- blend
v.t.1. to mix smoothly and inseparably together: to blend the ingredients in a recipe.2. to mix (various sorts or grades) in order to obtain a particular kind or quality: Blend a little red paint with the blue paint.3. to prepare by such mixture: This tea is blended by mixing chamomile with pekoe.4. to pronounce (an utterance) as a combined sequence of sounds.v.i.5. to mix or intermingle smoothly and inseparably: I can't get the eggs and cream to blend.6. to fit or relate harmoniously; accord; go: The brown sofa did not blend with the purple wall.7. to have no perceptible separation: Sea and sky seemed to blend.n.8. an act or manner of blending: tea of our own blend.9. a mixture or kind produced by blending: a special blend of rye and wheat flours.10. Ling. a word made by putting together parts of other words, as motel, made from motor and hotel, brunch, from breakfast and lunch, or guesstimate, from guess and estimate.11. a sequence of two or more consonant sounds within a syllable, as the bl in blend; consonant cluster.[1250-1300; ME blenden, OE blendan to mix, for blandan; c. ON blanda, OHG blantan to mix]Syn. 1. compound. See mix. 1, 5. mingle, commingle, combine, amalgamate, unite. 5. coalesce. 8, 9. combination, amalgamation.
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Universalium. 2010.