
Ch'ien-lung (chyĕnʹlo͝ongʹ)
See Qianlong.

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emperor of Ching dynasty
Pinyin  Qian-long , temple name (miao-hao)  Kao-tsung , posthumous name (shih)  Ch'un Ti , original name  Hung-li 
born Sept. 25, 1711, China

died Feb. 7, 1799, Peking
      fourth emperor of the Ch'ing (Manchu) dynasty, whose reign (173596) was one of the longest in Chinese history. He conducted a series of military campaigns that eliminated the Turk and Mongol threats to northeastern China (175560), enlarged his empire by creating the New Province (modern Sinkiang), and reinforced Chinese authority in the south and east.

Youth and education.
      On Oct. 7, 1735, on the eve of the death of the Yung-cheng emperor (reigned 172335), Hung-li was declared the heir apparent. In fact, in keeping with the wish of his grandfather, the K'ang-hsi emperor (reigned 16611722), Hung-li had been secretly designated Yung-cheng's successor shortly after the latter had ascended the throne despite the fact that Hung-li was the fifth-born son (he was, however, the eldest surviving son when he was actually named heir apparent). K'ang-hsi had noticed the outstanding qualities of his grandson and had decided to do his best to prepare him for his future task. Hung-li was given a carefully planned education, including the teachings of the eminent scholar Fu-min. He then was initiated into affairs of state and, in 1733, was made a prince of the first degree. He ascended the throne on Oct. 18, 1735, at the age of 24 (25 according to the Chinese system), and was to rule under the regnal title of Ch'ien-lung for more than 60 years.

Appearance and character.
      Nearly six feet tall, Ch'ien-lung was of slender build, with an upright bearing that he kept even in old age. His vigorous constitution and love of the outdoors were widely admired. In private life, Ch'ien-lung was deeply attached to his first wife, the empress Hsiao-hsien, whom he had married in 1727 and by whom he had (in 1730) a son whom he wished to see his successor but who died in 1738. His second wife, Ula Nara, was elevated to the dignity of empress in 1750, but in 1765 she renounced living at the court and retired to a monastery, doubtless because of a disagreement with the emperor. Ch'ien-lung had 17 sons and 10 daughters by his concubines.

Dynastic achievements.
      In the 18th century, a considerable expansion of arable lands, a rapidly growing population, and good administration brought the Ch'ing dynasty to its highest degree of power. Under Ch'ienlung, China reached its widest limits. In the northeast, decisive results were achieved by successive military expeditions in 175560. Campaigns against the turbulent Turkish and Mongolian populations eliminated the danger of invasion that had always threatened the Chinese empire and culminated in the creation of the New Province (Hsin-chiang, modern Sinkiang, in northwest China), which enlarged the empire by approximately 600,000 square miles (1,600,000 square km). In the south, campaigns were less successful, but Chinese authority was nonetheless reinforced by them. An anti-Chinese revolt at Lhasa, Tibet, was easily put down in 1752, and Ch'ien-lung tightened his grip on a Tibet where real power passed from the Dalai Lama to two Chinese high commissioners. This brought an end to incursions on the Tibetan frontiers by Gurkhas from Nepal (179092), who now agreed to pay regular tribute to Peking. Campaigns against native tribes in rebellion from the west of Yünnan (the southwest corner of China) in 1748, then against Myanmar (Burmese) tribes in 1769, ended in failure, but new expeditions finally crushed the Yünnan rebels in 1776. Myanmar (Burma) itself, weakened by internal conflicts and by struggles with Siam (Thailand), agreed in 1788 to pay tribute to Peking. In Annam (Vietnam), where rival factions were in dispute, the Chinese armies intervened in 178889, at first victoriously but later suffering heavy defeats. The new ruler of Hanoi was nevertheless willing to recognize that his kingdom was a tributary state. In the east, a serious rebellion on the island of Taiwan was crushed in 1787. The enormous cost of these expeditions seriously depleted the Chinese treasury's once healthy finances.

      Still more serious was the bad management, the extravagance, and the corruption that marked the last two decades of Ch'ien-lung's reign and weakened the empire for some time to come. Ch'ien-lung was 65 years old when he noticed a young officer, Ho-shen, whom he was to make the most powerful person in the empire. In a few years, Ho-shen was given considerable responsibilities, and his son married the emperor's favourite daughter. Under Ho-shen, who was intelligent but thirsty for power and wealth and completely without scruples, nepotism and corruption reached such a point, especially during Ch'ien-lung's last years, that the dynasty was permanently harmed.

      Ch'ien-lung maintained blind confidence in his favourite. The Chia-ch'ing emperor, who succeeded Ch'ien-lung, had to wait for the old emperor's death before he could have Ho-shen arrested, relieve him of all his responsibilities, order the confiscation of his property, and grant him the favour of a suicide by reason of his blood ties with the imperial family.

Contributions to the arts.
      The role of Ch'ien-lung in the arts and letters of his time was probably a considerable one. Since it was customary to credit to the emperor many of the works produced in his reign by a variety of artists, it is impossible to determine the extent of Ch'ien-lung's personal works, but it is clear that he wrote both prose and poetry and practiced calligraphy and painting.

