
/oh"beuh seuhn, -sawonn'/; Fr. /oh byuu sawonn"/, n.
an ornate rug constructed in a flat tapestry weave, often in pastel colors.
[1960-65; after Aubusson, town in central France where made]

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      town, Creuse département, Limousin région, central France, on the Creuse River near the northern edge of the Plateau de Millevaches (highest part of the Monts du Limousin), northeast of Limoges. In the Middle Ages it was the seat of a viscounty from whose rulers descended Pierre d'Aubusson, grand master of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, defender of Rhodes against the Turks.

      Since at least the 16th century, Aubusson has been famed for its manufacture of carpets and tapestries (see Aubusson carpet). A national school of decorative arts founded in 1869 maintains high standards of hand looming, still the principal occupation of the town. Other small industries include the manufacture of agricultural machinery and office equipment. Aubusson acts as a market town for the surrounding rural area. Pop. (1999) 4,662; (2008 prelim.) 4,239.

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Universalium. 2010.

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