- bidenticulate
having two small teeth or toothlike processes.[BI-1 + DENTICULATE]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
bidenticulate — adj. [L. bis, two; dim. dens, tooth] Having two small teeth or tooth like processes … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
bidenticulate — bi·denticulate … English syllables
bidenticulate — (|)bī+ adjective Etymology: bi (I) + denticulate biology : having two small teeth * * * /buy den tik yeuh lit, layt /, adj. Zool., Bot. having two small teeth or toothlike processes. [BI 1 + DENTICULATE] … Useful english dictionary
bident — n. two pronged instrument; sheep aged two years. ♦ bidental, ♦ bidentate, a. having two prongs or teeth. ♦ bidenticulate, a. having two small teeth … Dictionary of difficult words