
aryballoid, adj.
/ar'euh bal"euhs/, n., pl. aryballoi /-bal"oy/. Gk. and Rom. Antiq.
an oil jar, characterized by a spherical body, flat-rimmed mouth, and often a single handle extending from the lip to the shoulder of the jar, used chiefly for fragrant ointments. Cf. alabastron, askos, lekythos.
[1840-50; < Gk arýballos a draw-purse, equiv. to arý(ein) to draw + -ballos, akin to ballántion purse]

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  small, narrow-necked, spherical or globular Greek (Greek pottery) vase. Commonly used as a scent or oil bottle, particularly by athletes at the baths, the aryballos derives from the globular wine pourer (oinochoe) of the Geometric style (9th century BC), evolving its distinctive shape in the early Proto-Corinthian style (8th century BC). From the many aryballoi that have been found dating from the late 8th and 7th centuries BC, an evolution can be traced from a round to an ovoid shape, then to a pointed, top-heavy version, and finally to a round shape; the round, Corinthian type has a broad, disklike mouth, often nearly matching the circumference of the flask, and one small handle. Later aryballoi have a bell-shaped mouth, two handles with slight projections at the bases, and a flat bottom.

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