
/ah sear"/, n.
a district in SW Saudi Arabia.

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Arabic  ʿasīr 

      (“Difficult Country”), region of southwestern Saudi Arabia immediately north of Yemen. Asir consists of about 40,000 square miles (100,000 square km) of Red Sea coastal plains, high mountains, and the upper valleys of the wadis (seasonal watercourses) Bīshah and Tathlīth.

      Asir was long a prosperous agricultural region under the protection of the ʿAbbāsid caliphs of Baghdad and the control of the Zaydī rulers of Yemen. It broke away from foreign domination in the 18th century only to be occupied again in 1872, this time by the Ottomans. During World War I a revolt brought a local leader, Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Idrīsī, to power. After his death in March 1923, the sheikhdom came under increasing pressure from Yemen. In an effort to thwart Yemeni designs, Sheikh Hasan ibn ʿAlī surrendered his external sovereignty in March 1926 to King Ibn Saʿūd, who four years later assimilated Asir into his kingdom.

      Asir, which receives up to 20 inches (500 mm) of rain annually, has one of the kingdom's wetterand more temperateclimates and is an important agricultural region. Its crops, most of which are cultivated on steeply terraced mountainsides, include wheat, coffee, cotton, indigo, ginger, vegetables, and palms. Apart from agriculture, the economy is supported by the raising of cattle, sheep, goats, and camels throughout the region. The Asir mountains contain deposits, as yet unexploited, of nickel, copper, and zinc. Ancient qasaba (“towers”) found in the province were used as lookouts or granaries. The region's main towns include Abhā and Khamīs Mushayṭ.

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Universalium. 2010.

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