
/bear/, n.
1. an alcoholic beverage made by brewing and fermentation from cereals, usually malted barley, and flavored with hops and the like for a slightly bitter taste.
2. any of various beverages, whether alcoholic or not, made from roots, molasses or sugar, yeast, etc.: root beer; ginger beer.
3. an individual serving of beer; a glass, can, or bottle of beer: We'll have three beers.
[bef. 1000; ME bere, OE beor; c. OS, OHG bior, MLG, MD ber, D, G Bier (ON bjorr, prob. < OE); of disputed and ambiguous orig.]

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Alcoholic beverage made usually from malted barley, flavoured with hops, and brewed by slow fermentation.

Known from ancient times, beer was especially common in northern climates not conducive to grape cultivation for wine. It is produced by employing either a bottom-fermenting yeast, which falls to the bottom of the container when fermentation is completed, or a top-fermenting yeast, which rises to the surface. Lager beers (from lagern, "to store"), of German origin, are bottom-fermented and stored at a low temperature for several months; most are light in colour, with high carbonation, medium hop flavor, and alcohol content of 3–5% by volume. Top-fermented beers, popular in Britain, include ale, stout, and porter; they are characterized by a prominent head of released carbon dioxide, a sharper and more strongly hopped flavour than lagers, and an alcohol content of 4–6.5% by volume. See also malt.
(as used in expressions)
Jakob Liebmann Meyer Beer
Israel Beer Josaphat

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  alcoholic beverage produced by extracting raw materials with water, boiling (usually with hops), and fermenting. In some countries, beer is defined by law—as in Germany, where the standard ingredients, besides water, are malt (kiln-dried germinated barley), hops, and yeast.

History of brewing
      Before 6000 BC, beer was made from barley in Sumeria and Babylonia. Reliefs on Egyptian tombs dating from 2400 BC show that barley or partly germinated barley was crushed, mixed with water, and dried into cakes. When broken up and mixed with water, the cakes gave an extract that was fermented by microorganisms accumulated on the surfaces of fermenting vessels.

      The basic techniques of brewing came to Europe from the Middle East. The Roman historians Pliny (in the 1st century BC) and Tacitus (in the 1st century AD) reported that Saxons, Celts, and Nordic and Germanic tribes drank ale. In fact, many of the English terms used in brewing (malt, mash, wort, ale) are Anglo-Saxon in origin. During the Middle Ages, the monastic orders preserved brewing as a craft. Hops were in use in Germany in the 11th century, and in the 15th century they were introduced into Britain from Holland. In 1420, beer was made in Germany by a bottom- fermentation process, so called because the yeast tended to sink to the bottom of the brewing vessel; before that, the type of yeast used tended to rise to the top of the fermenting product and was allowed to overflow or was manually skimmed. Brewing was a winter occupation, and ice was used to keep beer cool during the summer months. Such beer came to be called lager (lager beer) (from German lagern, “to store”). The term lager is still used to denote beer produced from bottom-fermenting yeast, and the term ale is now used for top-fermented British types of beer.

      The Industrial Revolution brought the mechanization of brewing. Better control over the process, with the use of the thermometer and saccharometer, was developed in Britain and transferred to the Continent, where the development of ice-making and refrigeration equipment in the late 19th century enabled lager beers to be brewed in summer. In the 1860s the French chemist Louis Pasteur (Pasteur, Louis), through his investigations of fermentation, established many of the microbiological practices still used in brewing. The Danish botanist Emile Hansen (Hansen, Emile Christian) devised methods for growing yeasts in cultures free of other yeasts and bacteria. This pure-culture (pure culture) technology was taken up quickly by Continental lager brewers but not until the 20th century by the ale brewers of Britain. Meanwhile, German-style lagers bottom-fermented by pure yeast cultures became dominant in the Americas.

 Brewing in the 21st century is a large-scale industry. Modern breweries use stainless-steel equipment and computer-controlled automated operations, and they package beer in metal casks, glass bottles, aluminum cans, and plastic containers. Beers are now exported worldwide and are produced under license in foreign countries.

