- autotelic
—autotelism, n.(of an entity or event) having within itself the purpose of its existence or happening. Cf. heterotelic.[1900-05; AUTO-1 + TELIC]
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Autotelic — is defined by Webster s dictionary as having a purpose in and not apart from itself Etymology: Greek autotelēs, from aut + telos, meaning self and goal.The Oxford English Dictionary cites its earliest use as 1901 (Baldwin, Dictionary of… … Wikipedia
autotelic — AUTOTÉLIC, Ă, autotelici, ce, adj. (fil.) Care conţine în sine scopul; cu finalitate lăuntrică. [pr.: a u ] – Din fr. autotélique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 02.12.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 autotélic adj. m. (sil. a u ), pl. autotélici; … Dicționar Român
autotelic — adj. 1. of or pertaining to autotelism. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
autotelic — [ôt΄ōtel′ik] adj. [< Gr autotelēs, complete in itself (see AUTO & TELEOLOGY) + IC] having an end in itself; engaged in for its own sake, as some creative art autotelism n … English World dictionary
autotelic — adjective Etymology: Greek autotelēs, from aut + telos end more at telos Date: circa 1901 having a purpose in and not apart from itself … New Collegiate Dictionary
autotelic — adjective a) An entity or event has within itself its own meaning or purpose. b) In literature or art, a work, having been created, that is self justifying. Poems with a unified rhetorical device to frame the poem in a singular idea. See Also:… … Wiktionary
autotelic — Denoting those traits closely associated with the central purposes of an individual. [auto + G. telos, end, completeness, purpose] … Medical dictionary
autotelic — adj. contains within it the purpose of existence (Philosophy) … English contemporary dictionary
autotelic — [ˌɔ:tə(ʊ) tɛlɪk] adjective (of an activity or a creative work) having an end or purpose in itself. Origin early 20th cent.: from auto 1 + Gk telos end + ic … English new terms dictionary
autotelic — au·to·tel·ic … English syllables