
/bang'geuh lawr", -lohr", bang"geuh lawr', -lohr'/, n.
a city in and the capital of Karnataka, in SW India. 1,653,779.

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City (pop., 2001 prelim.: city, 4,292,223; metro. area, 5,686,844), capital of Karnataka state, southern India.

It is a cultural meeting place for Kannada-, Telugu-, and Tamil-speaking peoples. Founded in the 17th century, it was later a possession of the Marathas. It became a fief of the Indian ruler Hyder Ali in 1758, but was taken by the British in 1791. It was the headquarters of the British administration 183181, when it was restored to the raja of Mysore (now Karnataka). Today, it is one of India's largest cities and an industrial and educational centre.

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official name  Bengaluru , also spelled  Bengalooru 

      city and capital (since 1830) of Karnataka (Karnātaka) state, southern India. One of India's largest cities, Bangalore lies 3,113 feet (949 metres) above sea level atop an east-west ridge in the Karnataka Plateau in the southeastern part of the state, at a cultural meeting point of the Kannada (Kannada language)-, Telugu (Telugu language)-, and Tamil (Tamil language)-speaking peoples.

      The city consists of the closely built old town, together with a number of modern suburbs laid out in a gridiron pattern to the north and south, with many parks and wide streets. A sprawl of military cantonments lies to the east. The city's nucleus was a settlement around a mud fort, built in 1537 by a local chief, Kempe Gowda, and constructed of stone in 1761. Bangalore was the headquarters of the British administration from 1831 to 1881, when the raja was restored, but Britain retained an administrative and military presence until Indian independence in 1947. The city officially changed its name to Bengaluru in 2006.

  Prominent buildings include the legislative building Vidhana Saudha (1956) and the High Court building, Attara Kacheri (1967), which are situated across from one another. Also of note are the maharaja of Mysore's palace, the Mysore Government Museum (1866), and Tippu Sultan's fort and palace. Notable local scenic spots are the Lal Bagh (a botanic garden laid out in the 18th century), Cubbon Park (a garden with a lake, aquarium, and library), Hesaraghatta Lake, Chamaraja Lake Reservoir, and Nandi (Nandidrug) Hill Station, a summer resort 38 miles (61 km) north, which is the site of two temples to the god Shiva.

      Bangalore has pleasant summers and mild winters. Summer temperatures average in the low to mid-90s F (about 34 °C), while winter temperatures rarely drop below 60 °F (16 °C). The city receives about 36 inches (914 mm) of annual rainfall, which has been inadequate as a water supply for its increasing population and industry. Most of the city's water comes from the Kaveri (Cauvery) River (Kaveri River). The city government has undertaken projects to develop more reservoir lakes in the city and to reuse water.

      Aircraft, railway-coach, and machine-tool installations in the city are run by the federal government, and the state owns plants manufacturing electrical and telephone equipment, porcelain, and soap. Privately owned entities produce pharmaceuticals, textiles (silk), radio parts, glassware, leather and footwear, agricultural implements, paper, and watches. Granite exports are sustained by the large number of quarries in and around the city. Sandalwood products and agarbattis (incense sticks) are also manufactured in Bangalore.

      From the late 20th century the city became a centre of high-technology industry, and a number of large multinational technology corporations opened offices there. In addition, major domestic firms such as Infosys and Wipro established headquarters in the city. In 1998 an information technology park opened in Whitefield, about 10 miles (16 km) from Bangalore. As a self-contained city with hundreds of technology, software, and telecommunications companies, the park is known as the Silicon Valley of India.

      Situated at the focus of southern India's road system, Bangalore lies on the Varanasi-Kanniyakumari National Highway, is connected by major roads with Mumbai and Chennai (Bombay and Madras), and is linked to Kerala state via Mysore, through the Nilgiri Hills and Palghat Gap. It is also a junction for the Southern Railway's broad-gauge line (from Chennai) with an extensive metre-gauge system to the north and west. Hindustan Airport, 5 miles (8 km) east, has flights to Mumbai, Chennai, Mangalore, and Colombo (Sri Lanka). The city has a fairly extensive bus network, and taxis and rickshaws are easily accessible.

      Bangalore University (succeeding a branch of the University of Mysore, founded 1916) was opened in 1964, as was the University of Agricultural Sciences. The city also has several evening colleges and a public library and is the site of the Indian Institute of Science (1909), the Raman Research Institute (1943), the National Aeronautical Research Laboratory (1960), and a division of the National Power Research Institute (1960). Private universities proliferated in the early 21st century. Bangalore is also a centre for publishing (newspapers and periodicals) and is the headquarters of the regional radio broadcasting station.

      The surrounding region is drained by the Arkavati and Kanva rivers, which are tributaries of the Kaveri River. Millet and oilseeds are the main crops, and cattle and sheep are grazed. Pop. (2001) city, 4,301,326; urban agglom., 5,701,456.

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Universalium. 2010.

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