
bountyless, adj.
/bown"tee/, n., pl. bounties.
1. a premium or reward, esp. one offered by a government: There was a bounty on his head. Some states offer a bounty for dead coyotes.
2. a generous gift.
3. generosity in giving.
[1200-50; ME b(o)unte < AF, OF bonte, OF bontet < L bonitat- (s. of bonitas) goodness. See BOON2, -ITY]
Syn. 1. See bonus. 2. present, benefaction. 3. munificence, liberality, charity, beneficence.

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▪ British ship
      English armed transport ship remembered for the mutiny of her crew on April 28, 1789, while she was under the command of Capt. William Bligh (Bligh, William) (q.v.). See also Christian, Fletcher.

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