
/ber"ee euh/; Russ. /bye"ryi yeuh/, n.
Lavrenti Pavlovich /leuhv ren"tee pav loh"vich/; Russ. /lu vrddyen"tyee pu vlaw"vyich/, 1899-1953, Soviet secret-police chief: executed for treason.

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  • BERIA (L. P.) — BERIA LAVRENTI PAVLOVITCH (1899 1953) Tout puissant chef de la police soviétique, Lavrenti Pavlovitch Beria a été pendant de longues années le bras droit de Staline. Né en Géorgie dans une famille de paysans, Beria adhère au Parti communiste en… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Beria — (Lavrenti Pavlovitch) (1899 1953) homme polit. soviétique. Chef de la police secrète, l un des trois dirigeants de l U.R.S.S. après la mort de Staline. Il fut arrêté et exécuté …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • BERIA — fil. Aser. Gen. c. 46. v. 17. qui 1 Paral. c. 7. v. 31. Baria dicitur. Filius item Ephraim. 1 Paral. c. 7. v. 23. Latine in malo, sive in clamore, aut in ululatione, vel in pastu …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Beria — Lavrenti Beria /pictures/frwiki/60/ /pictures/frwiki/60/ Beria avec Staline et la fille de celui ci, /pictures/frwiki/60/Svetlana Lavrentiy Pavlovitch Beria (/pictures/frwiki/60/ …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Beria — noun Soviet chief of secret police under Joseph Stalin; was executed by his associates in the power struggle following Stalin s death (1899 1953) • Syn: ↑Lavrenti Pavlovich Beria • Instance Hypernyms: ↑captain, ↑police captain, ↑police chief …   Useful english dictionary

  • Beria, Lavrenty Pavlovich — (1899–1953)    Born in the Mingrelian region of Georgia, Beria spent the years of the Russian civil war working for various intelligence services in the Caucasus. He joined the Cheka in 1921 and advanced quickly. He transferred to Communist Party …   Historical dictionary of Russian and Soviet Intelligence

  • Beria, Lavrenty Pavlovich — ▪ Soviet government official Beria also spelled Beriya born March 29 [March 17, old style], 1899, Merkheuli, Russia died Dec. 23, 1953, Moscow  director of the Soviet secret police who played a major role in the purges of Stalin s opponents.… …   Universalium

  • Beria, Lavrenty — 1899–1954    Beria was head of the Soviet intelligence, NKVD during World War II. He did not have a particularly high standing within the Communist Party organization but STALIN appointed him member of the GKO and he took part in the day to day… …   Who’s Who in World War Two

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