
/av'euh kah"doh, ah'veuh-/, n., pl. avocados.
1. Also called alligator pear. a large, usually pear-shaped fruit having green to blackish skin, a single large seed, and soft, light-green pulp, borne by the tropical American tree Persea americana and its variety P. adrymifolia, often eaten raw, esp. in salads.
2. the tree itself.
[1690-1700; alter. of Sp abogado lit., lawyer (see ADVOCATE), by confusion with MexSp aguacate < Nahuatl ahuacatl avocado, testicle; cf. ALLIGATOR PEAR]

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Fruit of Persea americana, of the laurel family, a tree native to the Western Hemisphere from Mexico south to the Andean regions.

Avocados are extremely variable in shape, size, and colour (green to dark purple). The outer skin may be thin, or coarse and woody. The greenish or yellowish flesh has a buttery consistency and a rich, nutty flavour. In some varieties the flesh contains as much as 25% unsaturated oil. Avocados are the principal ingredient of the Mexican sauce guacamole. They provide thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin A.

Avocado (Persea americana).

S.A. Scibor

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also called  Alligator Pear,  
 fruit of Persea americana of the family Lauraceae, a tree native to the Western Hemisphere from Mexico south to the Andean regions. The tree, tall or spreading, has leaves elliptic to egg-shaped in form and 100300 mm (412 inches) in length. The small, greenish flowers, borne in dense racemes, are devoid of petals and have six perianth lobes, nine stamens arranged in three series, and a one-celled ovary. The fruit is exceedingly variable in shape, size, and colour, with certain Mexican races no larger than hen's eggs and those of other races sometimes 1 to 2 kg (2 to 4 pounds) in weight. The form varies from round to pear-shaped with a long, slender neck, and the colour ranges from green to dark purple. The single large seed, with two cotyledons, is round to conical. The fruit's outer skin is sometimes no thicker than that of an apple and sometimes is coarse and woody in texture. It protects the greenish or yellowish flesh, buttery in consistency and with a rich, nutty flavour. In some varieties the flesh contains as much as 25 percent of unsaturated oil. It is often eaten in salads, whence the name salad fruit. Mashed avocado is the principal ingredient of guacamole, a characteristic sauce in Mexican cuisine. Avocados provide thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin A.

      Avocados were widely cultivated in tropical America as individual seedling trees before the Spanish conquest but did not receive serious horticultural attention until about 1900, when horticulturists found that production of grafted trees was simple and allowed perpetuation of superior seedlings and the establishment of orchards.

      Flourishing industries developed in Florida and California, in South Africa, and on a somewhat smaller scale in Chile, Brazil, Hawaii, Australia, and some islands of the Pacific. Mexico, where avocados are extremely popular, produces large quantities annually; commercial plantings have been made in Israel, and there are numerous trees in other countries around the Mediterranean.

      Horticulturally, avocados are divided into the Mexican, West Indian, and Guatemalan races. The Mexican, considered a distinct species, Persea drymifolia, by some botanists, is native to Mexico and is characterized by the anise-like odour of the leaves and by small (90240 g [38 ounces]), thin-skinned fruits of rich flavour and excellent quality. Mexican avocados are the hardiest, valuable in regions too cold for other types. The Guatemalan, native to the highlands of Central America, is slightly less frost-resistant than the Mexican and produces fruits of medium to large size (2401000 g), characterized by thick, woody skins and a ripening season different from that of the others. Cultivation of the West Indian, the most tropical in character, is limited in the United States to southern Florida.

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