
/bawr"zoy/, n., pl. borzois.
any of a breed of tall, slender dogs having long, silky hair, raised originally in Russia for hunting wolves. Also called Russian wolfhound.
[1885-90; < Russ borzói orig., swift, fast; c. Czech brzý, Serbo-Croatian brz swift, Pol bardzo very]

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Breed of hound developed in Russia.

It is descended from the Arabian greyhound and a collielike Russian sheepdog. Formerly known as the Russian wolfhound, it was originally bred to hunt wolves and hares. It is graceful, strong, and swift, attaining a height of about 2631 in. (6679 cm) and a weight of 55105 lbs (2548 kg). It has a long, narrow head; small ears; a deep but narrow chest; long, muscular hindquarters; and a long, curved tail. Its silky coat is flat or slightly curled and usually is white with darker markings. It is noted for its elegant appearance.


Sally Anne Thompson/EB Inc.

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breed of dog
 breed of hound dog developed in Russia to pursue wolves. It is descended from the Arabian greyhound and a collielike Russian sheepdog. The borzoiformerly known as the Russian wolfhoundis a graceful, strong, and swift dog. Males stand at least 28 inches (71 cm) and females 26 inches (66 cm); weights range from 60 to 105 pounds (27 to 48 kg). It has a long, narrow head, small ears, a deep but narrow chest, long, muscular hindquarters, and a long, curved tail. The silky coat is flat or slightly curled and usually white with darker markings. The dog is noted for its elegant appearance.

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Universalium. 2010.

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