      Of greater significance is Ch'ien-lung's sponsorship of a compilation of Chinese Classics. In 1772 Ch'ien-lung ordered that a choice be made of the most important texts in the four traditional divisions of Chinese learningclassical works, historical works, philosophical works, and belles lettres. The Ssu-ku ch'üan-shu (“Complete Library in the Four Branches of Literature”) involved the scrutiny of entire libraries, both imperial and private, and was carried on for 10 years under the direction of the scholars Chi yün and Lu Hsi-hsiung, the emperor himself intervening on several occasions in the choice of texts. Seven handwritten series of the 36,275 volumes of the Ssu-ku ch'üan-shu were distributed, between 1782 and 1787, among the principal imperial palaces (Peking, Jehol, Mukden, and Yüan-ming Yüan) or were placed in libraries open only to scholars. The descriptive catalog of Ssu-ku ch'üan-shu remains an essential bibliographic guide for the study of classical Chinese literature.

      But this positive contribution to Chinese literature was combined with harsh censorship. In 1774 Ch'ien-lung ordered the expurgation or destruction of all seditious booksthat is, all those containing anti-Manchu declarations or allusions. As the examinations of the works took place, an index was drawn up, and, between 1774 and 1788, provincial governors received renewed orders to have the public or private libraries in their provinces checked. It has been estimated that about 2,600 titles were ordered to be destroyed. Nevertheless, several hundred works were preserved because there happened to be a copy in a Japanese or Korean library or in the library of some influential Manchu. The Ssu-ku ch'üan-shu itself was revised on several points after its completion, at the expense of the compilers, after the emperor had discovered in it some texts that he considered seditious.

      The flowering of the arts that had occurred under the K'ang-hsi and Yung-cheng emperors continued with Ch'ien-lung. Architecture, painting, porcelain, and particularly jade and ivory work flourished with a final brilliance, for later Chinese artisans produced only for export.

      Like his grandfather, Ch'ien-lung protected artists. He granted a reprieve to the excellent calligrapher Chang Chao, who was in prison awaiting execution (1736), and entrusted him with important functions. He was particularly appreciative of the painting talents of certain European missionaries who lived at the court, such as Castiglione and Jean-Denis Attiret. He also admired the knowledge and skill of the Jesuit fathers who constructed various machines and mechanical devices, though he regarded the latter as no more than a source of intellectual satisfaction and a means of creating amusing objects. Ch'ien-lung devoted great attention to the beautification of the Yüan-Ming Yüan near Peking. He was to reside there more and more often, and he considered the ensemble formed by its numerous pavilions, lakes, and gardens as the Imperial residence par excellence. He increased the estate and erected new buildings. At his request, several Jesuit missionaries built residences and gardens in a modified Italian style (Baroque and Rococoroughly corresponding with the 17th- and 18th-century architecturebut with Chinese roofs) around fountains like those of Versailles in France.

Relations with the West.
      Ch'ien-lung maintained China's traditional attitude to the outside world. The excellent personal relationships that he enjoyed with the Jesuits residing in Peking did nothing to modify the Imperial reserve regarding Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholic preaching remained officially forbidden after theRites Controversy”—a quarrel over the compatibility of ancestor worship with Roman Catholicismthat pitted the pope's legate against the K'ang-hsi emperor at the beginning of the 18th century. Although the work of the missionaries continued to be tolerated in the provinces, it frequently met with strong hostility from the local authorities, and the total number of congregations declined greatly. The British authorities later tried in vain to widen commercial contacts with China, but these remained confined to the port of Canton. A mission extraordinary led by Lord Macartney was received by the emperor in September of 1793, but the demands it presented were rejected.

      After having reigned for 60 years, Ch'ien-lung, out of respect for K'ang-hsi, whose reign had lasted 61 years, announced on Oct. 15, 1795, that he was designating his fifth son, Yung-yen (Chia-ch'ing), to succeed him. On Feb. 9, 1796, the Chinese new year, the new reign took the title of Chia-ch'ing, but the customs of the years of the Ch'ien-lung reign were upheld in the palace until the death of the old emperor. He had, in fact, held real power until this time, which makes his actual reign the longest in all Chinese history. His tomb, located to the northeast of Peking, is called -ling.

Roger Pélissier
Additional Reading
Arthur W. Hummel (ed.), Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period (16441912), vol. 1 (1943, reissued 1972), contains a scholarly article on Hung-li. See also E. Backhouse and J.O. Bland, Annals and Memoirs of the Court of Peking (from the 16th to the 20th Century) (1914, reprinted 1970); Hope Danby, The Garden of Perfect Brightness: The History of the Yüan Ming Yüan and of the Emperors Who Lived There (1950); Luther Carrington Goodrich, The Literary Inquisition of Ch'ien-lung, 2nd ed., corrected (1966); Sven Hedin, Jehol: City of Emperors (1932); Carroll Brown Malone, History of the Peking Summer Palaces Under the Ch'ing Dynasty (1934, reprinted 1966); and Harold L. Kahn, Monarchy in the Emperor's Eyes: Image and Reality in the Chʾien-lung Reign (1971).

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