
/aw"jee euhs, aw jee"euhs/, n.
king of the Epeans in Elis and one of the Argonauts. Cf. Augean stables.

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also spelled  Augeias  or  Augias 

      in Greek legend, king of the Epeians in Elis, a son of the sun-god Helios. He possessed an immense wealth of herds, and King Eurystheus imposed upon the Greek hero Heracles the task of clearing out all of Augeas's stables unaided in one day. Heracles did so by turning the Alpheus (or Peneus) River (or both) through them. Although Augeas had promised Heracles a tenth of the herd, he later refused, alleging that Heracles had acted only in the service of Eurystheus. Heracles thereupon led an army against him and slew Augeas and his sons. The story is found in literature as early as Homer's Iliad, but the first artistic representation is on a metope of the 5th-century-BC temple of Zeus at Olympia.

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