
/bloohm"fon tayn'/, n.
a city in and the capital of the Orange Free State, in the central Republic of South Africa. 182,000.

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City (pop., 1996: 333,769), Republic of South Africa.

It lies on the Modder River in Free State province. Founded in 1846 as a fort, it became the seat of the British-administered Orange River Sovereignty (184854) and later that of Orange Free State, an independent Boer republic formed in 1854. The failure of the Bloemfontein Conference (1899) resulted in the outbreak of the South African War. In the 20th century the city became a geographical transportation hub. It is the country's judicial capital. See also Pretoria; Cape Town.

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      city, capital of Free State province (formerly Orange Free State) and judicial capital of the Republic of South Africa.

      Founded by Major H. Douglas Warden in 1846 as a fort and residency, it became the seat of the British-administered Orange River Sovereignty (184854) and of the Orange Free State (an independent Boer republic formed in 1854). The failure of the Bloemfontein Conference (MayJune 1899) resulted in the outbreak of the South African War (18991902). In the 20th century the city became a geographic hub of South Africa's transportation (particularly, railroad) systems. The area's economic development was spurred after 1948 by exploitation of the Free State goldfields, lying 100 miles (160 km) northeast, and after 1962 by the Orange River multipurpose (irrigation and power) project.

      The city lies on a high plateau at an elevation of 4,568 feet (1,392 m). Spacious and sprawling over hills and kopjes (hillocks), Bloemfontein (“Fountain of Flowers”) is known for its natural and manmade beauties, including the 300-acre (120-hectare) King's Park and the Franklin Game Reserve on Naval Hill. The city contains the national Court of Appeal, the province's oldest Dutch Reformed Church (Moeder Kerk), the Fourth Raadsaal (the current seat of the provincial council), and the Old Raadsaal (1849), a one-room house that is now a national monument. Bloemfontein is the seat of the University of the Free State (founded 1904). Bloemfontein became part of the Mangaung Local Municipality in 2000. Pop. (2005 est.) city, 379,000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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