- borrow pit
Civ. Engin.a pit from which construction material, as sand or gravel, is taken for use as fill at another location.[1890-95]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
borrow pit — noun a pit created to provide earth that can be used as fill at another site • Hypernyms: ↑pit, ↑cavity * * * noun : an excavated area where material (as earth) has been borrowed to be used as fill at another location * * * Civ. Engin. a pit from … Useful english dictionary
Borrow pit — A borrow pit, also known as a sand box, is a term used in construction and civil engineering. It describes an area where material (usually soil, gravel or sand) has been dug for use at another location. [… … Wikipedia
borrow pit — A term familiar in cases pertaining to the construction of highways and railroads, meaning land used for excavation to obtain dirt for making fills. Arkansas Valley & Western Railway Co. v Witt, 19 Okla 262, 91 P 897. Often it is necessary to… … Ballentine's law dictionary
borrow pit — An excavated area from which earthy material has been removed typically for construction purposes offsite; also called barrow pit. GG … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
borrow pit — noun a pit resulting from the excavation of material for use in embankments … English new terms dictionary
borrow pit — noun Date: 1863 an excavated area where material has been dug for use as fill at another location … New Collegiate Dictionary
borrow-pit — … Useful english dictionary
borrow hole — or borrow pit noun (civil eng) A pit formed by the excavation of material to be used elsewhere for embanking, etc • • • Main Entry: ↑borrow … Useful english dictionary
Borrow — or borrowing can mean: to receive (something) from somebody temporarily, expecting to return it. *In finance, monetary debt *In language, the use of loanwords *In arithmetic, when a digit become smaller than limit and the deficiency is taken from … Wikipedia
pit stop — 1. n. a pause in a journey (usually by car) to urinate. (From the name of a service stop in automobile racing.) □ I think we’ll pull in at the next rest area. I need a pit stop. □ Poor Max needs a pit stop every thirty miles. 2. n. an underarm… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions