
/bay"jing"/, n. Pinyin.
a city in and the capital of the People's Republic of China, in the NE part, in central Hebei province: traditional capital of China. 7,570,000.
Also, Peking, Peiching. Formerly (1928-49), Peiping.

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or Pei-ching conventional Peking formerly (192849) Peiping

City, municipality with provincial status, and capital of China (pop., 1999 est.: city, 6,633,929; 2000 est.: municipality, 13,820,000).

The municipality is bordered by Hebei province and Tianjin municipality and has an area of 6,500 sq mi (16,800 sq km). Lying on a broad plain in northeastern China, the city has been settled since ancient times and has been known by various names. It was called Khanbalik or Cambaluc when it became the royal residence of Kublai Khan in AD 1264 and was visited by Marco Polo. It was chosen as the capital in 1421, which it remained during the Qing dynasty (16441911/12). It suffered heavy damage when it was occupied by European forces in 1860 and 1900 (see Boxer Rebellion). In 1928 the capital was moved to Nanjing, and the name Peiping was given to the former capital. Nearby, in 1937, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident took place. Beijing's capital status and its former name were restored following the communist victory in 1949. It is China's cultural and educational centre. The old Forbidden City contains the former imperial palace. Abutting it is Tiananmen Square, the world's largest public square. Beijing's 15th-century walls were partly demolished in the Cultural Revolution. In 2001 the city was selected as the site for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.
(as used in expressions)
Beijing opera
Peking opera

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Wade-Giles romanization  Pei-ching , conventional  Peking 
 city, province-level shi (municipality), and capital of the People's Republic of China (China). Few cities in the world have served for so long as the political headquarters and cultural centre of an area as immense as China. The city has been an integral part of China's history over the past eight centuries, and nearly every major building of any age in Beijing has at least some national historical significance. The importance of Beijing thus makes it impossible to understand China without a knowledge of this city.

      More than 2,000 years ago, a site north of present-day Beijing was already an important military and trading centre for the northeastern frontier of China. In 1267, during the Yuan (Mongol) dynasty (Yuan dynasty) (12061368), a new city built northeast of the oldcalled Dadubecame the administrative capital of China. During the first five decades of the subsequent Ming dynasty (13681644), Nanjing (Nanking) (Nanking) was the capital, and the old Mongol capital was renamed Beiping (Pei-p'ing; “Northern Peace”); the third Ming emperor, however, restored it as the imperial seat of the dynasty and gave it a new name, Beijing (“Northern Capital”). Beijing has remained the capital of China except for a brief period (192849) when the Nationalist (Nationalist Party) government again made Nanjing the capital (although the capital was removed to Chongqing (Chungking) [Chungking] during World War II); during that time Beijing once again resumed the old name Beiping.

      The city remained the most flourishing cultural centre in China despite the frequent political changes in the country throughout the early decades of the 20th century; Beijing's importance was fully realized, however, only when the city was chosen as the capital of the People's Republic in 1949, and this political status has added much vitality to it. Indeed, few cities have ever had such rapid growth in population and geographic area, as well as in industrial and other activities. Combining both historical relics of an ancient culture and new urban construction, ranging from fast-food franchises to plush hotels for foreign tourists and corporate travelers, it has become a showplace of modern China and one of the world's great cities. Renewed international attention focused on Beijing after it was chosen to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Area city, 1,763 square miles (4,567 square km); Beijing municipality, 6,500 square miles (16,800 square km). Pop (2002 est.) city, 7,699,300; (2007 est.) urban agglom., 11,106,000; (2005 est.) Beijing municipality, 14,930,000.

Character of the city
 Although much of Beijing's older and more picturesque character has been destroyed in the drive since 1949 to modernize and industrialize, some parts of the city are still redolent of the past. Many fine monumental buildings, old restaurants, and centres of traditional Chinese arts and crafts remain, and the central government has taken measures to prevent the city core from being further industrialized. Broad new boulevards, replete with even newer commercial ventures, have displaced the colourful stalls and markets for which the city was once famous, but the neighbourhood life of old Beijing can still be glimpsed in the narrow hutongs (residential alleys), with their tiny potted-plant gardens, enclosed courtyards, and (decreasingly) coal-burning stovessome of which are still guarded by carved stone lions at their gates.

 People in Beijing commute by subway, bus, automobile, or bicycle and on hot summer evenings sit outside their apartment blocks to catch cooling breezes and to chat. The citizenry has a wide range of leisure pursuits, particularly those considered good for health. The ancient art of tai chi chuan (taijuquan; Chinese boxing) is widely practiced, singly or in groups, along roadsides and in parks. Locals as well as tourists are attracted to the many nearby historical sites, such as the Summer Palace, the tombs of the Ming emperors, and the Great Wall (Great Wall of China). Older people, especially the men, like to huddle in tiny restaurants and tea shops. Young people are drawn to the city's many cafés and nightclubs, where the entertainment can range from DJ-run dance music to Chinese rock bands.

      For all the vicissitudes of its history, Beijing continues to be a source of great pride for its inhabitants. Their obsessions are, as they have been for centuries, food and knowledge: they eat heartily when they have the means and read voraciously. Food stalls on the streets, selling a variety of cooked treats, are well patronized, as are newspaper and magazine kiosks. The ambition of most families is to provide their offspring with a higher education or, if not that, a good job.


City site
  The city of Beijing is situated at the northern apex of the roughly triangular North China Plain and lies at an elevation between about 100 and 130 feet (30 and 40 metres) above sea level. The larger municipality is almost completely surrounded by Hebei province, except for two short stretches bordering Tianjin municipality to the southeast. The Yan Mountains lie along the municipality's northeastern side, and the Jundu Mountains occupy its entire western region; together these form a concave arc that circles the Beijing lowland from the northeast to the southwest to form what is known to geologists as theBay of Beijing.”

      The city was built at the mouth of this embayment, which opens onto the great plain to the south and east, and between two rivers, the Yongding and the Chaobai (Chaobai River), which eventually join to empty into the Bo Hai (Gulf of Chihli) in Tianjin municipality, some 100 miles (160 km) southeast of Beijing. To the south of the city the plain spreads out for about 400 miles (650 km) until it merges into the lower valley and the delta of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang). On the east the plain is bounded by the sea, except for the break caused by the Shandong Hills; on the west it is flanked by the Taihang Mountains, which constitute the eastern edge of the Loess Plateau (loess is loamy material deposited by wind).

      Because Beijing stands at the apex of the triangle, it is a natural gateway on the long-distance land communication route between the North China Plain and the northern ranges, plains, and plateaus, and routes running across the great plain naturally converge on the city. In addition, since the dawn of Chinese history, the Yan range has constituted a formidable barrier between the North China Plain to the south, the Mongolian Plateau to the north, and the Liao River Plain in the southern region of the Northeast (historically Manchuria). A few passes, however, cut through the rangesthe most important being Juyong (northwest of Beijing), Gubei (northeast), and Shanhai (east in Hebei, on the Bo Hai)—and are so situated that all roads leading from Mongolia and the Northeast to the North China Plain are bound to converge on Beijing. For centuries, therefore, Beijing was an important terminus of the caravan routes leading to and from the vast Central Asian hinterland.

      No large streams flow through the central city, although the municipality is drained by the Chaobai and Yongding rivers. East of the city, the Chaobai flows southward out of the Miyun Reservoir (itself formed by the combined inflows of the Chao and Bai rivers) in the northeastern corner of the municipality. The tumultuous Yongding, which drains the Shanxi uplands and northwestern Hubei before entering the municipality, is to the west. After following a twisting course through the mountains, it reaches the Beijing plain, passes under the Marco Polo Bridge, 9 miles (14 km) southwest of the central city, and then turns southward to meet the Grand Canal north of Tianjin. The flow of the Yongding is irregular; in the rainy season it rises rapidly, carrying with it large quantities of silt, which raise the level of the riverbed considerably. At the Marco Polo Bridge it is 50 feet (15 metres) above the level of the city, thus constituting a hazard when the river is in flood but also facilitating canalization and irrigation.

      Since the early 15th century, the city of Beijing and its surrounding territories have been organized as a metropolitan district of enormous size, having a governorformerly appointed by the emperor himselfequal in rank to a provincial governor. This special district organization was continued by the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (Qing dynasty) (16441911/12) and, since 1949, in the People's Republic. The present metropolitan boundary was established in 1959. The metropolis may be divided into three concentric zones, based on urban functions. The central zone coincides with the central city; it is occupied mainly by old palaces, government buildings, commercial districts, and old residential areas and makes up roughly 1 percent of the total metropolitan area. The second zone, the near suburb, immediately surrounds the old walled city and is the site of the newer factories, schools, government buildings, and workers' dormitories. The outer fringe of this zone is intensively cultivated and supplies vegetables and fruits to the population of the central zone. The near suburb accounts for about 8 percent of the metropolitan area. The third zone, the far suburb, constitutes the remainder of the metropolitan area. This zone functions as the economic basesupplying coal, lumber, construction materials, vegetables and fruits, dairy products, water, and some grain crops to the urban population in the central zone and the near suburb.

      Though Beijing is a relatively short distance from the sea, the general air circulation in the region is mainly from the northwest throughout the year; maritime effects on the region's weather are meagre. The climate is clearly of the continental monsoon type that occurs in the temperate zone. Local topography also has a great effect on Beijing's climate. Because it lies in a lowland area and is protected by mountains, the city is a little warmer in winter than other areas of China located at the same latitude; nonetheless, the mean monthly temperature drops below 50 °F (10 °C) for five months out of the year. In addition, wind direction in Beijing is influenced by topography, with changes occurring from day to night. Generally, there are more southerly winds in the day but northerly or northwesterly winds at night.

      The annual mean temperature of the city is 53 °F (12 °C). The coldest month is January, when the monthly mean is 24 °F (–4 °C), and the warmest month is July, when it is 79 °F (26 °C). In an average year, the city experiences 132 days of freezing temperatures between October and March; the mean annual precipitation is 25 inches (635 mm), with most of the total falling from June to August. July is ordinarily the wettest month of the year, with an average of 9 inches (230 mm).

      One of the characteristics of the region's precipitation is its variability. In 1959an extremely wet year for Beijingthe total precipitation amounted to 55 inches (1,400 mm), whereas in 1891an extremely dry yearonly 7 inches (180 mm) fell. The average number of rainy days per year is about 80, and the average relative humidity for the city is 57 percent.

      Winter in Beijing is long and usually begins in late October, when northwesterly winds gradually gain strength. This seasonal wind system dominates the region until March; the Siberian air that passes southward over the Mongolian Plateau and into China proper is cold and dry, bringing little snow or other precipitation. The monthly mean temperature from December to February is below freezing. Spring, the windiest season, is short and rapidly becomes warm. The prevailing high spring winds produce an evaporation rate that averages about nine times the total precipitation for the period and frequently is sufficient to cause droughts that are harmful to agriculture. Dust storms in the region, exacerbated by increasing desertification in Inner Mongolia, are common in April and May. In addition to being the season of torrential rains, summer is rather hot, as warm and humid air from the southeast often penetrates into North China. Autumn begins in late September and is a pleasant, though short, season with clear skies and comfortable temperatures.

Plant life
 Although the city of Beijing with its surrounding districts is one of the most densely populated parts of China, portions of the municipality (notably in the mountainous hinterland) are much more sparsely settled and support a wide variety of vegetation. The municipality's mountain areas are within the temperate deciduous forest zone, while the more southerly plains area is part of the wooded steppe zone. Continuous deforestation by humans for centuries, however, has stripped the woodlands in most sections of the metropolitan area. Mixed forestscomposed mainly of pine, oak, and Manchurian birchnow cover only mountains in the northeast and the west. Distinct vertical forest zones can be seen at higher elevations. The lower slopes of many hills to the west of the city, being the most accessible to humans, have lost their original forest cover; only bushes and shrubs now dot the landscape there. A variety of species grow on sunny slopes between elevations of about 2,300 and 5,600 feet (700 and 1,700 metres), including Manchurian birch, Dahurian birch, trembling poplar, Mongolian oak, and Liaotung oak. Between 5,600 and 6,250 feet (1,700 and 1,900 metres), a mixed forest of truncated maple and trembling poplar replaces all other species. Above 6,250 feet, goat willow becomes the dominant tree.

      The larger part of the lowland areas of Beijing has been either cultivated or occupied by various settlements, and, for the most part, it is bare of any natural vegetation. Occasionally, some small groves of planted trees may be seen in the vicinity of villages; these are composed mainly of mixed woods consisting of oil pine, Chinese juniper, Chinese cypress, willow, elm, and Chinese locust. In addition, the government has made a concerted and sustained effort to plant trees in and around the central city.

City layout
 The traditional core of Beijing essentially consisted of two walled cities (the walls no longer stand), the northern inner city and the southern outer city. The inner city, also known conventionally as Tatar City, lay to the southwest of the site of the Mongol city of Dadu; it was in the form of a square, with walls having a perimeter of nearly 15 miles (24 km). The outer city, also known as the Chinese City, was added during the reign of the Ming emperor Jiajing (152166/67); it was in the form of an oblong adjoining the inner city, with walls that were 14 miles (23 km) in length, including 4 miles (6 km) of the southern wall of the inner city. Within the inner city was the Imperial City, also in the form of a square, which had red plastered walls 6.5 miles (10.5 km) in length. The only remaining portions of that wall are on either side of the Tiananmen (Tian'anmen; “Gate of Heavenly Peace”), the southern, and main, entrance to the Imperial City that stands at the northern end of Tiananmen Square. Within the Imperial City, in turn, was the moated Forbidden City, with walls 2.25 miles (3.6 km) long. The Forbidden City contains the former Imperial Palaces, which are now the Palace Museum.

      Beijing represents, better than any other existing city, the heritage of Chinese architectural achievement. During each dynasty in which the city was the capital, care was consistently taken to preserve tradition when it was rebuilt or remodeled. Few cities in the world can thus rival Beijing in the regularity and harmony of its city plan.

 The urban plan (urban planning), based on traditional Chinese geomantic practices, was composed about a single straight line, drawn north and south through the centre of the Forbidden City, on which the internal coherence of the city hinged. All the city walls, important city gates, main avenues and streets, religious buildings, and daily shopping markets were systematically arranged in relation to this central axis. Because the central axis has historically signified the authority of the ruling dynasty, many official buildings, public grounds, and city gates were located along this line. From north to south this line passed through the Bell Tower (Zhonglou); the Drum Tower (Gulou); Jingshan Park; the Forbidden City, including the Imperial Palaces; Tiananmen Square; Qianmen (Front Gate); the Tianqiao neighbourhood; and (no longer standing) Yongding Gate.

      The symmetrical layout of the city to the east and west of this line is quite striking. In front of the palaces, the Temple of the Imperial Ancestors (now in the People's Cultural Park) on the east side of the axis is balanced by the Altar of Earth and Harvests (now in Zhongshan Park) on the west. Farther away from the palaces, the market area of Dongdan to the east was balanced by the Xidan market to the west; these still form two of Beijing's main business districts. The Tiantan (Temple of Heaven) Park to the south of the inner city is counterbalanced by the Ditan (Altar of the Earth) Park to the north of the city. Of the 16 city gates constructed in Ming times, 7 were located on each side of the north-south line, and 2 were situated on the line itself. Only a few of the old gates still stand, but the city streets adjacent to their sites continue to carry their names.

      The main avenues of the old city, whether running north-south or east-west, connected the gates on the opposite walls and divided the whole city into a rectangular grid. Within the walls, buildings were constructed around a courtyard or series of courtyards, with every important building facing south. Buildings often stood behind one another along the north-south line, with small courtyards in between. This prevailing southern orientation of buildings has a climatic functional basis, but it also appears to have been sanctified or conventionalized early in the Bronze Age in connection with ancestral ceremonies and with the worship of heaven and earth.

      Since 1949 the greatest changes in Beijing's appearance have been the extension of its streets immediately outside the former old city walls and the accelerating pace of new construction throughout the city. On the west side of the old city, an area extending about 1 mile (1.6 km) from the spot where the Fuxing Gate stood has become an extension of the avenue Xichang'an Jie and is used primarily for government offices. Toward the Summer Palace, to the northwest, is the Haidian district, where the most important universities and research institutes of the country are located. To the north of the city, the outlying districts have been developed as a housing area adjoining the educational district in the northwest. The eastern suburb is an industrial district dominated by the manufacture of chemicals, automobiles, and agricultural machinery. Vegetable fields in the southern suburb are gradually being supplanted by industrial plants. More recently, the look of the central city, especially in the eastern sections, has been transformed by growing numbers of high-rise office and apartment buildings. This construction increased rapidly from 1995, reaching a fever pitch in the years leading up to the 2008 Olympic Games.

      To cope with the rapid population growth, a number of housing projects have been constructed for office and factory workers since 1949. In the mid-1950s housing projects were concentrated in western areas of the city, where apartment buildings were erected near government offices outside the Fuxing Gate site. Subsequently, a large number of multiunit housing estates were built in the northern districts between the Anding Gate site and Desheng Gate, centring on the residential neighbourhood of Hepingli. The Hepingli housing development contains primary and secondary schools, nurseries, hotels, and recreational facilities, as well as scores of four- or five-story apartment buildings. In addition, there are many groups of single-family houses in the northern suburbs, with associated parks, theatres, and recreational centres. All these buildings were supplied with water and natural gas as they were constructed, in contrast with structures in the older parts of the city, where it took longer to provide such services.

      In the area outside the Jianguo Gate site, to the east of the central city, apartment buildings accommodate the families of office workers employed in nearby government office buildings. This area has also become the diplomatic district, containing many foreign embassies and a number of Western-style houses for diplomatic representatives and their families, and a locus of high-rise construction.

      Many dilapidated houses have been pulled down in the older districts inside the former city walls and have been replaced by multistory apartment buildings. Urban-renewal projects, however, have been unable to match population growth. As a consequence, many traditional living compoundsoriginally designed centuries ago to house the families of officials during the Qing dynastyhave been repaired or renovated and subdivided to provide quarters for three or four families per compound. Each family in a compound faces a public courtyard and shares a common front gate with other families.