Types of beer
      Beverages similar to beer are produced in Japan (sake, from rice) and Mexico (pulque, from agave). In much of Africa, malted sorghum, millet, and maize (corn) are used to produce local beers such as bouza, burukutu, pito, and tshwala. The Tarahumara of Mexico incorporate the drinking of a maize beer, tesquino, into important social rituals.

      In Europe the properties of the water used for brewing, the types of malt, the brewing practices, and the yeast strains have contributed to traditional distinctions between beers. Early British (United Kingdom) beers were made from successive extracts of a single batch of brown malt in a top-fermentation process. The first and strongest extract gave the best-quality beer, called strong beer, and a third extract yielded the poorest-quality beer, called small beer. In the 18th century, London brewers departed from this practice and produced porter. Made from a mixture of malt extracts, porter was a strong, dark-coloured, highly hopped beer consumed by the market porters in London. Brewers in Burton upon Trent, using the famous hard waters of that region and pale malts roasted in coke-fired kilns, created pale ales (ale), also called best bitter. Pale ale is less strong, less bitter, paler in colour, and clearer than porter. Mild ales—weaker, darker, and sweeter than bitter—are a common variation; more colour is obtained by special malts, roasted barley, or caramels, less hops are used, and cane sugar is added to impart sweetness and aid maturation. Stouts (stout) are stronger versions of mild ale; some, such as milk stouts, contain lactose (milk sugar) as a sweetener. Beers with alcohol content well in excess of 5 percent are produced in the United Kingdom (barley wines), Belgium, and The Netherlands (for example, Trappist beers).

      Bottom-fermented lagers have their origins in continental Europe. Brewers in Plzeň (now in the Czech Republic) used local soft waters to produce the famous Pilsner beer, which became the standard for highly hopped, pale-coloured, dry lagers. Dortmunder is a pale lager of Germany, and Munich has become associated with dark, strong, slightly sweet beers with less hop character. The dark colour comes from highly roasted malt, and other characteristic flavours arise during the decoction mashing process. Bock is an even stronger, heavier Munich-type beer that is brewed in winter for consumption in the spring. Märzbier (“March beer”) is a lighter brew produced in the spring. While all German lagers are made with malted barley, a special brew called weiss beer (Weissbier; “white beer”) is made from malted wheat. In other countries such as Denmark, The Netherlands, and the United States, other cereals are used in lighter-coloured lager beers.

      Lambic and gueuze beers are produced mainly in Belgium. The wort is made from malted barley, unmalted wheat, and aged hops. The fermentation process is allowed to proceed from the microflora present in the raw materials (a “spontaneous” fermentation). Different bacteria (especially lactic acid bacteria) and yeasts ferment the wort, which is high in lactic acid content. Lambic beer is the cask product sold locally. Gueuze is bottled and refermented lambic beer. Filtered gueuze, the most popular product, is a bottled blend of lambic and gueuze. A cask product made in a similar manner is thought to have been consumed by miners in the United States during the California Gold Rush.

      The strength of beer may be measured by the percentage by volume of ethyl alcohol. Strong beers are in excess of 4 percent, the so-called barley wines 8 to 10 percent. Diet beers or light beers are fully fermented, low-carbohydrate beers in which enzymes are used to convert normally unfermentable (and high-calorie) carbohydrates to fermentable form. In low-alcohol beers (0.5 to 2.0 percent alcohol) and “alcohol-free” beers (less than 0.1 percent alcohol), alcohol is removed after fermentation by low-temperature vacuum evaporation or by membrane filtration. Other low-alcohol products may be produced from worts of low fermentability, using yeasts that cannot ferment maltose, or by mixing yeast separated from a normal fermentation with weak wort at a low temperature for a short time.

      The 20th century saw the erosion of traditional distinctions based on place of manufacture, raw materials, and brewing methods. This has caused a reaction among a small body of consumers. In Britain it has encouraged support for smaller, traditional ale breweries. In the United States a growing number of “microbreweries” brew beers with more flavour and colour.

