
balconied, adj.
/bal"keuh nee/, n., pl. balconies.
1. a balustraded or railed elevated platform projecting from the wall of a building.
2. a gallery in a theater.
[1610-20; < It balcone balcony, floor-length window < Langobardic (cf. OHG balc(h)o, acc. sing. balcon beam; see BALK); sense extended from the beam over an aperture to the aperture itself]

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      external extension of an upper floor of a building, enclosed up to a height of about three feet (one metre) by a solid or pierced screen, by balusters (see also balustrade), or by railings. In the medieval and Renaissance periods, balconies were supported by corbels made out of successive courses of stonework, or by large wooden or stone brackets. Since the 19th century, supports of cast iron, reinforced concrete, and other materials have become common.

      The balcony serves to enlarge the living space and range of activities possible in a dwelling without a garden or lawn. In many apartment houses the balcony is partly recessed to provide for both sunshine and shelter or shade. (In Classical architecture a balcony that is fully recessed or covered by its own roof is described as a loggia; [q.v.].) In hot countries a balcony allows a greater movement of air inside the building, as the doors opening onto it are usually louvered.

      From classical Rome to the Victorian period, balconies on public buildings were places from which speeches could be made or crowds exhorted. In Italy, where there are innumerable balconies and loggias, the best known is that at St. Peter's in Rome from which the pope gives his blessing.

      In Islāmic (Islamic arts) countries the faithful are called to prayer from the top balcony of a minaret. In Japanese architecture, based on wooden structures, a balcony is provided around each, or part of each, story.

      Internal balconies, also called galleries, were constructed in Gothic churches to accommodate singers. In larger halls during the Middle Ages they were provided for minstrels. With the Renaissance development of the theatre, balconies with sloped floors, allowing more and more spectators to have a clear view of the stage, were built in the auditorium.

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