
benefiter, n.
/ben"euh fit/, n., v., benefited, benefiting.
1. something that is advantageous or good; an advantage: He explained the benefits of public ownership of the postal system.
2. a payment or gift, as one made to help someone or given by a benefit society, insurance company, or public agency: The company offers its employees a pension plan, free health insurance, and other benefits.
3. a theatrical performance or other public entertainment to raise money for a charitable organization or cause.
4. Archaic. an act of kindness; good deed; benefaction.
5. for someone's benefit, so as to produce a desired effect in another's mind: He wasn't really angry; that was just an act for his girlfriend's benefit.
6. to do good to; be of service to: a health program to benefit everyone.
7. to derive benefit or advantage; profit; make improvement: He has never benefited from all that experience.
[1350-1400; late ME benefytt, benefett (n.), alter. (with Latinized first syll.) of ME b(i)enfet, benefait < AF benfet, MF bienfait < L benefactum good deed; see BENE-, FACT]
Syn. 1. favor, service. See advantage.

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