- bean ball
a ball thrown by a pitcher purposely at or near the head of the batter.[1900-05]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
bean´ball´er — bean|ball «BEEN BL», noun, verb. Baseball Slang. –n. a ball thrown by the pitcher purposely at or near the batter s head. –v.t., v.i. to throw a beanball or beanballs. –bean´ball´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
bean|ball — «BEEN BL», noun, verb. Baseball Slang. –n. a ball thrown by the pitcher purposely at or near the batter s head. –v.t., v.i. to throw a beanball or beanballs. –bean´ball´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
bean ball — bean′ ball n. spo a baseball pitch thrown at the batter s head • Etymology: 1900–05 … From formal English to slang
bean ball — ☆ bean ball n. Baseball Slang a pitch aimed at the batter s head, in violation of the rules … English World dictionary
bean ball — noun a) A ball that does not bounce and passes the batsman approximately at head height. b) A pitch deliberately thrown at the head of the batter. Syn … Wiktionary
bean ball — Baseball. a ball thrown by a pitcher purposely at or near the head of the batter. [1900 05] … Useful english dictionary
Bean ball — cricket: full toss which goes towards the head of the person at bat … Dictionary of Australian slang
bean ball — Australian Slang cricket: full toss which goes towards the head of the person at bat … English dialects glossary
bean-ball — /ˈbin bɔl/ (say been bawl) noun → beamer …
bean — (n.) O.E. bean bean, pea, legume, from P.Gmc. *bauno (Cf. O.N. baun, M.Du. bone, Du. boon, O.H.G. bona, Ger. Bohne), perhaps from a PIE reduplicated base *bha bha and related to L. faba bean. As a metaphor for something of small value it is… … Etymology dictionary