      Many factories in the eastern and southern outskirts of the city have erected apartment buildings to house workers as a way to reduce commuting traffic in the metropolis. These workers' residences constitute independent communities and are located so that they are easily accessible from the place of work yet are far enough away to minimize noise and smoke. Satellite towns also have been developed in the rural counties in an effort to disperse population and industries from the central city. Industries have been established in rural areas in order to absorb surplus labourers and to supplement farmers' incomes.

Traditional dwellings
      Beijing's heritage of Chinese architectural achievement is exemplified by both private housing and public buildings. As the whole city was laid out in a rectangular street pattern symmetrically arranged around the palace compound, almost every dwelling in the city is also rectangular in form, with the four sides squarely facing the cardinal directions. Most houses in the inner city were designed as residences for former officials and their families, and almost every dwelling compound is surrounded by high walls, with an open courtyard in the centre flanked by houses on the eastern, western, and northern sides, usually one story high. The former residences of high-ranking officials were composed of two or three compounds, interconnected along a north-south axis.

      Just inside the high wooden sill of the front gate of a large compound was a brick screen wall, a structure that was supposed to shut off intruding evil spirits as well as prevent curious passersby from looking inside. Beyond the screen was the outer, or service, courtyard, flanked by houses to the east and west. In former days, these structures held the compound's kitchen and the living quarters for the gatekeeper, servants, and any visiting guests and relatives. A red-painted gate led through the north wall of the outer court into the main part of the house, built around three sides of the main courtyard; the courtyard, usually shaded by a large tree, was the centre of the family's life. All the windows looked inward to it, and a double door opened into it from each of the three wings. The windows extended from about three feet (one metre) above the ground up to the deep, overhanging eaves. As they faced south, the rooms in the main building got the maximum possible sunshine in winter, and the eaves provided a pleasant shade in summer, when the sun was high. The wing at the northern end of the court was intended for the head of the family and his wife. It was divided into three compartments: the central one was the living or community room, and the smaller rooms at either side were the bedroom and study. The rooms facing east and westthree on each side of the courtwere for married sons and their families. This was the basic plan of all the old houses in Beijing. Larger families built an extra courtyard behind the main house, because the traditional ideal was that all the existing generations should live together. Since 1949, however, a great many of the old-style houses have been adapted for use by several families.

Public and commercial buildings
 While the style and architecture of private dwelling units are uniform throughout the city, the public buildings and temples are characterized by a variety of designs and structures. Beijing, the country's political and cultural centre for more than 700 years, has more buildings of historical and architectural significance than any other contemporary city in China. Since 1949 many new government and municipal buildings, combining both traditional and Western architecture, have been constructed.

      The Imperial Palaces ( Palace Museum) of the Forbidden City, with their golden roofs, white marble balustrades, and red pillars, stand in the heart of Beijing and are surrounded by a moat and walls with a tower on each of the four corners. The palaces, collectively designated a World Heritage site in 1987, consist of outer throne halls and an inner court. North of the three tunnel gates that form the Wu (Meridian) Gate (the southern entrance to the Forbidden City), a great courtyard lies beyond five marble bridges. Farther north is the massive, double-tiered Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian), once the throne hall. A marble terrace rises above the marble balustrades that surround it, upon which stand beautiful ancient bronzes in the shapes of caldrons, cranes, turtles, compasses, and ancient measuring instruments. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest wooden structure in China.

      North of it, beyond another courtyard, is the Hall of Central (or Complete) Harmony (Zhonghedian), where the emperor paused to rest before going into the Hall of Supreme Harmony. Beyond the Hall of Central Harmony is the last hall, the Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohedian), after which comes the Inner Court (Neiting). The Inner Court was used as the emperor's personal apartment. It contains three large halls, the Palace of Heavenly Purity (Qianqinggong), the Hall of Union (Jiaotaidian), and the Palace of Earthly Tranquillity (Kunninggong).

 The Palace of Heavenly Purity is divided into three parts. The central part was used for family feasts and family audiences, audiences for foreign envoys, and funeral services; the eastern section was used for mourning rites and the western section for state business. The other two palaces, one behind the other, were imperial family residences. The three throne halls in the Outer Court and the three main halls in the Inner Court lie along the central axis. On either side are smaller palaces, with their own courtyards and auxiliary buildings. Behind the buildings, before the northern gate of the Imperial Palaces is reached, lies the Imperial Garden. Each palace, its courtyard and side halls, forms an architectural whole.

 Among the historical and religious structures in Beijing, the Temple of Heaven (Tiantan), located south of the palace compound in the old outer city, is unique both for its unusual geometric layout and because it represents the supreme achievement of traditional Chinese architecture. In 1998 it too was designated a World Heritage site. A path, shaded by ancient cypresses, runs about 1,600 feet (490 metres) from the western gate of the temple to a raised passage about 1,000 feet (300 metres) long. This broad walk connects the two sets of main buildings in the temple enclosure. To the north lies the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests (Qiniandian) and to the south the Imperial Vault of Heaven (Huangqiongyu) and the Circular Mound Altar (Huanqiutan), all three built along a straight line. Seen from the air, the wall of the enclosure to the south is square, while the one to the north is semicircular. This pattern symbolizes the traditional Chinese belief that heaven is round and Earth square.

      The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, built in 1420 as a place of heaven worship for the emperors, is a lofty, cone-shaped structure with triple eaves, the top of which is crowned with a gilded ball. The base of the structure is a large, triple-tiered circular stone terrace. Each ring has balustrades of carved white marble, which gives the effect of lace when seen from a distance. The roof of the hall is deep blue, resembling the colour of the sky. The entire structure, 125 feet (38 metres) high and about 100 feet (30 metres) in diameter, is supported by 28 massive wooden pillars. The four central columns, called thedragon-well pillars,” represent the four seasons; there are also two rings of 12 columns each, the inner ring symbolizing the 12 months and the outer ring the 12 divisions of day and night, according to a traditional system. The centre of the stone-paved floor is a round marble slab that has a design of a dragon and a phoenixtraditional imperial symbols. The hall has no walls, only partitions of open latticework doors.

      The Imperial Vault of Heaven, first erected in 1530 and rebuilt in 1752, is a smaller structure some 65 feet (20 metres) high and about 50 feet (15 metres) in diameter. The circular building has no crossbeam, and the dome is supported by complicated span work. Its decorative paintings still retain their fresh original colours.

      South of the enclosure lies the Circular Mound Altar, built in 1530 and rebuilt in 1749. The triple-tiered white stone terrace is enclosed by two sets of walls that are square outside and round inside; thus, the whole structure forms an elaborate and integrated geometric pattern. The inner terrace is 16 feet (5 metres) above the ground and about 100 feet (30 metres) in diameter; the middle terrace is about 165 feet (50 metres) across and the lowest terrace some 230 feet (70 metres) across. Each terrace is encircled by nine rings of stones. Both the Imperial Vault of Heaven and the Circular Mound Altar were erected to portray the geometric structure of heaven, as conceived by the architects of the Ming dynasty. After 1949 the whole enclosure of the Temple of Heaven was repaired; it is now a public park.

      To the east of Tiananmen Square within the People's Cultural Park is the Working People's Cultural Palace (formerly the Temple of the Imperial Ancestors), where the tablets of the emperors were displayed. The temple, like the Imperial Palaces in style, was built in three stonework tiers, each with double eaves. On either side are two rows of verandas surrounding a vast courtyard large enough to hold 10,000 people. Exhibitions of economic and cultural achievements, both of China and of other countries, are frequently mounted in the three halls. Lectures by leading scholars on science, literature, and the arts are also held there.

      Perhaps the most imposing structure constructed in the heart of the city since 1949 is the Great Hall of the People. The Great Hall is located on the western side of Tiananmen Square and is an immense building with tall columns of gray marble set on red marble bases of floral design. It has a flat roof with a golden-yellow tile cornice over green eaves shaped like lotus petals. The base of the building is of pink granite, and its walls are apricot yellow. Its frontage is 1,100 feet (335 metres) longabout the equivalent of two city blocksand its floor space is some 1,850,000 square feet (172,000 square metres). Inside the building, the ceiling and walls are rounded. The grand auditorium, with seating for 10,000, is where the National People's Congress holds its sessions; the focus of the room's lighting system is a red star in the ceiling surrounded by golden sunflower petals. Other components are a banquet hall that can hold 5,000, huge lobbies, and scores of meeting rooms and offices for the standing committee of the congress.

 The extraordinary pace of building construction in Beijing since the mid-1990s produced a vast number of new and gleaming medium- and high-rise buildings. Many of these structures are commercialbanks, corporate headquarters, hotels, and apartment blocksand, although most of them are fairly conventional towers, a number of them were built with innovative and eye-catching designs. Of note are the China Central Television (CCTV) Building, designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas (Koolhaas, Rem); the National Centre for the Performing Arts complex, featuring an enormous egg-shaped dome that houses an opera house, a concert hall, and a theatre; the new National Stadium, built for the Olympics and popularly called theBird's Nestbecause of its irregular interlocking outer framework; and the National Aquatics Center, also built for the Olympics and distinctive because its exterior resembles a giant cube of water.

      During the period when Beijing was the dynastic capital (mid-13th to the early 20th century), the city's population slowly fluctuated between 700,000 and 1,200,000. However, from the fall of the Qing in 1912 to the establishment of the People's Republic in 1949, the population rose sharply, from about 725,000 to more than 2,000,000. At least three factors contributed to this growth: the rural disorder on the North China Plain during that period, when much of China was ruled by warlords, caused large numbers of migrants to seek the relative safety of Beijing; the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 made Beijing a shelter for thousands of refugees from the northeastern provinces; and the civil war between the communists and Nationalists brought still more refugees to the city.

      Beijing's population grew even more dramatically after the city resumed its role as the national capital. In 1949 Beijing was the fourth largest city in the country, and within a decade it had become the second largest, as thousands of government workers poured into the new capital, rapid industrial development in the municipality attracted thousands more workers, and the municipal boundary was extended in 1959 to include large rural areas. Growth slowed considerably in the 1960s and '70s, initially because of the disruptions caused by the Great Leap Forward (195860) and the Cultural Revolution (196676) and later by the national government's rigorous birth-control policies. The city's population grew rapidly again in the early 1980s as China greatly expanded and globalized its economy, and Beijing again became a magnet for labour. Large numbers of these new migrants were farmers from China's rural hinterland. They tended to concentrate in residential communities with others from their home areas and to return to those areas for periods of time each year.

      The overwhelming majority of Beijing's population is Han (Chinese). Hui (Chinese Muslims), Manchus, and Mongols constitute the largest minority groups. Beijing residents speak a dialect of Mandarin (Mandarin language) Chinese that forms the basis of Modern Standard Chinese (Guoyu), or putonghua (“common language”), which is commonly taught throughout the country.

      Beijing has a small but growing community of foreign residentsmainly diplomats, journalists, business associates, teachers, and studentswho have become an important aspect of the city's life. Government authorities have made great efforts to meet the special demands of foreigners. Foreigners generally send their children to Western-style schools (although the children are free to attend Chinese schools) and tend to live in the newer, more luxurious high-rise apartment buildings.

      Since the late 1970s, efforts have been made to restore the ancient temples, churches, and seminaries of various religions (most prominently Buddhism) that were damaged during the Cultural Revolution. Some of the restored structures are again being used by worshipers, monks, and pupils.


 Although Beijing has been the capital of China for hundreds of years, it is distant from the country's traditional key economic area, the productive Yangtze River valley. In the past the task of feeding the large urban population in Beijing was facilitated by transporting grain from the south through the Grand Canal or by sea. Since the first decade of the 20th century, railways have played an important role in transporting food supplies to the capital. The city, however, has become self-sufficient in secondary food supplies, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, and poultry, and in a number of construction materials. The expansion of municipal boundaries in the late 1950s was partially aimed at this goal, and the municipality has succeeded in maintaining an adequate supply of vegetables and fruits. Agricultural reforms since the early 1980s have given individual households greater freedom over what they can produce, providing the city with a greater and more varied food supply.

      Thus, Beijing is unlike most of the world's major cities in that agriculture forms a significant part of its economy. Vegetables are grown in a belt that encircles the city and is covered by a network of irrigation channels supplied by reservoirs. However, the channels do not provide a sufficient amount of water and are supplemented by a large number of wells that draw considerable amounts of groundwater. Although these irrigation measures have made intensive farming possible in an area prone to frequent droughts, they have also caused the water table to drop significantly. Vegetables are grown in the winter months in hothouses. The municipality's farm belt is also one of the most highly mechanized agricultural areas in China. The government has encouraged farmers to expand cultivation of fruit and nut trees into large areas that were once wasteland north and east of the city. These orchards have reduced considerably the wind erosion of the soil. The hill areas produce large quantities of pears, persimmons, apples, chestnuts, and walnuts, and the reclaimed lowlands are covered with vineyards and peach orchards. Part of the Beijing fruit crop is exported to other Chinese cities.

      One of the main differences between the imperial capital of former times and present-day Beijing is that the old city was a centre of consumption rather than production, receiving supplies of all kinds from other parts of the country. Since 1949, however, Beijing has emerged as one of China's most industrial cities, although a concern for the adverse effects of industrialization on the city's environment has, over time, curtailed expansion.

      Among the large industrial establishments is the Shoudu Iron and Steel Works, located about 9 miles (14 km) west of the old city. The Shoudu plant was originally started in 1920 and made use of local deposits of iron ore and anthracite coal in the Western Hills; after the Japanese occupation of 1937, it produced a meagre amount of pig iron. In the late 1950s the plant was enlarged and grew to become one of the largest steel plants in China. Its high-quality steel production supplies such area industries as machine building, electrical engineering, and precision-instrument manufacturing. A number of smaller finishing mills have also been established to produce such items as cold-drawn bearing steel and flat spring steel for tractor and automobile accessories, seamless tubes for high-pressure boilers, and magnetic steel for machine tools and electronic devices. Beijing is also an important centre of machinery manufacture. Most of these factories were built in the suburbs east and south of the central city, where extensive tracts of level land were available and where the prevailing northwest winds would carry industrial pollutants away from the densely populated areas. Beijing became one of China's major textile centres after cotton cultivation was expanded in Hebei province in the 1950s and '60s; manufactures include cotton and woolen fabrics and piece goods, serge, and several types of synthetic fabric. Beijing's petrochemical industry expanded rapidly when an oil pipeline was constructed in the mid-1970s to link the city with the Daqing oil field in the Northeast. The petrochemical industry is dominated by the Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical Company, Ltd., located southwest of the city.

      Beijing, being a former imperial capital, was home to a variety of arts and handicraft industries that were intimately connected with court life and imperial needs. Much of the traditional handicraft industry has been reorganized and reequipped. Notable handicraft products produced in the city include rugs and carpets, porcelain and chinaware, jade and ivory sculpture, brassware, enamelware and lacquerware, lace, and embroidery.

Commerce and finance
 The service sector, comprising both private companies and government agencies, has expanded significantly as the city's and region's industry and population have grown.

      China has a nationwide and centralized system of banking, in which the state-owned People's Bank of China plays a key role. This institution, with its head office in the inner city, functions as the agent of the national treasury. All funds of state-owned industrial enterprises, as well as of national, provincial, and local governments, the People's Liberation Army, and the network of cooperatives, are deposited with the People's Bank. The bank uses the working capital at its disposal for the operations of the economy and the government and thus acts as cashier of the national budget and of a large part of the country's financial operations. Through its branch offices and savings account centres, the bank also serves the daily financial needs of people in the city and in the suburbs. Working in cooperation with the People's Bank and under its supervision are four other banking institutions: the People's Construction Bank, which finances and supervises all basic construction projects, such as new railways; the Agricultural Bank of China, which specializes in agricultural investment; the Bank of Commerce and Industry, which provides loans to industry; and the Bank of China, which handles most international trade and foreign exchange. In addition, several foreign-owned banks have representative offices in the city to assist foreign nationals doing business in China.

      Because Beijing was originally an administrative centre with its layout focused on the Imperial City, it never developed the compact central business district that characterizes most of the world's major cities. Historically, the market areas of the city were situated at two street intersections to the southwest and southeast of the Imperial Palaces, and the Dongdan and Xidan neighbourhoods are still major shopping centres. Since 1990, however, Western-style shopping malls and department stores have been established in various parts of the city. One of the most vibrant retail areas is along Wangfujing Dajie, which is a few streets east of the Imperial Palaces. As part of a 20-year development plan for this shopping street that began in 1991, it was transformed in 1999 when storefronts were beautified and all vehicular traffic (except city buses) was banned. The Beijing Department Store, a state-owned enterprise, still operates there, but it has been overtaken by gigantic, privately owned shopping malls such as in Xindong'an Plaza, an enormous complex at the southern end of Wangfujing Dajie. Similar shopping districts can be found in other parts of the city, such as Jianguomenwai and Sanlitun, both of which are near diplomatic compounds. The Friendship Store still operates in Jianguomenwai. In the past, when it was the only place to buy Western goods, it mainly served foreign residents and visitors, although some Chineseusually cadres or those who received foreign-currency remittances from relatives living abroadwere allowed to shop there. Although anyone can shop there now, it has been passed up by the newer commercial establishments.

 Traditional markets that still serve a local function are spread around the city. They have a long history, and each has developed its own reputation for special commodities and services. The restored Liulichang Market is located just south of the Heping Gate in the old outer city. The area acquired its name (which meansGlazier's Shop”) from the colourful glazed tiles that were made there during the Ming dynasty, but in the latter part of the 18th century it gradually became a market for curios, antiques, old books, paintings, works of ancient Chinese calligraphers, and paper. It is still a centre for traditional art shops. Dazhanlan, just west of Qianmen Dajie, was rebuilt in 1998, and many of the Qing period shops there were restored. Specialities sold there include silk, tea, herbal medicines, food, and clothing. The Panjiayuan neighbourhood, just east of Longtan Parkonce popular with China's national minorities but now largely patronized by Han Chinesesells numerous items, including a wide variety of metallic ornaments. Yabao Lu, near the Chaoyang Gate site, is popular with Russians and eastern Europeans. Most of the Chinese shop owners there speak at least some Russian, signs are written in Cyrillic, Russian food is served, and most of the products are Russian-made clothing and daily-use items. Yating Hua Niao Shichang, just outside the southeastern corner of Tiantan Park, is a market for flowers and birds and also sells kittens and Pekinese dogs, kites, and other items.

