Benoît de Sainte-Maure

Benoît de Sainte-Maure
/beuh nwanndeu saonnt mawrdd"/
fl. 12th century, French trouvère.

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French poet
Sainte-Maure also spelled  Sainte-More  
flourished 12th century, Sainte-Maure?, near Poitiers, France

      author of the Old French poem Roman de Troie.

      Benoît's poem, consisting of about 30,000 octosyllabic couplets, was probably written about 1160 and was dedicated to Eleanor of Aquitaine. A travesty of the story told in the Iliad, it is based on late Hellenistic romances by Dares Phrygius and Dictys Cretensis that purported to be eyewitness accounts of the events described by Homer. The Roman de Troie is an immense tapestry of Greek lore and fable. A prelude to the main story tells of Jason and the Argonauts and an earlier sack of Troy, while an epilogue contains the stories of Orestes, Andromache, and Ulysses. In the main plot Hector, rather than Achilles, is the principal hero. Much is said of Achilles' love for the Trojan princess Polyxena, while the amours of Briseida, the daughter of a renegade Trojan priest, are the first version of the Troilus and Cressida story used by later, more important writers.

      Benoît's picture of Greek antiquity was strongly coloured by his own 12th-century feudal society. His poem, which analyzes various forms of love, was widely popular in its day but was eventually superseded by an imitation, the Latin Historiae destructionis Troiae (1287). Benoît also wrote a 43,000-line verse history of the dukes of Normandy.

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Universalium. 2010.

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