
/aw"teuh mat'/, Trademark.
a type of self-service restaurant in which customers obtain food from small compartments by depositing the required number of coins in slots so that the doors can be opened.

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▪ American cafeteria chain
in full  Horn & Hardart Automat 

      any of a chain of cafeterias in New York City and Philadelphia, where low-priced prepared food and beverages were obtained, especially from coin-operated compartments.

      Joseph V. Horn and Frank Hardart opened their first lunchroom in Philadelphia in 1888, and ten years later they incorporated the business as a commissary and catering service. In 1902 they opened their first Automat at 818 Chestnut Street in Philadelphia, employing “waiterless restaurant” equipment that they had imported from Berlin (where a local “Automat” restaurant had proved successful). The first New York City Horn & Hardart Automat opened in 1912 on Times Square. In 1924 the company opened the first take-out stores, selling prepackaged Automat food. Automats flourished in the first half of the 20th century, but their profitability gradually declined, and the last remaining one, at 200 East 42nd Street in New York City, closed its doors on April 9, 1991.

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