
/boohrddzh/, n.
a city in and the capital of Cher, in central France: cathedral. 80,379.

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      city, capital of Cher département, Centre région, almost exactly in the centre of France. It lies on the Canal du Berry, at the confluence of the Yèvre and Auron rivers, in marshy country watered by the Cher, southeast of Orléans. As ancient Avaricum, capital of the Bituriges, it was defended valiantly in 52 BC by Vercingetorix against Julius Caesar, who in his commentaries deemed it one of the most beautiful cities in Gaul. St. Ursin brought Christianity there in the 3rd century. Charlemagne unified Berry and made Bourges capital of Aquitaine. During the Hundred Years' War, Charles VII resided there (142237), and Joan of Arc wintered there (142930). In 1438 the Pragmatic Sanction was signed at Bourges. Louis XI, who was born there, endowed the city in 1463 with a university (abolished during the French Revolution) at which Jacques Cujas (152290) was once a renowned teacher of Roman law. John Calvin was converted to Luther's ideas in Bourges.

      The summit of the hill on which the city is built is crowned by the Gothic cathedral of Saint-Étienne, which dominates the city. Begun at the end of the 12th century on the site of earlier sanctuaries, it was completed in 50 years, receiving later additions. The cathedral has five magnificently sculptured doorways and two asymmetrical towers. Its inner aisles are remarkably high, and there are no transepts. The interior contains stained-glass windows of the 12th and 13th centuries that are of exceptional beauty. Beneath the choir is a splendid 12th-century crypt.

      The archbishop of Bourges bears the title of Primat des Aquitaines, Métropolite et Patriarche. The palace of Jacques Coeur, chief financier to Charles VII, is a fine example of French 15th-century civil architecture. The hôtel de ville and the Berry Museum were built in the 15th and 16th centuries, using Gallo-Roman fortifications. The city has many other fine old buildings.

      Capital of the historic province of Berry, Bourges still serves as the centre for marketing sheep, cattle, wine, and cereals. It also has diversified manufacturing, including foundries, armament works, food processing, and plants that manufacture tires and machinery. Pop. (1999) 72,480; (2005 est.) 71,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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