The brewing process
 Beer production involves malting, milling, mashing, extract separation, hop addition and boiling, removal of hops and precipitates, cooling and aeration, fermentation, separation of yeast from young beer, aging, maturing, and packaging. The object of the entire process is to convert grain starches to sugar, extract the sugar with water, and then ferment it with yeast to produce the alcoholic, lightly carbonated beverage.

      Malting modifies barley to green malt, which can then be preserved by drying. The process involves steeping and aerating the barley, allowing it to germinate, and drying and curing the malt.

      In order to be fermented by yeast, the food reserve of barley, starch, must be converted by enzymes (enzyme) into simple sugars. Two enzymes, α- and β-amylases (amylase), carry out the conversion. The latter is present in barley, but the former is made only during germination of the grain. Specially bred strains of barley (generally low in nitrogen content) are used for malting. Other important characteristics are yield, even germination, ability to produce enzymes, and a highly extractable malt.

      Malting begins by immersing barley, harvested at less than 12 percent moisture, in water at 12 to 15 °C (55 to 60 °F) for 40 to 50 hours. During this steeping period, the barley may be drained and given air rests, or the steep may be forcibly aerated. As the grain imbibes water, its volume increases by about 25 percent, and its moisture content reaches about 45 percent. A white root sheath, called a chit, breaks through the husk, and the chitted barley is then removed from the steep for germination.

      Activated by water and oxygen, the root embryo of the barleycorn secretes a plant hormone called gibberellic acid, which initiates the synthesis of α-amylase. The α- and β-amylases then convert the starch molecules of the corn into sugars that the embryo can use as food. Other enzymes, such as the proteases and β-glucanases, attack the cell walls around the starch grains, converting insoluble proteins and complex sugars (called glucans) into soluble amino acids and glucose. These enzymatic reactions are called modification. The more germination proceeds, the greater the modification. Overmodification leads to malting loss, in which rootlet growth and plant respiration reduce the weight of the grain.

      In traditional malting, the steeped barley was placed in heaps called couches and, after 24 hours, spread on a floor to permit germination. Because respiration of the grain causes oxygen to be taken up and carbon dioxide and heat to be produced, control of aeration, ventilation, and temperature was achieved by manually turning the grain. Large-scale floor maltings with mechanical turners were introduced, later replaced by pneumatic maltings, in which germination occurred in boxes with the bed automatically turned, aerated, and ventilated with forced air. In some malting operations, gibberellic acid is sprayed onto the barley to speed germination, and bromates are used to suppress rootlet growth and malting loss. Although less-modified malts are traditionally used in lagers and well-modified malts in ales, it is now usual to produce well-modified malts regardless of whether lager or ale is to be made.

      Green malt is dried to remove most of the moisture, leaving 5 percent in lager and 2 percent in traditional ale malts. This process arrests enzyme activity but leaves 40 to 60 percent in an active state. Curing at higher temperatures promotes a reaction between amino acids and sugars to form melanoidins, which give both colour and flavour to malt.

      In the first stage of kilning, a high flow of dry air at 50 °C (120 °F) for lager malt and 65 °C (150 °F) for ale malt is maintained through a bed of green malt. This lowers the moisture content from 45 to 25 percent. A second stage of drying removes more firmly bound water, the temperature rising to 70–75 °C (160–170 °F) and the moisture content falling to 12 percent. In the final curing stage, the temperature is raised to 75–90 °C (170–195 °F) for lager and 90–105 °C (195–220 °F) for ale. The finished malt is then cooled and screened to remove rootlets.

      Special malts are made by wetting and heating green malt in closed drums at high temperatures. Made in this way are crystal (caramel), chocolate (black), and amber malts; used in small and varying proportions (2 to 3 percent of brewing malt), they introduce considerable variations in colour and flavour to finished beers. Chocolate malt and roasted ungerminated barley are used at a high proportion (25 percent) to make stouts and porters. The use of unmalted cereals (cereal) has also become common, because they are less expensive sources of starch and can be used to dilute malt colour and flavour, thereby yielding fresher, lighter beers.

      Modern maltings can produce malt in four to five days, and technological improvements give precise control over temperature, humidity, and use of heat. Tower maltings have been developed with an uppermost floor for steeping and lower floors for germination and kilning, producing a compact, semicontinuous operation that is also fully automated.

