bona fides

bona fides
/boh"nah fee"des/; Eng. /boh"neuh fuy"deez/ or, esp. for 2, /boh"neuh fuydz', bon"euh/
1. (italics) Latin. (used with a sing. v.) good faith; absence of fraud or deceit; the state of being exactly as claims or appearances indicate: The bona fides of this contract is open to question. Cf. mala fides.
2. (sometimes italics) (used with a pl. v.) the official papers, documents, or other items that prove authenticity, legitimacy, etc., as of a person or enterprise; credentials: All our bona fides are on file with the SEC.
Usage. BONA FIDES is originally a Latin phrase meaning "good faith." FIDES is singular in Latin and has been used as such in English. At least partially because its -es ending makes BONA FIDES look and sound like a plural, it has developed the plural sense "credentials." This plural use, although criticized by some usage guides, has been increasing in recent decades in all varieties of speech and writing.

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