- Behmenism
/bay"meuh niz'euhm/, n.Boehmenism.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Behmenism — was a 17th Century European Christian movement based on the teachings of German mystic Jakob Böhme (1575 1624). It was not a formal religious sect, but a general description of Böhme s interpretation of Christianity. Böhme s views greatly… … Wikipedia
Behmenism — noun the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers • Syn: ↑Boehmenism • Hypernyms: ↑theological doctrine * * * Usage: capitalized variant of boehmenism * * * /bay meuh niz euhm/, n. Boehmenism. * * … Useful english dictionary
Boehmenism — noun the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers • Syn: ↑Behmenism • Hypernyms: ↑theological doctrine * * * /bay meuh niz euhm, boh /, n. the mystical doctrines or conceptions of Jakob Böhme. Also, Behmenism.… … Useful english dictionary
Boehmenism — n. the mystical theological doctrine of Jakob Boehme that influenced the Quakers. Syn: Behmenism. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Esotericism — Arcane and Esoteric redirect here. For other uses, see Arcane (disambiguation) and Esoteric (disambiguation). Esotericism or Esoterism signifies the holding of esoteric opinions or beliefs,[1] that is, ideas preserved or understood by a small… … Wikipedia
Rosicrucianism — The term Rosicrucian (symbol: the Rose Cross) describes a secret society of mystics, allegedly formed in late mediaeval Germany, holding a doctrine built on esoteric truths of the ancient past , which, concealed from the average man, provide… … Wikipedia
Pietism — was a movement within Lutheranism, lasting from the late 17th century to the mid 18th century and later. It proved to be very influential throughout Protestantism and Anabaptism, inspiring not only Anglican priest John Wesley to begin the… … Wikipedia
Jakob Böhme — [ 1730).] Jakob Böhme (probably April 24 1575 [ [http://chi.gospelcom.net/DAILYF/2002/04/daily 04 24 2002.shtml] . Some sources [http://members.aol.com/DoniBess/boehme.htm e.g. this one] say he was born on or soon before 24 April 1575.] ndash;… … Wikipedia
Philadelphians — The Philadelphians, or the Philadelphian Society, were a Protestant 17th century religious group in England. They were organized around John Pordage (1607 1681), an Anglican priest from Bradfield, Berkshire, who had been ejected from his parish… … Wikipedia
John Pordage — (1607 1681), Anglican priest, astrologer, alchemist and Christian mystic who founded the 17th century English Behmenist group which would later become known as the Philadelphian Society when it was led by his disciple and successor, Jane… … Wikipedia