- basket
—basketlike, adj./bas"kit, bah"skit/, n.1. a container made of twigs, rushes, thin strips of wood, or other flexible material woven together.2. a container made of pieces of thin veneer, used for packing berries, vegetables, etc.3. the amount contained in a basket; a basketful: to pick a basket of apples.4. anything like a basket in shape or use: He never empties my wastepaper basket.5. any group of things or different things grouped as a unit; a package; package deal: You can't buy the single stock; you have to take the basket - all companies, stocks and bonds.6. the car or gondola suspended beneath a balloon, as for carrying passengers or scientific instruments into the atmosphere.7. Basketball.a. an open net suspended from a metal rim attached to the backboard and through which the ball must pass in order for a player to score points.b. a score, counting two for a field goal and one for a free throw.8. Also called snow ring. Skiing. a ring strapped to the base of a ski pole to limit penetration of the pole in the snow.[1250-1300; ME basket(te) < early Romance *baskauta ( > F dial. bâchot, bachou wooden or interwoven vessel, OHG baskiza box) < L bascauda basin, perh. < British Celtic]
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Universalium. 2010.