  Tourism has become increasingly important to the Beijing economy. Visitors are drawn not only to the historical and cultural attractions of the central city but also to many sites in the rural areas of the municipality. Probably the best-known outlying attraction is the Great Wall, which can be viewed from designated places northwest and northeast of Beijing. Other popular locales include the tombs of the Ming emperors to the north of the city and the archaeological site at Zhoukoudian to the southwest, where prehistoric hominin fossils have been found. The tourist services provided in Beijing have improved steadily, especially since the 1980s. Many hotels and hostels have been built, and old ones have been renovated and enlarged to meet the growing demand. A major construction campaign was undertaken after the city was awarded the 2008 Summer Olympics. In addition to building facilities needed for the Games, the program has enhanced the city's infrastructure, notably public transportation.

 Beijing is the railroad centre of China, forming the terminus of a number of lines in the national rail network. The major lines radiating from Beijing provide connections with Shenyang (Liaoning province), Shanghai municipality, Guangzhou (Canton) (Canton; Guangdong province), Hong Kong, Baotou (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region), and Taiyuan (Shanxi province). The local lines serve outlying districts within the metropolitan area. Beijing is linked by direct express with several other large urban centres, and it is also connected by express train with Moscow; P'yŏngyang, North Korea; and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

      In addition to the rail system, Beijing has an increasingly dense network of highways radiating from the city, which are used by a growing number of privately owned automobiles as well as by trucks and long-distance bus services. Beijing's road-transport system, though improving rapidly, is still inadequate and cannot keep up with the rapid increase in vehicles, and traffic congestion is often severe. The once-ubiquitous bicycles and three-wheeled cycle carts continue to be heavily used for short-distance transport, despite the proliferation of automobiles. Ox- or horse-drawn carts are still sometimes used to transport goods in the rural areas of the municipality.

      Beijing is also a centre of China's civil air transport. The nation's major domestic air routes link Beijing to regional centres at Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Ürümqi (Urumchi; Uygur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang) as well as to other major cities, and international air carriers provide service to major overseas destinations. In 1999 a new terminal building was completed at Beijing's Capital Airport, located northeast of the central city.

      Beijing's intracity commuting services are provided primarily by a network of local and express buses. Taxis of various types are also an important means of getting around in the central city. In 1969 a subway linethe first in Chinawas opened, running east-west through the central area; this line was supplemented by a separate loop line opened in 1987 that follows the old limits of the inner city beneath the Second Ring Road. A third line, which extends eastward from the original east-west line, was completed in 1999 and connected to the existing line in 2000. The city's first north-south line (part of which is above ground) opened in 2007, and three more lines opened in 2008 in time for the Olympic Games: a line shaped like an inverted L situated farther out from and parallel to the eastern and northern sides of the central loop line, a northward spur from this new line to the main venues for the Games, and a line northeast from the inner loop to the airport. In addition, a system of light-rail lines extending into suburban areas has been under construction since 2000; the first portion of it, constituting a large semicircular loop through the northern suburbs, was fully operational by 2003.

Administration and society

      Beijing is one of the four centrally administered (i.e., province-level) shi (municipalities) in China (the others being Chongqing, Shanghai, and Tianjin), and there is no governmental tier between it and the central government. The municipality is divided administratively into four urban and six suburban chu (districts) and eight xian (counties) in the peripheral areas. Beijing's municipal government is part of the hierarchical structure of the Chinese government that extends from the national organization, through the provincial apparatus, to the municipal and, ultimately, neighbourhood levels. Executive authority is formally assigned to the Beijing People's Government, the officers of which are elected by the Beijing Municipal People's Congress, the governmental decision-making body. The local government consists of a mayor, vice mayors, and numerous bureaus in charge of public security, the judicial system, and other civil, economic, social, and cultural affairs.

      Paralleling this governmental structure is that of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). As in all of China, real power in Beijing is held by the local CCP, but local government institutions perform various formal functions. The Beijing Municipal People's Congress follows the guidance of the local CCP in issuing administrative orders, collecting taxes, determining the budget, and implementing economic plans. Under the direction of the local CCP, a standing committee of the Municipal People's Congress recommends policy decisions and oversees the operation of municipal government.

      The districts and townships, each a subdivision of the municipality, have their own mayors. Below the urban district level, police substations supervise the population, and subdistrict or neighbourhood offices handle civil affairs in their areas. Residents' committees help mediate disputes, conduct literacy campaigns, and promote sanitation, welfare, and family planning.

      As the national capital, Beijing houses all the most important governmental and political institutions in the nation. These include the National People's Congress, constitutionally the supreme organ of state power; the State Council, the highest executive organ of the state; and the various administrative departments under the jurisdiction of the State Council, including the ministries and commissions in charge of foreign affairs, internal affairs, public security, national defense, justice, finance, culture, health, education, nationality affairs (concerning minority groups in the country), agriculture, and various branches in industry. Beijing is also the headquarters of the parallel CCP organizationsthe National Party Congress, the Central Committee and Political Bureau (Politburo), and the Secretariat. In addition to the above, the highest organ of state concerned with the maintenance of law and orderthe Supreme People's Courtis located in the capital.

Municipal services
      Since the city of Beijing is not directly on a major river, most water for municipal consumption has to be brought into it from elsewhere. Some water, however, comes from shallow wells, which are common throughout much of the region. These provide some villages with drinking water and supply water for irrigation.

      Since the earliest history of the city, local springs and rivers (such as the Chaobai and Yongding) have been used to supply water. Several springs rise at the foot of the Xiang (Fragrant) Hills and on Yuquan Hill, both to the northwest of the central city. During the Qing dynasty these springs were tapped by means of an aqueduct that conveyed water for the city moat and for three lakes near the Imperial Palaces. The moat around the city walls became an important means of water distribution for the municipality.

      Large-scale water-conservation projects were begun in the early 1950s to provide more water for the expanding urban area. Notable are the large Miyun Reservoir, northeast of the city, and the Guanting Reservoir, which impounds the Yongding in the northwestern mountains beyond the Great Wall. These regulate the flow of the rivers upstream, storing water at times of heavy discharge and then allowing it to be released when the rivers are low. Two lesser projects also have been carried out: the Ming Tombs Reservoir, whose waters feed a hydroelectric power station and irrigate the neighbouring countryside, and a hydroelectric power station near Moshikou, which uses the waters of the Yongding and feeds them back into the river through an ancient canal. The hydroelectric station at Guanting is the largest single source of electricity for the metropolitan area of Beijing.

      Since the 1980s, however, demand for water (water supply) typically has exceeded the supply available through the reservoir system. Shortages have been made up by pumping ever-larger quantities of groundwater, which has shrunk the underground reserves, lowered the water table, and reduced water quality. The municipal government has addressed this problem by enforcing water-saving measures and imposing quotas and has explored plans to carry water from the Yangtze to the city via a system of canals.

      Beijing is rapidly developing a modern sewerage system. A system of underground pipes, eventually extending some 195 miles (315 km), was in operation as early as the 15th century, but it later became clogged and was abandoned. A new system was installed in the early 1950s, which, within the former walled area, was partly based on the rehabilitation of the old system. All open sewers, characteristic of many Chinese cities in the past, have been eliminated, and new pipes have been laid throughout the densely populated areas of the municipality. However, large quantities of industrial effluents and domestic sewage have continued to flow untreated into the municipality's waterways, causing varying levels of pollution.

      Coal and charcoal were the traditional energy sources for domestic consumption, but, as Beijing's population soared in the late 20th century, the use of these fuels contributed to worsening air pollution in the city, especially during the winter. A major campaign has largely succeeded in replacing these with natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas, and this has reduced smoke emissions significantly. However, many of those gains have been offset by the tremendous increase in exhaust fumes from the city's large number of automobiles and trucks.

      The headquarters of the Beijing General Post Office is located on the east side of Tiananmen Square. It provides more comprehensive services than do post offices in Western cities, handling mail, telegrams, long-distance telephone calls, and the distribution of newspapers and magazines. There are more than 350 branch offices and stations in the city and the suburbs, and the General Post Office also maintains several service centres at such busy traffic points as Qian Gate, Beijing Railway Station, and Wangfujing Dajie. The service centre on Wangfujing Dajie takes subscriptions to foreign newspapers and magazines and sells single issues.

      Chinese medical services employ both traditional Chinese and Western-style medical practices. Beijing has some of the best hospitals of both systems in the country.

