
borrowable, adj.borrower, n.
/bor"oh, bawr"oh/, v.t.
1. to take or obtain with the promise to return the same or an equivalent: Our neighbor borrowed my lawn mower.
2. to use, appropriate, or introduce from another source or from a foreign source: to borrow an idea from the opposition; to borrow a word from French.
3. Arith. (in subtraction) to take from one denomination and add to the next lower.
4. to borrow something: Don't borrow unless you intend to repay.
5. Naut.
a. to sail close to the wind; luff.
b. to sail close to the shore.
6. Golf. to putt on other than a direct line from the lie of the ball to the hole, to compensate for the incline or roll of the green.
7. borrow trouble, to do something that is unnecessary and may cause future harm or inconvenience.
[bef. 900; ME borowen, OE borgian to borrow, lend, deriv. of borg a pledge; akin to D borg a pledge, borgen to charge, give credit, G Borg credit, borgen to take on credit]
Syn. 2. acquire, take, get; copy, pirate, plagiarize.

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  • Borrow — or borrowing can mean: to receive (something) from somebody temporarily, expecting to return it. *In finance, monetary debt *In language, the use of loanwords *In arithmetic, when a digit become smaller than limit and the deficiency is taken from …   Wikipedia

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  • borrow — O.E. borgian to lend, be surety for, from P.Gmc. *borg pledge, from PIE *bhergh to hide, protect (see BURY (Cf. bury)). Sense shifted in O.E. to borrow, apparently on the notion of collateral deposited as security for something borrowed. Cf. O.E …   Etymology dictionary

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