal contribution to the evolutionary synthesis, which integrated the facts of paleontology with those of genetics and natural selection.Simpson argued that the microevolution of population genetics was… … Wikipedia
horotelic — adj. [Gr. horos, boundry; telos, completion] Pertaining to evolution proceeding at the standard rate; see tachytelic, bradytelic … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
brady- — a combining form meaning slow, used in the formation of compound words: bradytelic. [ < Gk, comb. form of bradýs slow, heavy] * * * … Universalium
horotelic — horotely, n. /hawr euh tel ik/, adj. Biol. of or pertaining to evolution at a rate standard for a given group of plants or animals. Cf. bradytelic, tachytelic. [ < Gk hóro(s) boundary + tél(os) end, consummation + IC] * * * … Universalium
tachytelic — tachytely /tak i tel ee/, n. /tak i tel ik/, adj. Biol. of or pertaining to evolution at a rate faster than the standard for a given group of plants or animals. Cf. bradytelic, horotelic. [TACHY + TELIC] * * * … Universalium