
/bee"geuhl/, n.
one of a breed of small hounds having long ears, short legs, and a usually black, tan, and white coat.
[1490-1500; perh. < MF beegueule one who whines insistently, equiv. to bee, 3d pers. sing. of beer to be open, gape (by-form of bayer (see BAY2) + gueule mouth (of an animal); see GULLET]

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Breed of small hound, popular as both a pet and a hunter.

It looks like a small foxhound, with large brown eyes, hanging ears, and a short coat that is usually a combination of black, tan, and white. Beagles are solidly built and heavy for their height. Two sizes are recognized: those standing less than 13 in. (33 cm) and weighing about 18 lbs (8 kg), and those standing about 15 in. (38 cm) and weighing about 30 lbs (13.5 kg). Beagles generally excel as rabbit hunters and are typically alert and affectionate.

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      British naval vessel aboard which Charles Darwin (Darwin, Charles) served as naturalist on a voyage to South America and around the world (183136). The specimens and observations accumulated on this voyage gave Darwin the essential materials for his theory of evolution by natural selection.

      HMS Beagle (the third of nine vessels to bear this name) was launched on May 11, 1820, at Woolwich, the site of the Royal Navy's dockyards on the River Thames near London. The ship was designed as a flush-decked, 10-gun brig (a two-masted vessel intended for scouting, courier duty, and other light assignments). It carried eight 18-pounder carronades and two 6-pounder long guns; its length was 90 feet 4 inches (about 28 metres), its beam 24 feet 6 inches (about 8 metres). At the naval review for King George IV in 1820, it became the first ship to pass fully rigged under the old London Bridge.

      In 1825 the Beagle was converted to a bark by the addition of a small mizzenmast; a forecastle and a large poop cabin were also added. For its first commission (182630), it was sent under the command of Lieutenant Pringle Stokes on a voyage to survey the coasts of South America accompanied by HMS Adventure. After Stokes's suicide at Cape Horn in 1828, Lieutenant Robert Fitzroy (Fitzroy, Robert) was appointed captain.

      Fitzroy commanded the Beagle's second voyage (183136), with Darwin as naturalist. For this commission, which would involve a circumnavigation of South America and then the globe, the ship underwent a major refit. The height of the main deck was raised a foot, and a two-inch (five-cm) sheathing of fir was added to the hull. Experimental equipmentincluding a patent stove and windlass, chains instead of ropes (where appropriate), and lightning conductorswas installed. A total of 10 officers, 4 midshipmen and volunteers, 38 seamen and boys, 8 marines, and 8 supernumeraries (including Darwin) started the voyage (the ship being so crowded that Darwin had to sleep in a hammock slung above the drafting table in the poop cabin). Darwin's large collection of fossils and plant and animal specimens was crammed into the forecastle.

      A goal of the voyage was to obtain a complete circle of measurements of longitude, a feat requiring the use of 22 chronometers and accomplished within only 33 seconds of error. Fitzroy also completed the South American surveys begun on the Beagle's first voyage and returned three Indians whom he had taken from the island of Tierra del Fuego in 1830. In 1833 HMS Beagle, Clio, and Tyne helped the British to take control of the Falkland Islands from the Argentines.

      During the ship's third voyage (183743), Lieutenants John Clements Wickham and John Lort Stokes made the first full surveys of the coasts of Australia (including Port Darwin and the Fitzroy River). In 1845 the Beagle was stripped of its masts and moored in the Essex marshes for use by the Coast Guard Service as a watch station against smugglers. It was renamed Watch Vessel 7 in 1863 and sold for scrap in 1870. Some of its timbers may still lie in the Thames estuary.

Additional Reading
Keith Stewart Thomson, HMS Beagle: The Story of Darwin's Ship (1995), is a completebiographyof the ship, its three voyages, and later fate, with chapters on the role of gun brigs in Royal Navy history and on the historical context of the voyages. Karl Heinz Marquardt, HMS Beagle (1997), offers a reconstruction of the ship and its history.Keith S. Thomson

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