
/euh sump"sheuhn/, n.
1. something taken for granted; a supposition: a correct assumption.
2. the act of taking for granted or supposing.
3. the act of taking to or upon oneself.
4. the act of taking possession of something: the assumption of power.
5. arrogance; presumption.
6. the taking over of another's debts or obligations.
7. Eccles.
a. (often cap.) the bodily taking up into heaven of the Virgin Mary.
b. (cap.) a feast commemorating this, celebrated on August 15.
[1250-1300; ME assumpcioun, assompcioun, assumsion < L assumption- (s. of assumptio), equiv. to assumpt(us) taken up (ptp. of assumere; see ASSUME) + -ion- -ION]
Syn. 1, 2. presupposition. 1. hypothesis, conjecture, guess, postulate, theory. 3. presumption. 5. effrontery, forwardness.

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 in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic theology, the notion or (in Roman Catholicism) the doctrine that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was taken (assumed) into heaven, body and soul, following the end of her life on Earth. There is no mention of the Assumption in the New Testament, although various texts are frequently adduced to demonstrate the appropriateness of the doctrine, the imagery of which is related to the Ascension of Jesus into heaven. Theologically, the doctrine means that Mary's redemption involved a glorification of her complete personality and anticipated the state promised to the rest of humankind.

      The doctrine's development is closely related to a feast devoted to Mary that passed from a general celebration in her honour to one celebrated on August 15 commemorating her dormition, or falling asleep. The feast, which originated in the Byzantine Empire, was brought to the West, where the term Assumption replaced the earlier title to reflect increased emphasis on the glorification of Mary's body as well as her soul. Although the dormition of Mary had been a frequent iconographic theme in the East, the theme of the Assumption was less prevalent there. An unwillingness to accept apocryphal (noncanonical and unauthentic) accounts of the Assumption caused some hesitation, but by the end of the European Middle Ages there had been a general acceptance of the notion in both the East and the West.

      The doctrine was declared dogma for Roman Catholics by Pope Pius XII in the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus on Nov. 1, 1950. The Assumption is not considered a revealed doctrine among the Eastern Orthodox (Eastern Orthodoxy) and is considered an obstacle to ecumenical dialogue by many Protestants.

      The Assumption as a theme in Christian art originated in western Europe during the late Middle Agesa period when devotion to the Virgin Mary was growing in importance. Since the 13th century the Assumption has been widely represented in church decoration, and during the Renaissance and Baroque periods it became a popular subject for altarpieces. Characteristic representations of the Assumption show the Virgin, in an attitude of prayer and supported by angels, ascending above her open tomb, around which the Apostles stand in amazement. Until the end of the 15th century, she is represented surrounded by a mandorla, or almond-shaped aureole; in the 16th century the mandorla was replaced by a cluster of clouds. The basic iconography of the theme, however, remained standard until its decline at the end of the 17th century.

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