
assumer, n.
/euh soohm"/, v.t., assumed, assuming.
1. to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit: to assume that everyone wants peace.
2. to take upon oneself; undertake: to assume an obligation.
3. to take over the duties or responsibilities of: to assume the office of treasurer.
4. to take on (a particular character, quality, mode of life, etc.); adopt: He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.
5. to take on; be invested or endowed with: The situation assumed a threatening character.
6. to pretend to have or be; feign: to assume a humble manner.
7. to appropriate or arrogate; seize; usurp: to assume a right to oneself; to assume control.
8. to take upon oneself (the debts or obligations of another).
9. Archaic. to take into relation or association; adopt.
10. to take something for granted; presume.
[1400-50; late ME ( < AF assumer) < L assumere to take to, adopt, equiv. to as- AS- + sumere to take up; see CONSUME]
Syn. 1. presuppose. 6. See pretend.

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