
/buy"oh chip'/, n.
an experimental integrated circuit composed of biochemical substances or organic molecules.

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Small-scale device, analogous to an integrated circuit, constructed of or used to analyze organic molecules associated with living organisms.

One type of theoretical biochip is a small device constructed of large organic molecules, such as proteins, and capable of performing the functions (data storage, processing) of an electronic computer. The other type of biochip is a small device capable of performing rapid, small-scale biochemical reactions for the purpose of identifying gene sequences, environmental pollutants, airborne toxins, or other biochemical constituents.

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      Small-scale device, analogous to an integrated circuit, constructed of or used to analyze organic molecules associated with living organisms. One type of theoretical biochip is a small device constructed of large organic molecules, such as proteins, and capable of performing the functions (data storage, processing) of an electronic computer. The other type of biochip is a small device capable of performing rapid, small-scale biochemical reactions for the purpose of identifying gene sequences, environmental pollutants, airborne toxins, or other biochemical constituents.

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Universalium. 2010.

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