      The Peking Union Medical College Hospital, the first modern hospital in China, was founded in 1921 as an affiliate of the Peking Union Medical College (1906), which for years was supported by the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation. The hospital, the largest in Beijing, is a polyclinic facility combined with an institute of gynecology and pediatrics. Since 1949 many new hospitals, clinics, and sanitariums have been built. People's Friendship Hospital, a gift of the Soviet Union at the peak of Sino-Soviet friendship in the 1950s, is located in the Tianqiao neighbourhood in the outer city. Until 1960 the Soviet staff not only treated patients but also gave advanced training to Chinese medical personnel on the latest Soviet methods.

      Many hospitals are clinical teaching facilities attached to medical schools. These include the Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Science, located outside the Fucheng Gate site; the First Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University, just west of Bei Hai; and the Affiliated Hospital of the Research Institute of Chinese Medicine, located in the western suburban town of Xiaoyuan. The largest pediatrics facility in China, the Beijing Children's Hospital, is situated just outside the Fuxing Gate site and provides a homelike atmosphere for its young patients. A sanitarium in the traditional Chinese architectural style has been built in the hills west of the city for students from Asian countries. The most specialized hospitals are located in the old residential districts of the city and include the Stomatological Hospital (dealing with diseases of the mouth), the Chest Surgery Hospital, the Hospital of Plastic Surgery, the Hospital of Chinese Medicine, and the Jisuidan Hospital, which focuses on traumatic (accident-related) and orthopedic surgery.

      Chinese traditional medicine includes utilizing Chinese herb drugs and acupuncture treatments. Students in the Western-style medical schools are taught the essentials of Chinese traditional medicine, and Chinese traditional medical students are expected to be familiar with the essentials of Western medicine. Diagnoses of difficult cases are sometimes made only after consultations with specialists of both systems.

      Each rural county in the municipality has a well-equipped hospital located in the county seat, but the basic unit for medical service there is the health centre in an individual work unit, which is equipped with complete clinical facilities. Medical teams of doctors, nurses, and public health personnel are sent frequently from the teaching centres in the city to the work units to assist in the general medical work and to keep local staff members in touch with the latest medical information and techniques.

 Before 1949 much of the education at all levels in Beijing was in the hands of private schools, many of which were run by missionaries. The government subsequently took steps to abolish private schools and put all education in the hands of the state. It was soon realized, however, that the government could not possibly provide enough schools for all who required education, and it reversed its policy to some degree. Local organizations, such as factories, business concerns, collectives, and communes, were encouraged to establish schools. The outbreak of the Cultural Revolution in 1966 stopped all regular classes in Beijing and throughout China, massively disrupting the education system; conditions did not return to pre-1966 levels until the late 1970s. A major part of the financing for elementary education is now met by sources other than the central government, though the government does provide considerable subsidies to schools in difficult financial situations.

      There are now enough primary and secondary schools in Beijing to accommodate all students during their years of mandatory schooling, and essentially all primary-age children are enrolled. About three-fifths of the primary students move on to the secondary level, a rate that is considerably higher than the national average. For preschool-age children, kindergartens and nurseries are operated by factories, business enterprises, government offices, and city block cooperatives. Their main function is to permit mothers to work, and although some of these facilities are located in the residential neighbourhoods, many are on the premises of places of employment. In the suburban or rural areas, kindergartens are often temporarily set up during such events as the harvest.

      There are three main types of secondary schools in Beijing: general middle schools, normal schools, and vocational and technical schools. The general middle school is of the academic type, with a curriculum designed to prepare students for college. The normal school trains teachers for primary schools. Vocational and technical schools, created to provide skilled workers in various fields, have developed rapidly in the city.

      Since the end of the 19th century, when China began to adopt the Western educational system, Beijing has been the country's centre of higher education, a position that was only strengthened after 1949. The city is home to a number of the country's most prestigious institutions; many of them are located in the northwestern Haidian district, which is set against the background of Kunming Lake, the Summer Palace, and the Western Hills. Notable among these are Peking University and Tsinghua (Qinghua) University. Peking University (1898) is one of the largest comprehensive institutions in China. In 1953 the university moved from its old site at Shatan, in the inner city, to the present campus, which previously belonged to the missionary-established Yenching (Yanjing) University. The Haidian campus has been expanded considerably to the east and south. Tsinghua University (1911) is the country's most renowned facility for science and engineering. Other institutions of higher education within the academic district include the People's University of China, which offers ideological training; the Central Institute of Nationalities, enrolling students from the country's various autonomous regions and districts; Beijing Normal University, for teacher training; Beijing Medical University, which includes a large number of affiliated hospitals and institutes; the Central Conservatory of Music; and universities for specific disciplines, such as aeronautics and astronautics, geoscience, agriculture, and posts and telecommunications. The Chinese Academy of Sciences, the most prestigious research institute in the country, is also located in the district.

      Beijing also has a number of foreign-language institutions where foreigners are employed to teach alongside their Chinese colleagues. The Beijing Foreign Studies University (1941), located in Haidian, is the largest facility of its kind in China. The Second Foreign Language Institute was set up in 1964 for training personnel for the New China News Agency. There are also a number of small institutes of language training run by the government and by the Beijing Radio Station. The Haidian Shangli Foreign Language School, at the secondary level, accepts children as young as eight years of age; most of them learn English, while others study French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and Japanese.

Cultural life
 Beijing has been the magnificent centre of traditional Chinese culture and learning since the Ming dynasty. Emperors and courtiers patronized the arts, especially painting and calligraphy. Precious objects from other parts of the empire and from foreign countries poured into the capital. This role of cultural centre was continued during the Qing dynasty, although the century of political and social upheaval that began in the mid-19th century led to an overall cultural decline in both Beijing and the whole of China. In the late 1940s the Nationalists shipped a huge quantity of art treasures to Taiwan before their defeat by the communists. On the mainland, subsequently, many family heirlooms were purchased by the state for low prices and were then sold for export or used to enhance the country's museum holdings.

      The communist government initially encouraged pursuit of traditional arts, crafts, and scholarship, but this policy abruptly ended with the onset of the Cultural Revolution. Art objects that were not deliberately smashed were confiscated (some were returned to their former owners after 1980), traditional Chinese scholarship was essentially put to an end, and many academics were sent to the countryside or imprisoned. Since that time the government has made a concerted effort to restore damaged treasures and to revive the work of traditional artists and scholars. Because much of this activity has taken place in Beijing, the capital has undergone something of a cultural renaissance and resumed its leading role in the country's cultural life.

The arts
 Traditional jingxi (Peking opera)—with its elaborate and stylized costumes and makeup, cacophonous music, and spectacular dance and acrobatic routineshas been revived, after an attempt during the Cultural Revolution to adapt the form to modern revolutionary themes. The opera has great appeal for older people but less for the young, who instead prefer movies, television, and popular music. A great variety of other performance styles are also found in Beijing. The city boasts a symphony orchestra and Western-style opera and ballet companies and hosts visits by foreign orchestras and performers. Concerts of traditional Chinese and Western-style popular music are also common. A variety of plays by Chinese and Western dramatists are staged each year. Venues with high reputations include the Capital, Youth Art, and Tianqiao theatres. Also popular are acrobatic performances and musical revues.

      Visual arts, notably calligraphy and Chinese-style painting, have had a major resurgence in the city, and there are many shops and galleries displaying these works as well as Western-style paintings. There is also a growing market for antiques, which can be found at Liulichang near the Qianmen site and the Panjiayuan area. In addition, the city has numerous well-stocked bookshops.

Museums and libraries
      The Palace Museum, housed in the main buildings of the former Imperial Palaces, contains the city's greatest collection of art treasures. Many of the halls are kept as they were in dynastic times, each constituting a museum in itself, and others are used to display some of the priceless treasures from China's past. Of special interest are its porcelains and enamels, works in embroidery and precious metals, and stone carvings and scrolls.

      The Museum of Chinese History (Chinese History, National Museum of) is located on the eastern side of Tiananmen Square. Thousands of historical relics and documents are on display, arranged chronologically from the appearance of the prehistoric Peking man some 500,000 years ago through the last 6,000 years of Chinese history. The Museum of the Chinese Revolution occupies a wing of the museum building and traces the country's history since the mid-19th century. The Capital Museum, in the northeast near the Anding Gate site and part of the Confucian Temple complex, has exhibits on the history of the city.

      Notable art collections are housed in the China Art Gallery, just northeast of the Palace Museum, and in the Xu Beihong Museum in northwestern Beijing northeast of the Xizhi Gate site. Institutions devoted to the natural sciences include the Natural History Museum, in the northwestern corner of Tiantan Park; the Geological Museum, just east of Bei Hai Park; and the Beijing Planetarium, west of the Xizhi Gate site and south of the Beijing Zoo. The former homes of such notable individuals as Song Qingling (Soong Ch'ing-ling), Guo Moruo, and Qi Baishi are preserved as museums.

