
/aw"dee euhn, -on'/, n. Electronics.
an early type of triode.
[formerly a trademark]

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Elementary radio tube developed by Lee De Forest (patented 1907).

It was the first triode vacuum tube, incorporating a control grid as well as a cathode and an anode. It was capable of more sensitive reception of wireless signals than were the electrolytic and Carborundum detectors then in use. The Audion made possible live radio broadcasting and became the key component of all radio, telephone, radar, television, and computer systems before the invention of the transistor.

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      elementary form of radio tube developed in 1906 (patented 1907) by Lee De Forest (De Forest, Lee) of the United States. It was the first vacuum tube in which a control grid (in the form of a bent wire) was added between the anode plate and the cathode filament. The control grid enabled De Forest to modulate the current between the filament and the plate, producing the first successful electronic amplifier. With the development of multigrid tubes in the 1920s, the generic term audion fell into disuse and was replaced by more descriptive terminology. See also triode, tetrode, and pentode.

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