      After kilning, the malt is mixed with water at 62 to 72 °C (144 to 162 °F), and the enzymatic conversion of starch into fermentable sugar is completed. The aqueous extract (wort) is then separated from the residual “spent” grain.

      For efficient extraction with water, malt must be milled. Early milling processes used stones driven manually or by water or animal power, but modern brewing uses mechanically driven roller mills. The design of the mill and the gap between the rolls are important in obtaining the correct reduction in size of the malt. The object is to retain the husk relatively intact while breaking up the brittle, modified starch into particles.

Mixing the mash
      The milled malt, called grist, is mixed with water, providing conditions in which starch, other molecules, and enzymes are dissolved and rapid enzyme action takes place. The solute-rich liquid produced in mashing is called the wort. Traditionally, mashing may be one of two distinct types. The simplest process, infusion mashing, uses a well-modified malt, two to three volumes of water per volume of grist, a single vessel (called a mash tun), and a single temperature in the range of 62 to 67 °C (144 to 153 °F). With well-modified malt, breakdown of proteins and glucans has already occurred at the malting stage, and at 65 °C (149 °F) the starch readily gelatinizes and the amylases become very active. Less-well-modified malt, however, benefits from a period of mashing at lower temperatures to permit the breakdown of proteins and glucans. This requires some form of temperature programming, which is achieved by decoction mashing. After grist is mashed in at 35 to 40 °C (95 to 105 °F), a proportion is removed, boiled, and added back. Mashing with two or three of these decoctions raises the temperature in stages to 65 °C (149 °F). The decoction process, traditional in lager brewing, uses four to six volumes of water per volume of grist and requires a second vessel called the mash cooker.

      Other sources of starch that gelatinize at 55 to 65 °C (131 to 149 °F) can be mashed along with malt. Wheat flour and corn (maize) flakes may be added directly to the mash, whereas corn grits and rice grits must first be boiled in order to gelatinize. Their use requires a third vessel, the cereal cooker.

      Modern mashing systems use mixed grists and mash mixers, which are efficiently stirred and temperature-programmed mashing vessels. Enzymes of bacterial and fungal origin may be added as aids. Ale and lager are mashed in the same equipment, but they require different temperature programs and grist composition. Modern breweries often practice high-gravity brewing, in which highly concentrated worts are made, fermented, and then diluted, allowing more beer to be brewed on the same equipment.

Separating the wort
      The mash tun used in infusion mashing is fitted with a false base containing precisely machined slots through which the husk, preserved during milling, cannot pass. The trapped husk thus forms a filter bed that removes solids from the wort as it is drained, leaving a residue of spent grains. Wort separation takes 4 to 16 hours. For thorough extraction, the solids are sprayed, or sparged, with water at 70 °C (160 °F).

      The decoction brewer transfers the mash to a separation vessel called the lauter tun, where a shallow filter bed is formed, allowing a more rapid runoff time of about 2.5 hours. Large modern breweries use either lauter tuns or special mash filters to speed up the runoff and conduct 10 or 12 mashes a day. As much as 97 percent of the soluble material is obtained, and 75 percent of this is fermentable. Wort is approximately 10 percent sugar (mainly maltose and maltotriose), and it contains amino acids, salts, vitamins, carbohydrates, and small amounts of protein.

boiling and fermenting
      After separation, the wort is transferred to a vessel called the kettle or copper for boiling, which is necessary to arrest enzyme activity and to obtain the bitterness value of added hops.

Hops (hop)
      Several varieties of the hop (Humulus lupulus) are selected and bred for the bitter and aromatic qualities that they lend to brewing. The female flowers, or cones, produce tiny glands that contain the chemicals of value in brewing. Humulones are the chemical constituents extracted during wort boiling. One fraction of these, the α-acids, is isomerized by heat to form the related iso-α-acids, which are responsible for the characteristic bitter flavour of beer.

      Traditionally, the dried hop cones are added whole to the boiling wort, but powdered compressed hops are often used because they are more efficiently extracted. In addition, the hop components may be extracted by solvents such as liquid carbon dioxide and added in this form to the wort or, after isomerization, to the finished beer.