      The Beijing Library, which holds the collections of the National Library of China, is located in the southern Haidian district, just west of the zoo. The library inherited books and archives from the renowned Imperial Wenyuange library collection of the Qing dynasty that has existed for more than 500 years and that, in turn, included books and manuscripts from the library of the Southern Song dynasty, established some 700 years ago. Also in its holdings are other collections from imperial libraries of the Qing dynasty, imperial colleges, and private owners. Among them are rare copies of ancient manuscripts and books of five dynastic periods from the Song to the Qing, including a vast number of manuscript volumes on different subjects, copies of Buddhist sutras dating to the 6th century, old maps, diagrams, and rubbings from ancient inscriptions on metal and stone. In addition, it possesses the Yongledadian (“Great Canon of the Yongle Era”) of the Ming dynasty and a copy of the Sikuquanshu (“Complete Library of the Four Branches of Literature”), dating from the Qing dynasty. In the late 1980s most of the National Library's collections were moved to the present site from the Beijing Library's original building just west of Bei Hai; that facility is now a branch of the main library. Other important libraries include the Peking University Library, containing a large collection of documents on local history, and the Capital Library.

 As the residence of the imperial families through several dynastic periods, Beijing is well known for its numerous parks and playgrounds; few cities in China have as large a proportion of land within the central city allocated for recreational uses. Among the most popular of Beijing's parks are Zhongshan Park, Bei Hai Park, Jingshan Park, the Summer Palace, and the Beijing Zoo.

      Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) Park lies just southwest of the Forbidden City; it is the most centrally located park in Beijing and encloses the former Altar of Earth and Harvests (Shejitan), where the emperors made offerings to the gods of earth and agriculture. The altar consists of a square terrace in the centre of the park. To the north of the altar is the Hall of Worship (Baidian), now the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, which dates to the early 15th century; its simple form, masterly design, and sturdy woodwork bear the characteristic marks of early Ming architecture. The Water Pavilion, built out over a lotus pond on three sides to provide a gathering place for scholars and poets, is in the southwest corner of the park. Scattered among the park's pools, goldfish enclosures, rocky hills, weeping willows, pines, cypresses, bamboos, and flowers are pavilions, kiosks, and towers, which are typical of Chinese garden landscape.

      Bei Hai Park lies to the northwest of the Forbidden City. It covers some 170 acres (70 hectares), half of which is water. The focus is on Bei Hai, the most northerly of the three lakescalledseas” (hai)—that lie roughly north-south along the western side of the Imperial City. Pleasure grounds, lakes, and buildings have existed on the site for eight centuries. As the lakes were deepened and dredged, the excavated earth was used to build hillocks and islands of great beauty. In 1651 a Qing emperor built the White Pagoda, the most striking landmark in the park, on the top of a hill. Bei Hai is crowded with rowboats in summer, and it freezes over to become a natural ice-skating rink in winter.

      Jingshan (Prospect Hill) Park, also known as Meishan (Coal Hill) Park, is a man-made hill, more than a mile (1.6 km) in circumference, located north of the Forbidden City. The hill, offering a spectacular panorama of Beijing from its summit, has five ridges, with a pavilion on each. The hill was the scene of a historical tragedy when in 1644, at the end of the Ming dynasty, the defeated Ming emperor hanged himself on a locust tree on its east slope. In the northern part of the park is Beijing Children's Palace, with recreational, athletic, and educational facilities.

      The Summer Palacecalled Yiheyuan in Chinese (“Garden of Good Health and Harmony”)—lies close to the Western Hills, about 6 miles (10 km) northwest of the Xizhi Gate site. Designated a World Heritage site in 1998, it is the largest park on the outskirts of Beijing and is noted for its artful landscaping, which provides an inimitable blend of woods, water, hills, and architecture. The park covers more than 800 acres (325 hectares), four-fifths of which consists of Kunming Lake and the remainder man-made hillocks. More than 100 buildingshalls, towers, pavilions, bridges, and pagodaslie scattered throughout the park; a marble boat, two stories high and some 80 feet (24 metres) long, is located at the northwestern corner of the lake and is one of the major attractions. A series of richly painted covered promenades connect the buildings and courts along the shore of the lake. Just east of the Summer Palace lie the ruins of the Former Summer Palace (Yuanmingyuan), destroyed in 1860 by foreign troops.

      To the west of the Summer Palace, on the eastern edge of the Western Hills, is Xiangshan (Fragrant Hills) Park. Long an imperial retreat, it is now a popular area of rugged woodlands and scenic vistas. Nearby to the north is the Azure Clouds Temple (Biyunsi) complex, which contains a hall where the body of Nationalist leader Sun Yat-sen was kept after he died until it could be buried in Nanjing. Farther to the northeast is the Beijing Botanical Garden, within which is a temple containing a large statue of a reclining Buddha.

      The Beijing Zoo (Peking Zoological Garden) is located in the western part of the city. The zoo was established toward the end of the 19th century and was named theGarden of Ten Thousand Animals” (Wanshengyuan). Its collection is actually about half that size, but it is the largest zoo in the country, with animals from all parts of China and the world; one of the zoo's most popular attractions is its collection of giant pandas.

      Beijing hosted the 1990 Asian Games, and many of the facilities for that event were constructed in the far northern part of the city. That area became the nucleus of Olympic Green, the main location of competition venues and athlete housing for the 2008 Summer Games. Notable among its facilities is the new 80,000-seat National Stadium. In addition, existing facilities, such as the 72,000-seat Beijing Workers' Stadium on the city's east side and the Capital Indoor Stadium near the zoo, are being renovated for use during the Olympics.

      Beijing's citizens have increasing access to leisure time. Movies remain a common form of entertainment, but teahouses, discos, nightclubs, and karaoke bars are popular among young people. Television viewing has also grown significantly, as have the number of Beijing households with colour television sets.

      The Chinese love of good food is world-renowned, and Beijing is one of China's culinary showcases. All the regional cuisines are represented among the city's hundreds of restaurants, although the Beijing style predominates. The dish best known to foreigners is Peking duck, which is the specialty of several establishments. Among other local delicacies are various traditional snack foods (e.g., mutton shish kabobs, meat-filled pancakes, and rice balls) that can be enjoyed in restaurants or purchased from street vendors.


The early empires
      With but few interruptions, Beijing has been the capital of China for some eight centuries, and in number of years as the imperial capital it is exceeded only by Xi'an (Chang'an) in Shaanxi province and Luoyang in Henan province. In prehistoric times the area around Beijing was inhabited by some of the earliest-known human beings. Between 1918 and 1939 the fossil remains of Peking man (formerly Sinanthropus pekinensis; now known as Homo erectus pekinensis), who lived about 500,000 years ago, and of Upper Cave man, who lived about 50,000 years ago, were unearthed at Zhoukoudian, a village in Beijing municipality about 30 miles (50 km) southwest of the central city.

      While long periods in Beijing's early history remain blank, it is certain that some 3,000 years ago Neolithic communities settled on or near the site where the city now stands. During the Zhanguo (Warring States) (Warring States) period (475256 BC) of the Zhou dynasty (1046256 BC), one of the powerful feudal states, the kingdom of Yan, established its capital, named Ji, near the present city of Beijing; this was the first capital city to be associated with the site. The city was destroyed by the troops of Shihuangdi, founder of the Qin dynasty (221207 BC).

      During the Qin, the Yan capital was incorporated into one of the 36 prefectures then established throughout the country. A new town was built during the succeeding Han dynasty (206 BCAD 220) that was also known as Yan. Throughout the Han period and the turbulent centuries that followed, however, the place remained a provincial town, most of the time caught in the fateful struggle between the Han Chinese to the south and the nomadic Xiongnu, or Huns, to the north.

      During the period of Sanguo (Three Kingdoms) (Three Kingdoms; AD 220280), the city was again called Yan. The northern border of ancient China ran close to the present city of Beijing, and northern nomadic tribes frequently broke in from across the border. Thus, the area that was to become Beijing emerged as an important strategic and a local political centre.

      For nearly three centuries (from the end of the Xi [Western] Jin dynasty in 316/317 to the beginning of the Sui dynasty in 581), the northern territory, including the site where Beijing now stands, was largely under the control of invading nomads. It was not recovered by the Han people until the Tang dynasty (618907), when it became known as Youzhou. By the middle of the Tang, measures were being taken to prevent the nomadic Tangut tribes of Tibet, such as the Xi Xia, and the Khitans (Khitan) (a Turco-Mongolian people from Manchuria) from raiding the borderlands and the local capital. The position of Youzhou consequently became increasingly important. A number of states emerged in North China after the fall of the Tang dynasty. One of these was established by the Khitans, who, after destroying Youzhou, founded the Liao (Liao dynasty) kingdom (9071125) and built one of their capitals on approximately the same site, calling it Nanjing (“Southern Capital”) to distinguish it from other capitals in their Manchurian homeland. The Liao capital was bounded by a square wall with a perimeter of almost 14 miles (23 km) and a height of some 32 feet (10 metres). It had eight gates and enclosed a fine imperial palace in the centre, which indicated the strong influence of Chinese city planning.

      In the mid-12th century, when the Juchen, a Tungus people from eastern Manchuria, defeated the Liao and established the state of Jin, the Liao capital was rebuilt as the new Jin capital and renamed Zhongdu (“Central Capital”). Zhongdu under the rule of the Juchen was constructed on a larger scale, with splendidly decorated palaces and halls.

