Barons' War — may refer to: *First Barons War (1215–1217) in England during the reign of John *Second Barons War (1264–1267) in England during the reign of Henry III … Wikipedia
Barons' War — This was civil war by another name. Between 1264 and 1268, Henry III struggled with the barons led by Simon de Montfort. The barons sought to circumscribe the king s powers in the ways described by the provisions of Oxford of 1258 and the… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
BARONS' WAR — a war in England of the barons against Henry III., headed by Simon de Montfort, and which lasted from 1258 to 1265 … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Barons' War — a rebellion of English nobles (1263 67) against King Henry III, undertaken in an effort to curtail royal prerogatives and extend the powers of the nobles … Useful english dictionary
First Barons' War — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=First Barons War partof= caption= date=1215 1217 place=England casus=Baronial discontent with government of King John territory=None result=French invasion repelled. Eventual return to status quo, with some… … Wikipedia
Second Barons' War — Infobox Military Conflict conflict=Second Barons War partof= caption= date=1264 1267 place=England casus=Baronial discontent with government of Henry III territory= result=Initial baronial success, monarchic victory combatant1=Pro monarchy forces … Wikipedia
War of Succession of Champagne — Date 1216 1222 Location County of Champagne and its environs; mostly concentrated in southeastern Champagne Result Loyalist victory, Theobald IV succeeds as Count, Countess Regent Blanche centralizes authority over … Wikipedia
Barons Court (London Underground) — Stationsgebäude Die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Barons de Laval — Famille de Laval Pour les articles homonymes, voir Laval. La famille de Laval est une famille qui a marqué l histoire de France. Elle avait la particularité d être importante aussi bien dans le comté du Maine que dans le duché de Bretagne.… … Wikipédia en Français
Barons — Krišjānis Barons (* 31. Oktober 1835 in Strutele, Lettland; † 8. März 1923 in Rīga) war ein lettischer Volkskundler, Schriftsteller und Herausgeber. Barons ist wegen seiner volkskundlichen Arbeit als Vater der Dainas (lett.: Dainu tēvs ) bekannt … Deutsch Wikipedia