Heating and cooling
      The kettle boil lasts 60 to 90 minutes, sterilizing the wort, evaporating undesirable aromas, and precipitating insoluble proteins (known as hot break, or trub). Trub and spent hops are then removed in a separator where the hop cones form the filter bed. In modern practice a more rapid whirlpool separator is also used. This device is a cylindrical vessel into which wort is pumped at a tangent, the circulating whirlpool movement causing solids to form a cone at the bottom. Clarified wort is cooled, formerly in shallow troughs or by trickling down an inclined cooled plate but now in a plate heat exchanger. This last is an enclosed, hygienic vessel in which hot wort runs along plates while cold water passes along the other side in the opposite direction. Oxygen is added at this stage, and the cooled wort passes to fermentation vessels.

      In this most important stage of the brewing process, the simple sugars in wort are converted to alcohol and carbon dioxide, and green (young) beer is produced. Fermentation is carried out by yeast, which is added, or pitched, to the wort at 0.3 kilogram per hectolitre (about 0.4 ounce per gallon), yielding 10,000,000 cells per millilitre of wort.

      Yeasts are classified as fungi; those strains used for fermentation are of the genus Saccharomyces (meaning “sugar fungus”). In brewing it is traditional to refer to ale yeasts used predominantly in top fermentation as top strains of S. cerevisiae and to lager yeasts as bottom strains of S. carlsbergensis. Modern yeast systematics, however, classifies all brewing strains as S. cerevisiae, and many ales are made by bottom fermentation with what were originally top strains.

      Many hundreds of simple organic compounds have been characterized in beer and many more identified, and the majority of these are produced by yeast. The bitter substances of hops, ethyl alcohol, and carbon dioxide have the greatest effects on the senses of taste and smell. Other compounds giving a beer its character include: esters such as isoamyl acetate (banana), ethyl hexanoate (apple), and ethyl acetate (solvent); higher alcohols such as isoamyl alcohol and 2-phenyl ethanol; acids such as octanoic, acetic, isovaleric, butyric malic, and citric; dialkyl sulfides such as dimethyl sulfide; and diketones such as diacetyl. The ester ethyl isovalerate and the aldehyde nonenal contribute to stale and oxidized flavours. The mechanisms of metabolism leading to the formation of these flavouring agents are neither well understood nor easily changed. Until new processes (perhaps genetic engineering) can produce changes in brewer's yeast, brewers will attach great value to known yeast strains and will maintain selected strains for brewing particular beers.

Fermenting methods
      Brewing is unique among the beverage fermentation industries in that yeast from one fermentation is used to pitch the next. This means that hygienic conditions and rigorous quality control are necessary. A high proportion of live cells and freedom from bacteria and other yeasts are important quality considerations.

      Traditional open-topped earthenware fermentation vessels gave way to round wooden vessels and later square copper-lined fermentors, and brewery fermentation systems evolved around the mechanism used to separate yeast from freshly fermented, or green, beer. Top fermentations, in which yeast rises to the surface, require the most elaborate systems, but most brewing operations now use more hygienically operated closed vessels and bottom fermentation. These vessels, erected outside the brewery, are several thousand hectolitres in capacity (1 hectolitre = 26 U.S. gallons = 22 U.K. gallons) and are made of stainless steel. Temperature control is achieved by circulating cold liquid in jackets fitted to the wall of the vessel. Large ale breweries also use this system, removing ale yeast from the bottom of the vessel.

      The temperature of the wort at pitching is 15 to 18 °C (59 to 65 °F) for ale and 7 to 12 °C (45 to 54 °F) for lager. As fermentation proceeds, the specific gravity falls as the sugars are metabolized by the yeast. The extent of fermentation is governed by the wort composition and by the amount of fermentable sugar to remain in maturing beer. During fermentation, yeast multiplies five- to eightfold and generates heat. The temperature is allowed to rise until it reaches 20 to 23 °C (68 to 74 °F) for ale and 12 to 17 °C (54 to 63 °F) for lager. At that point the fermentation is cooled to 15 °C (59 °F) for ale and 4 °C (39 °F) for lager, considerably slowing yeast action. Yeast is then removed and the green beer, still containing about 500,000 yeast cells per millilitre, is transferred to a conditioning or maturation vessel, where a secondary fermentation may take place. In traditional brewing, the primary stage of fermentation took seven days for ale and three weeks or more for lager. These times have been shortened to 2 to 4 days and 7 to 10 days by modern practices using more-efficient fermentation vessels.