      Between 1211 and 1215 the Mongols (Yuan dynasty)—under the leadership of Genghis Khan, one of the great conquerors of history and founder of the Yuan, or Mongol, dynasty (12061368)—repeatedly attacked and finally took the city from the Jin. In the battle the palaces of Zhongdu were set on fire and blazed for more than a month. When all China fell to the Mongol hordes, Kublai Khan (121594), a successor to Genghis Khan, determined to build a new capital at Beijing, abandoning the old city of Karakorum in Mongolia. In 1272 he named the new capital Dadu (“Great Capital”); under the Mongols it became for the first time the political centre of all China.

      Dadu was larger than any of its forerunners and was rebuilt slightly northeast of the old site. The square of the outer wall measured about 18 miles (29 km) in length and enclosed an area of more than 20 square miles (50 square km). The city walls were built with pounded earth, and once each year labourers were called in to repair them with mud. The Imperial Palace, which was approximately to the west of the modern-day one, was situated in the southern half of the capital city. The chief palace architect at the time was an Arab, appointed by Kublai. The city of Dadu exemplified the imposing and variegated architecture of the Mongol period. The square walls and the 12 gates were all modeled on the Chinese plan, but the inner chambers and living quarters were often in the styles found in Mongolia or Central Asia. It was at that time that a waterway, the Tonghui Canal, was dug and connected to the Grand Canal, so that boats transporting tribute rice from the provinces south of the Yangtze could sail into one of the new lakes inside the city. Dadu, which had magnificent imperial palaces and treasures drawn from every corner of the country, was the scene of stupendous feasts given by the khan (ruler) on state occasions. These characteristics and the well-organized post stages on the roads leading to the city astounded the Venetian traveler Marco Polo (Polo, Marco), who visited Dadu in the 1280s.

Centuries of growth
The Ming and Qing dynasties
      In the mid-14th century Zhu Yuanzhang (Hongwu) headed a peasant revolt that overthrew the Mongol dynasty and, as the Hongwu emperor, established the Ming dynasty (13681644). He moved the capital to Jinling in Jiangsu province and called it Nanjing; Dadu was renamed Beiping (“Northern Peace”) and was placed under his son's rule. On Zhu's death (1398) the throne passed to his grandson in Nanjing, but his son, Zhu Di (Yongle) (also called the Yongle emperor), who ruled Beiping, usurped the throne. In consequence, in 1403 the city was renamed Beijing (“Northern Capital”), and in 1421 it was officially made the capital city of the Ming dynasty.

      Beijing in the Ming period grew on a yet grander scale than under the Mongols. The former city walls and the extant moats, palaces, and temples were built mainly in the 15th century. The old city of Dadu, including its palaces, was largely demolished. The new city was situated farther southwest, which left the northern part of the Mongol city derelict while at the same time slicing off one gate from the east and west walls, respectively. In 1553 an outer wall was begun, to include the increasing number of inhabitants living outside the city. However, when the entire construction was subsequently found to be too costly, the plan was abandoned on the completion of the south wall; thus emerged the present shape of the old city. Unlike the city wall of pounded earth of Mongol times, the walls of the Ming city were faced with a layer of bricks to prevent weathering.

      In 1644 Beijing was taken over by Li Zicheng, who led a peasant uprising against the Ming regime. Li's army held it for only 40 days, for the Manchus (Manchu) were simultaneously preparing an incursion south of the Great Wall, andthanks to the complicity of a Ming general who opened the gate in the wall at Shanhai Passthey swept down on the city. Beijing fell intact and in the same year was declared the Manchu capital by Shunzhi, the first emperor of the Qing dynasty (16441911/12).

      Beijing remained superficially the same throughout Qing times. The city plan was unaltered, though many palaces, temples, and pavilions were added outside the walls to the west, notably those that comprised the Old Summer Palace, built in the 17th century, and the Summer Palace, built in the late 19th century. The Old Summer Palace was completely destroyed by fire in 1860 by British and French troops during the Second Opium (Opium Wars) (orArrow”) War (185660). In the same year, as a result of the treaties of Tianjin in 1858, a permanent British embassy was established in the city, and a legation quarter, situated to the southeast of the palace ground, was reserved for British and other embassies. The legation quarter was besieged for nearly two months by the Boxer (Boxer Rebellion) rebels in 1900.

The modern city
  After the revolution of 1911, Beijing remained the political centre of the Republic of China until 1928, when the Nationalists (Nationalist Party) moved the capital to Nanjing; Beijing was again called Beiping. The city came under increasing pressure from the Japanese, who established the puppet state of Manchukuo in Manchuria in 1931. In July 1937 fighting broke out between Chinese and Japanese troops near the Marco Polo Bridge, southwest of the city; Beiping was subsequently occupied by the Japanese until 1945. After World War II the city reverted to the Nationalists, who were defeated by the communists in the ensuing civil war. In 1949, with the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Beijing (with its old name restored) was chosen as the capital of the new regime. The city soon regained its position as the leading political, financial, and cultural centre of China.

Sen-dou Chang David Michael Bonavia Ed. In the 1950s and '60s urban-development projects widened the streets and established the functional districts that characterize the modern city, but political campaigns culminating in the Cultural Revolution (196676) delayed many of these projects. Beginning with the economic reforms of the early 1980s, the pace of change accelerated, and Beijing changed dramatically. New shopping centres and residential buildings appeared throughout the city, and high-tech industrial parks were established, especially in the suburbs. One such area, dubbedSilicon Valley,” was developed with government backing between Peking and Tsinghua universities. Another striking change, noticeable particularly in the newer shopping centres, has been the emergence of a consumption-oriented middle class similar to that found in Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul (South Korea), and other Asian cities undergoing rapid economic growth. At the same time, Beijing, like other modern cities, has faced growing problems with air pollution, traffic congestion, and overcrowding.

 Soon after it was announced in 2001 that Beijing would host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, the city embarked on an ambitious program to construct sports venues and housing for athletes and to improve the city's transportation infrastructurenotably by greatly expanding the subway system. These tasks were accomplished in time for the Games. In addition to construction related to the Olympics, a host of other office and residential high-rise buildings mushroomed throughout Beijing, vastly transforming the look of the city.


Additional Reading

General works
Standard discussions of Beijing city life include Ross Terrill, Flowers on an Iron Tree: Five Cities of China (1975); Felix Greene, Peking (1978); and Judy Bonavia, Jill Hunt, and David Bonavia, Peking, 3rd ed. (1984). Brian Hook (ed.), Beijing and Tianjin: Towards a Millennial Megalopolis (1998), is a collection of essays. A number of important works on scenic and structural aspects of Beijing appeared in the 1930s; among them are L.C. Arlington and William Lewisohn, In Search of Old Peking (1935, reprinted 1987); and Juliet Bredon, Peking: A Historical and Intimate Description of Its Chief Places of Interest, 3rd rev. ed. (1931; reprinted 1982). Osvald Sirén, The Walls and Gates of Peking (1924), and The Imperial Palaces of Peking (1926, reprinted 1976), give details on architectural features of the old walled city. Hedda Morrison, A Photographer in Old Peking (1985), is a record of the city in the 1940s. Norman A. Chance, China's Urban Villagers: Changing Life in a Beijing Suburb, 2nd ed. (1991); Hsüeh Feng-hsüan, Beijing: The Nature and Planning of a Chinese Capital (1995); and Zhang Li, Strangers in the City: Reconfigurations of Space, Power, and Social Networks Within China's Floating Population (2001), provide insight into social, economic, and political factors. The annual China Urban Statistics gives demographic information.

William Lindesay and Wu Qi, Beijing, 6th ed. (2000); Tom Le Bas (ed.), Insight Guide: Beijing, 4th ed. (2000); Peter Neville-Hadley, Cadogan Guides: Beijing (2000); Liu Junwen, Beijing: China's Ancient and Modern Capital, 2nd ed. (1991); and Damian Harper and Caroline Liou, Beijing, 5th ed. (2002), include detailed descriptions of the city and cover its history, society, and culture.

Historical development is covered by Roderick MacFarquhar, The Forbidden City (1972); Nigel Cameron and Brian Brake, Peking: A Tale of Three Cities (1965); Zhou Shachen, Beijing Old and New: A Historical Guide to Places of Interest (1984; originally published in Chinese, 1982); and Susan Naquin, Peking: Temples and City Life, 14001900 (2000). Frank Dorn, The Forbidden City (1970), associates the details of the Imperial Palaces with historical events. Other studies include John S. Burgess, The Guilds of Peking (1928, reprinted 1970); Peter Fleming, The Siege at Peking (1959, reprinted 1990); George N. Kates, The Years That Were Fat: Peking, 19331940 (1952, reprinted 1988); and David Strand, Rickshaw Beijing: City, People, and Politics in the 1920s (1989), covering the period through the 1930s. Accounts of life in the city in the first half of the 20th century are found in H.Y. Lowe, The Adventures of Wu: The Life Cycle of a Peking Man (1940, reprinted 1983); Madeline Yue Dong, Republican Beijing: The City and Its Histories (2003); and Pu Yi, From Emperor to Citizen: Autobiography of Aisin-Gioro Pu Yi, new ed., trans. from Chinese by W.J.F. Jenner (1987), the memoir of the last Chinese emperor.David Michael Bonavia Ed.

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