
/a spay"sheuh, -zheuh/, n.
c470-410 B.C., Athenian courtesan, mistress of Pericles.

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flourished 5th century BC

Mistress of Pericles and a vivid figure in Athenian society.

Originally from Miletus, she lived with Pericles from с 445 BC until his death in 429. Because she was not a citizen, their son was initially denied civic rights. Though an intellectual admired by Socrates, she endured public attacks, especially in comic theatre, for her private life and her supposed influence on Pericles' foreign policy.

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▪ mistress of Pericles

flourished 5th century BC

      mistress of the Athenian statesman Pericles and a vivid figure in Athenian society. Although Aspasia came from the Greek Anatolian city of Miletus and was not a citizen of Athens, she lived with Pericles from about 445 until his death in 429. Because a law sponsored by Pericles in 451 required that for a person to be a citizen both parents must be citizens, their son, also named Pericles, was long excluded from civic participation. He was eventually made a citizen by special enactment and later became a general.

      Aspasia was continually made the object of public attacks—particularly from the comedic stage—criticizing her private life and public influence. She was irresponsibly accused of urging Pericles to crush the island of Samos, Miletus' old rival, and to provoke war with Sparta. The Socratic philosopher Aeschines treated her more kindly in a dialogue bearing her name. Shortly before the Peloponnesian War she was acquitted of a charge of impiety.

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