
/beuh kil"i deez'/, n.
fl. 5th century B.C., Greek poet.

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Greek lyric poet
born c. 510 BC, Ceos [Cyclades, Greece]
 Greek lyric poet, nephew of the poet Simonides (Simonides of Ceos) and a younger contemporary of the Boeotian poet Pindar, with whom he competed in the composition of epinician (epinicion) poems (odes commissioned by victors at the major athletic festivals).

      The 3rd-century-BC scholars at the great library at Alexandria, Egypt, listed Bacchylides among the canonical nine lyric poets, and they produced an edition of his poems. The poems remained popular until at least the 4th century AD, when the emperor Julian was said by the Latin historian Ammianus Marcellinus to have enjoyed them. The works were lost (except as they were quoted by others) until the discovery of papyrus texts that reached the British Museum in 1896 and were published in 1897. The papyri contained the texts of 21 poems in whole or in part; 14 are epinicia, and the remainder are dithyrambs (dithyramb) (choral songs in honour of Dionysus). Fragments derived from quotations by ancient authors and later papyrus finds include passages from paeans (paean) (hymns in honour of Apollo and other gods) and encomiums (encomium) (songs in honour of distinguished men).

       Hieron I, ruler of Syracuse, commissioned several epinician odes to celebrate his victories in horse and chariot races in 476, 470, and 468 BC. For the first two, Hieron obtained odes from both Bacchylides and Pindar; but for his most prestigious victory, the four-horse chariot race at Olympia in 468, Hieron commissioned an epinicion only from Bacchylides. The victory of Pitheas of Aegina in the pancratium at the Nemean Games was also celebrated by both Pindar (Nemean ode 5) and Bacchylides (ode 13). Ancient scholars took seriously Pindar's remarks about rival poets in the first Pythian ode, concluding that Pindar actively disliked Simonides and Bacchylides; later scholars, however, viewed such remarks as poetic convention more than personal truth.

      Bacchylides, who described himself asthe Caen nightingale,” wrote in a style that was simpler and less sublime than Pindar's. He excelled in narrative, pathos, and clarity of expression. A good example of all three is the encounter of Heracles with the ghost of Meleager in the underworld (ode 5), an episode treated also by Pindar (fragment 249a). Another memorable narrative is the story of the miraculous rescue of Croesus from the burning pyre (ode 3).

      Like his uncle Simonides, Bacchylides wrote dithyrambs for the Dionysian festival at Athensnotably the unique semidramatic ode 18, which takes the form of a dialogue between Theseus's father, Aegeus, and an answering chorus of Athenians. Literary historians differ about the relationship of ode 18 to the development of Attic drama. Older scholars, following statements in Aristotle's Poetics, saw in the dithyramb the foundations of Attic tragedy. Present-day scholars, however, believe that ode 18 was influenced by contemporary Attic drama and that ode 16, "Heracles" or "Deianeira," was influenced by Sophocles' tragedy Trachinian Women. In another dithyramb (ode 17), Bacchylides gives a spirited account of a contest between Minos and Theseus: Theseus dives into the sea to recover a ring that Minos has thrown there as a challenge; Theseus emerges from the water with the ring, dry-haired and surrounded by enthusiastic Naiads. Bacchylides' poetic activity led him to Sicily, Aegina, Thessaly, Macedonia, the Peloponnesus, Athens, and Metapontum. His last dated poems (odes 6 and 7) were composed in 452 BC.

Additional Reading
English translations include Robert Fagles (trans.), Bacchylides: Complete Poems, with introduction and notes by Adam M. Perry, new ed. (1998); and David A. Campbell (ed. and trans.), Greek Lyric IV: Bacchylides, Corinna, and Others (1992), which offers the Greek text on facing pages. Among the few useful studies in English are Anne Pippin Burnett, The Art of Bacchylides (1985); and David Fearn, Bacchylides: Politics, Performance, Poetic Tradition (2007). Broader treatments that include significant discussion of Bacchylides are Charles Segal, Aglaia: The Poetry of Alcman, Sappho, Pindar, Bacchylides, and Corinna (1998); and G.O. Hutchinson, Greek Lyric Poetry: A Commentary on Selected Larger Pieces (2001). Important essays are collected in Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer and Simon R. Slings (eds.), One Hundred Years of Bacchylides: Proceedings of a Colloquium Held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (1999).

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