
biscuitlike, adj.
/bis"kit/, n.
1. a kind of bread in small, soft cakes, raised with baking powder or soda, or sometimes with yeast.
2. Chiefly Brit.
a. a dry and crisp or hard bread in thin, flat cakes, made without yeast or other raising agent; a cracker.
b. a cookie.
3. a pale-brown color.
4. Also called bisque. Ceram. unglazed earthenware or porcelain after firing.
5. Also called preform. a piece of plastic or the like, prepared for pressing into a phonograph record.
6. having the color biscuit.
[1300-50; ME bysquyte < MF biscuit (ML biscoctus), var. of bescuit seamen's bread, lit., twice cooked, equiv. to bes BIS1 + cuit, ptp. of cuire < L coquere to COOK1]
/bees kwee"/, n. French.
a cookie or cracker.

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      in the United States, a small quick bread usually made from flour, salt, butter or vegetable shortening, and with baking powder as a leavening agent. The dough is kneaded briefly and rolled out, and the biscuits are cut with a round cutter. The dough may also be dropped by spoonfuls for an irregular shape. Biscuits are usually eaten hot with butter and fruit preserves, sausage gravy, or ham. They are especially associated with the American South. The dough for beaten biscuits, also a Southern specialty, is literally beaten with a mallet or other utensil for about 30 minutes to produce a fine texture. A sweetened biscuit dough is used for strawberry shortcake, a dessert of biscuits split and covered with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.

      In the United Kingdom the term biscuit is used for a variety of small, crisp cakes, either sweetened (American cookie) or unsweetened (American cracker).

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Universalium. 2010.

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