bar code

bar code
a series of lines of varying width, printed, as on a container or product, that can be read by an optical scanner to determine charges for purchases, destinations for letters, etc. Cf. Universal Product Code.

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Printed series of parallel bars of varying width used for entering data into a computer system, typically for identifying the object on which the code appears.

The width and spacing of the bars represent binary information that can be read by an optical (laser) scanner that is part of a computer system. The coding is used in many different areas of manufacturing and marketing, including inventory control and tracking systems. The bar codes printed on supermarket and other retail merchandise are those of the Universal Product Code (UPC).

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 a printed series of parallel bars or lines of varying width that is used for entering data into a computer system. The bars are typically black on a white background, and their width and quantity vary according to application. The bars are used to represent the binary digits (bit) 0 and 1, sequences of which in turn can represent numbers from 0 to 9 and be processed by a digital computer. The presence or absence of a bar of a particular width in a particular position in a sequence is read by the computer as either a 0 or 1. Most such codes use bars of only two different widths (thick and thin), though some codes employ four widths. The numbers represented by a bar code are also printed out at its base.

      Bar code information is read by an optical (laser) scanner that is part of a computer system. A handheld scanner or bar code pen is moved across the code, or the code itself is moved by hand across a scanner built into a checkout counter or other surface. The computer then stores or immediately processes the data in the bar code. The bar codes printed on supermarket and other retail merchandise in the United States are those of the Universal Product Code (UPC), or UPC, which assigns each type of food or grocery product a unique code. In the UPC system, the five digits on the left are assigned to a particular manufacturer or maker, and the five digits on the right are used by that manufacturer to identify a specific type or make of product. This is usually the only information contained in a bar code.

      Bar coding was introduced in the 1970s and is now a ubiquitous part of routine commercial transactions. Grocery stores (supermarket) use the codes to obtain price and other data about goods at the point of purchase by the consumer. At a typical supermarket checkout counter, a scanner is used to identify a product through its bar code, and a computer then looks up the item's price and feeds that number into the cash register, where it becomes part of the bill for the customer's purchases.

      The chief advantage of bar code systems is that they allow users to process detailed information at the moment the bar code is scanned, rather than simply storing information for later processing. For example, ski resorts can affix the codes to skiers and scan the bars when skiers enter ski lifts, thereby allowing the resort to monitor patterns of slope use. Various bar code systems are now used to track a vast range of products as they are manufactured, distributed, stored, sold, and serviced. These products range from processed foods and dry goods to drugs and medical supplies, automotive parts, computer parts, and even library books.

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Universalium. 2010.

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