- at
1. (used to indicate a point or place occupied in space); in, on, or near: to stand at the door; at the bottom of the barrel.2. (used to indicate a location or position, as in time, on a scale, or in order): at zero; at noon; at age 65; at the end; at the lowest point.6. (used to indicate occupation or involvement): at work; at play.7. (used to indicate a state or condition): at ease; at peace.8. (used to indicate a cause or source): She was annoyed at his stupidity.9. (used to indicate a method or manner): He spoke at length.10. (used to indicate relative quality or value): at one's best; at cost.11. be at (someone), to be sexually aggressive toward (a person): She's pregnant again because he's at her morning, noon, and night.12. where it's at, Informal. the place where the most interesting or exciting things happen: Emma says that Rome is definitely where it's at now.[bef. 900; ME; OE aet; c. OFris et, ON, OS, Goth at, OHG az, L, Old Welsh, Old Breton ad, Gk a- ( < a pre-Hellenic IE substratum language), Oscan, OIr, Gaulish, Phrygian ad-]at2/aht, at/, n.a money of account of Laos, the 100th part of a kip.[1950-55; < Lao; cf. Thai àt formerly, a copper coin worth one eighth of a füang, ult. < Pali attha EIGHT]
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Universalium. 2010.