
/awr'euhl awr"euhl, awr'euhl ohr"-/, adj.

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  • aural - oral — ◊ aural Aural means relating to your ears and your sense of hearing . Aural is pronounced or . I have used written and aural material. ◊ oral Oral means relating to your mouth . It also describes things that involve speaking rather than writing …   Useful english dictionary

  • aural-oral — /awr euhl awr euhl, awr euhl ohr /, adj. audio lingual …   Useful english dictionary

  • Aural Rehabilitation — is the process of identifying and diagnosing a hearing loss, providing different types of therapies to clients who are hearing impaired, and implementing different amplification devices to aid the client’s hearing abilities. Aural rehab includes… …   Wikipedia

  • aural — aural, oral Aural means ‘to do with the ear’ (from Latin auris ear) and oral means ‘to do with the mouth’ (from Latin os, oris mouth). An oral examination is one done by speaking rather than by writing; an aural examination is a medical… …   Modern English usage

  • oral — aural, oral Aural means ‘to do with the ear’ (from Latin auris ear) and oral means ‘to do with the mouth’ (from Latin os, oris mouth). An oral examination is one done by speaking rather than by writing; an aural examination is a medical… …   Modern English usage

  • oral, verbal, aural — Oral means spoken rather than written and of or pertaining to the mouth. Verbal means associated with words. Verbal can and does refer to what is written; oral does not. Be careful in using oral and verbal with words like agreement, promise, and… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Oral history — is the collection and study of historical information about individuals, families, important events, or everyday life using audiotapes, videotapes, or transcriptions of planned interviews. These interviews are conducted with people who… …   Wikipedia

  • aural — oral …   American English homophones

  • oral — aural …   American English homophones

  • aural — oral …   English homophone dictionary

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