Maturation and packaging
      A slow secondary fermentation of residual or added sugar (called primings) or, in lager brewing, the addition of actively fermenting wort (called krausen) generates carbon dioxide, which is vented and purges the green beer of undesirable volatile compounds. Continued yeast activity also removes strong flavouring compounds such as diacetyl. Allowing pressure to build up in the sealed vessel then increases the level of carbonation, giving the beer its “condition.” In traditional brewing, large volumes of ale were conditioned in tanks for seven days at 15 °C (59 °F), whereas lagers were matured at 0 °C (32 °F) for up to three months. These long maturation periods were necessary because of the precipitation of protein-tannin complexes, which at low temperature form “chill hazes” that are slow in settling out. Modern practice speeds up this process by adding excess tannin, clarifying with protein or tannin adsorbents, or using enzymes to degrade the proteins.

      Traditional, or “real,” ales are packaged into casks. Sugar primings, clarifying agents such as isinglass finings, and whole hops are added, and the beer is transferred to the point of sale, where it is carefully vented to the proper level of conditioning before being sold. Some British, Australian, and U.S. microbrewed ales are packaged in bottles together with yeast to make “bottle-conditioned” beer.

      Beer produced on a large scale in modern breweries is kept free of oxygen (which ultimately spoils beer), filtered through cellulose or diatomaceous earth to remove all yeast, and packaged at 0 °C (32 °F) under pressure of carbon dioxide. Beer produced by high-gravity brewing is diluted to the desired alcohol concentration immediately prior to packaging with oxygen-free, carbonated water. Most beers packaged in bottles or metal cans are pasteurized in pack by heating to 60 °C (140 °F) for 5 to 20 minutes. Beer is also packaged into metal kegs of 50-litre (in the United States, 15-gallon) capacity after pasteurization at 70 °C (160 °F) for 5 to 20 seconds. Modern packaging machinery is designed to operate hygienically, exclude air, and run at rates of 2,000 cans or bottles per minute.

Thomas W. Young

Additional Reading

H.S. Corran, A History of Brewing (1975), is a well-researched work with references to brewing in Europe (mainly Britain) and in the United States. Fritz Schoellhorn, Bibliographie des Brauwesens (1928), continued in F. Kutter, Bibliographie des Brauwesens (1954), lists technical references to Latin literature from the 15th century onward to many German sources and to similar scientific papers written in English, French, Swedish, Danish, Czech, Russian, Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, and Hungarian. Development of brewing materials and processes to the first quarter of the 20th century is covered in H. Lloyd Hind, Brewing: Science and Practice, 2 vol. (1938–40). Harold M. Broderick (ed.), The Practical Brewer: A Manual for the Brewing Industry, 2nd ed. (1977), offers information on the American brewing industry and its history.

Brewing science and materials
J. de Clerck, A Textbook of Brewing, 2 vol. (1957–58; originally published in French, 1948), discusses worldwide brewing practices and beer analysis. D.E. Briggs, Barley (1978), and Malts and Malting (1998), are comprehensive studies of the breeding of varieties of barley and of the technical and scientific aspects of malt and malting. A.H. Burgess, Hops (1964), provides the same coverage of hop cultivation and the historical, scientific, and technical aspects of the use of hops in brewing. M.J. Lewis and T.W. Young, Brewing (2002), is an introductory account of brewing science and technology. D.E. Briggs et al., Malting and Brewing Science, 2nd ed., 2 vol. (1981–82), is a comprehensive text on brewing practice throughout the world and its underlying principles, with an extensive bibliography. J.R.A. Pollock (ed.), Brewing Science, 3 vol. (1979–87), is a collection of articles by practitioners of brewing, covering brewing science and related technology.Thomas W. Young

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