
/aw ree"lee euhn, aw reel"yeuhn/, n. (Lucius Domitius Aurelianus)
A.D. 212?-275, Roman emperor 270-275.

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Latin Lucius Domitius Aurelianus

born с 215
died 275, near Byzantium

Roman emperor AD 27075.

Probably from the Balkans, he became emperor after Claudius II's death and the brief reign of Claudius's brother. He reunited the empire and restored Roman power in Europe, turning back invaders and quelling revolts, securing provinces in the east and defeating the Germans to the north, for which he took the title restitutor orbis ("restorer of the world"). He built a new wall around Rome and increased food distribution to the poor, but his monetary and religious reforms failed. While marching to Persia, he was slain by a group of officers who mistakenly believed they had been marked for execution.

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Roman emperor
Latin in full  Lucius Domitius Aurelianus  
born c. 215
died 275, near Byzantium [now Istanbul, Turkey]

      Roman emperor from 270 to 275. By reuniting the empire, which had virtually disintegrated under the pressure of invasions and internal revolts, he earned his self-adopted title restitutor orbis (“restorer of the world”).

      Aurelian, born near the Danube River, had established himself as an army officer when, about 260, from outside pressure and internal fragmentation of authority, the frontiers of the empire suddenly collapsed. With his compatriot Claudius, Aurelian led the cavalry of the emperor Gallienus (253268), and, upon Gallienus's assassination in 268, Claudius became emperor. The new ruler quickly suppressed the rebellion of the usurper Aureolus, but, after a reign of 18 months, Claudius died. His brother Quintillus, who ruled about three months, died or was killed, and in September 270 Aurelian succeeded as emperor.

      Aurelian quickly set about restoring Roman authority in Europe. He turned back the Vandals (Vandal) from Pannonia (in present-day central Europe) and after a series of battles expelled the Alemanni and Juthungi from northern Italy and chased the Juthungi across the Danube. Returning to Rome, he quelled a revolt at the imperial mint. For protection against tribal incursions, the emperor ordered the construction of a new city wall around Rome, much of which still stands and still bears his name.

      In 271 he sought to recover the eastern provinces, which for 10 years had obeyed the rule of the princes of Palmyra. He besieged Palmyra and captured Septimia Zenobia (Zenobia), regent for her young son Wahballat (called Vaballathus in Latin); shortly afterward the capital surrendered. Aurelian then marched to the Danube, where he defeated the Carpi. When Palmyra revolted a second time in 273, Aurelian recaptured and destroyed the city.

      In 274 he returned west to confront Tetricus (Tetricus, Gaius Pius Esuvius), the rival emperor, who controlled Gaul, Spain, and Britain. Beset by a German invasion and by internal conspiracies, Tetricus concluded a secret treaty with Aurelian, deserting to him at the Battle of Châlons. The leaderless army of the Rhine was swiftly defeated, and Tetricus was rewarded with the governorship of Lucania but only after marching in Aurelian's triumph alongside Zenobia. Thus the vast empire was again ruled by a central authority. In 274, with the empire temporarily united, Aurelian made the momentous decision to withdraw Roman troops from Dacia and resettle soldiers and settlers south of the Danube. He understood that defensible boundaries were essential for the long-term survival of the empire.

      Aurelian was an outstanding general and a severe and uncompromising administrator. By increasing the distribution of free food at Rome, he did more for the plebeians than almost any other emperor. His attempt to reform the silver coinage, debased for more than 40 years, met with only limited success. He sought to subordinate the divergent religions of the empire to the cult of the Unconquered Sun (Sol Invictus) and so create the kind of religious unity that came only later with Constantine (Constantine I).

      Early in 275, while marching to open a campaign against Persia, Aurelian was murdered by a group of officers who had allegedly been misled by his secretary into believing themselves marked for execution. The government was continued in the name of Aurelian's widow, Ulpia Severina, until, after six months, the Senate appointed the elderly Marcus Claudius Tacitus to the throne. The empire remained divided and chaotic until Diocletian's ascension (AD 284).

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