
bandiness, n.
/ban"dee/, v., bandied, bandying, adj., n., pl. bandies.
1. to pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take; trade; exchange: to bandy blows; to bandy words.
2. to throw or strike to and fro or from side to side, as a ball in tennis.
3. to circulate freely: to bandy gossip.
4. (of legs) having a bend or crook outward; bowed: a new method for correcting bandy legs.
5. an early form of tennis.
6. Chiefly Brit. (formerly) hockey or shinny.
7. Obs. a hockey or shinny stick.
[1570-80; perh. < Sp bandear to conduct, bandy, orig. help, serve as member of a band of men. See BAND1]
Syn. 1. reciprocate, interchange, swap, barter.

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winter sport
also called  Banty,  

      a game similar to ice hockey. It is played almost exclusively in the Scandinavian countries, the Baltic countries, and Mongolia. A team is composed of from 8 to 11 players who wear skates and use curved sticks to hit a ball. Rink size varies but is characteristically larger than an ice hockey rink (about 100 by 55 m [109 by 60 yards]). The goalie does not use a stick but, alone among the players, can touch the ball with his hands. There are two halves of 45 minutes each, and play commences at the centre circle. Unlike hockey, no play is allowed behind the goals. Play begins with astroke off,” and each team is confined to its own half of the rink. The use of a ball instead of a flat puck makes bandy faster than hockey. Free strokes are given for penalties, such as for going over the midline. Free substitution is permitted. There are six officials in the game. Bandy originated in England in the late 18th century, and the modern game of ice hockey probably developed from it.

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  • Bandy — is a winter sport, where a ball is hit with a stick. It shares a common ancestry with ice hockey, in that it likely developed from the informal ball and stick on ice games known collectively as shinny. As such, the game is played outdoors on a… …   Wikipedia

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  • bandy — BÁNDY s.n. Hochei pe gheaţă care se practică cu mingea în loc de puc, pe un teren de fotbal. [pron. bendi. / < engl. bandy]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  BANDY BÉNDI/ s. n. joc sportiv, asemănător cu hocheiul pe gheaţă, care …   Dicționar Român

  • bandy — (v.) 1570s, to strike back and forth, from M.Fr. bander, from root of BAND (Cf. band) (2). The sense apparently evolved from join together to oppose, to opposition itself, to exchanging blows, then metaphorically, to volleying in tennis. Bandy (n …   Etymology dictionary

  • Bandy — Ban dy, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Bandied} (b[a^]n d[ e]d); p. pr. & vb. n. {Bandying}.] 1. To beat to and fro, as a ball in playing at bandy. [1913 Webster] Like tennis balls bandied and struck upon us . . . by rackets from without. Cudworth. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bandy — Ban dy, n.; pl. {Bandies} ( d[i^]z). [Cf. F. band[ e], p. p. of bander to bind, to bend (a bow), to bandy, fr. bande. See {Band}, n.] 1. A club bent at the lower part for striking a ball at play; a hockey stick. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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