
/bah'leuh neez", -nees", bal'euh-/, adj., n., pl. Balinese.
1. of or pertaining to Bali, its people, or their language.
2. a native or inhabitant of Bali.
3. the language of Bali, an Indonesian language of the Austronesian family.
[1810-20; < D Balinees, equiv. to Bali BALI + -n- connective + -ees -ESE]

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People of the island of Bali, Indon.

They differ from other Indonesians in adhering to Hinduism, though their culture has been heavily influenced by the Javanese. In Balinese villages each family lives in its own compound, surrounded by earthen or stone walls; all villages have temples and an assembly hall. Balinese religion fuses Hindu Shaivism with Buddhism, ancestor cults (see ancestor worship), and belief in spirits and magic. Marriage is often limited to members of the same kinship organization, and family relationships are reckoned through the male line.

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      people of the island Bali, Indonesia. They differ from other Indonesians in adhering to the Hindu religion, though their culture has been heavily influenced by the Javanese. Their language belongs to the Austronesian (Malayo-Polynesian) linguistic family.

      In the Balinese village each family lives in its own compound, surrounded by earthen or stone walls. The shady courtyard is usually divided into three sections containing, respectively, the rice granaries and cattle sheds, the sleeping quarters and kitchen, and the house temple. The living quarters have walls of clay and roofs of thatch or palm leaves. All villages have temples and an assembly hall, usually located on a square that serves for festivals and markets.

      Balinese life centres upon religion, which is Hindu Śaivism (Shaivism) fused with Buddhism, ancestor cults, and belief in spirits and magic. The Balinese believe in reincarnation, and the dead are cremated in order to liberate their souls for the onward journey.

      Caste practices exist, but, because most of the population belong to the lowest caste, there is little formality among the villagers. As in Java, there are different modes of speech to reflect differences in social rank.

      Each village is a self-contained community, venerating common ancestors and usually subdivided into cooperative societies whose members assist each other in temple maintenance, festivals, and family rites. Family relationships are reckoned through the male line. Marriage is often limited to members of the same dadia, or kinship organization. Rice is the main crop; others include yams, sweet potatoes, cassava, and corn (maize).

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