
/bil bow"/; Sp. /beel bah"aw/, n.
1. a seaport in N Spain, near the Bay of Biscay. 450,000.
2. U.S. Furniture. a mirror of the late 18th century, originally imported from Spain, having a frame partly or wholly of marble and a gilt openwork cresting.

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Port city (pop., 2001: city, 349,972; metro. area, 947,334), northern Spain.

It is located 7 mi (11 km) inland from the Bay of Biscay. The largest city in the Basque Country, it originated as a settlement of mariners and ironworkers and was chartered in 1300. In the 18th century it prospered through trade with Spain's New World colonies. The city was sacked by French troops in the Peninsular War (1808) and besieged during the Carlist Wars (see Carlism). It is a chief port in Spain and a centre of the metallurgical industries, shipbuilding, and banking. Landmarks include the 14th-century Cathedral of Santiago and the 20th-century Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

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      port city, capital of Vizcaya provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of the Basque Country, northern Spain. Bilbao lies along the mouth of the Nervión River, 7 miles (11 km) inland from the Bay of Biscay. It is the largest city in the Basque Country.

      Bilbao originated as a settlement of seafaring people on the banks of the Nervión's estuary. The inhabitants began to export both the iron (iron processing) ore found in large quantities along the river's eastern bank and the products of their ironworks, which became well known in Europe. To this settlement of mariners and ironworkers, Don Diego López de Haro, lord of Biscay, in 1300 gave the charter and privilege of self-government in an independent municipality. Bilbao's port was also a centre for the export of wool from Burgos, in the interior of Castile, to Flanders. In 1511 the city obtained the right, like that of Burgos, to its own commercial tribunal that could issue laws in the form of ordinances. The last of these, promulgated in 1737, formed the basis of the first Spanish commercial code in 1829. In the 18th century Bilbao derived great prosperity from intensive trade with the American colonies of Spain. The city was sacked by French troops in the Peninsular War (1808) and was besieged four times during the Carlist wars. These struggles produced a strong communal spirit that after 1874 directed itself toward industrialization.

      Bilbao is divided into two distinctive areas: the left (eastern) bank of the Nervión River, which includes factories and working-class neighbourhoods, and the right (western) bank, including commercial, historic, and residential areas. The old part of Bilbao lies on the right bank, its nucleus formed by the Siete Calles (“Seven Streets”), a series of parallel streets leading to the riverbank. The old city's notable landmarks include the Gothic-style Cathedral of Santiago (14th century), the Plaza Nueva (early 19th century), and the Renaissance-style churches of San Antonio, Santos Juanes, and San Nicholas. Several towns on the left bank of the river were annexed to the municipality after 1890, forming the modern extension of the city. This section is a banking and commercial centre and is the site of the provincial government's offices. Nine bridges cross the Nervión to link the old and new parts of the city.

      Bilbao is the one of the most important ports in Spain. Beginning in the 1870s, Bilbao experienced rapid industrialization based on the export of iron ore and the development of the iron and steel and shipbuilding industries. The growth of industry drew workers from other parts of Spain, and their presence soon provoked a reaction in the form of Basque nationalism. Tourism and services have grown in importance since the decline of the steel and shipbuilding industries in the 1960s and '70s. The opening in 1997 of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, designed by American architect Frank Gehry in curving, titanium-clad shapes, attracted large numbers of tourists. Also in the 1990s, city redevelopment projects included a subway system, upgrading of the airport and harbour, construction of a conference centre and concert hall (1999; home of the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra), cleanup of the river, and a waterfront development near the Guggenheim that replaced former shipyards with a cultural and business centre. By 2000, income from tourism had alleviated the effects of the decline in heavy industry.

      Bilbao produces industrial and railway equipment, aeronautical equipment, automobiles, chemicals, hand and machine tools, tires, and paper. Fishing still contributes to the economy. There are museums devoted to fine arts, religious art, bullfighting, and Basque culture and history. Institutions of higher education include the University of Duesto (1886) and the University of the Basque Country (1968). Pop. (2006 est.) 354,145.

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Universalium. 2010.

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